Investigation into Joe Biden hits too close to home for the Swamp

Watching the Biden family enrich themselves is symbolic of how the entire Swamp does the same thing.

This exchange with AOC and an eyewitness of the criminal past of the Biden family is a taste of how scared they are of this line of questioning. They hardly let the man talk.

Shortly after the event, a democrat made a quick demand to vote yes or no for impeachment, stating he won't sit around and let taxpayers waste any more money on the investigation into the Biden family.

That's right everyone, for the for time in US history the US Congress is concerned about spending money.

Meanwhile, they spent $30 million of taxpayer money going after Trump regarding Russian collusion that went nowhere.

Naturally, the GOP is probably sweating bullets as much as the democrats are on this one which is why there is no real unity within the GOP to do this.
Tony Fatass Bobo wasn't eyewitness to dick shit. He couldn't mention anything is his very poor testimony last week or in anything for the past 4 years.

The maga fuckup party has nothing to show for 16 months of "investigation" other than tony's fatass claiming his bullshit doesn't stink.
"just grab em by the pussy" sweetheart
they let you grab em by the pussy

sweetheart? you dont realize that my avatar is a record label? You dont see that you are wrong about my gender than how can you see you are wrong about what Trump said
No, that is not it all, Trump never bragged on tape, about sexually assaulting women.

Trump has a mountain of lies being poured onto him, that is all.
It’s on tape.

I heard the tape myself. So did the jury.
Anyone with an ounce of respect for women knows what he said.
Democrats do not respect women.

First, we have that thing where Democrats let Men compete against Women

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