Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win

... 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win... Does a poor child CHOOSE to be born into a poor family in a poor neighborhood...
...we're talking about 99.5% of America today. That's over 310 million people. Today. That's not the depression era family from 70 years ago, and it's certainly not that starving child in Indonesia. We're talking about 99.5% of America. Unless of course you've changed the thread topic without telling anyone.
I was talking about the vast majority of poor people...
Ah, so we're no longer talking about that goofy idea of 99.5% of America not being able to win. Good. We need to agree that the vast majority of the U.S. --maybe even 99.5% of America-- are fully capable of attaining their goals. We can also agree that there is a small minority of Americans that are poor through no fault of their own and those of us in the overwhelming successful majority do have a number of very good reasons to help them out.

And we do.
...we're talking about 99.5% of America today. That's over 310 million people. Today. That's not the depression era family from 70 years ago, and it's certainly not that starving child in Indonesia. We're talking about 99.5% of America. Unless of course you've changed the thread topic without telling anyone.
I was talking about the vast majority of poor people...
Ah, so we're no longer talking about that goofy idea of 99.5% of America not being able to win. Good. We need to agree that the vast majority of the U.S. --maybe even 99.5% of America-- are fully capable of attaining their goals. We can also agree that there is a small minority of Americans that are poor through no fault of their own and those of us in the overwhelming successful majority do have a number of very good reasons to help them out.

And we do.

I wasn't talking about winning and losing to begin with. If that is the route you care to go, I'd say that there are as many (as human beings) losers who are rich (maybe slightly more) than there are who are poor. And I don't agree that 99.5% of any population is "fully capable" of attaining their goals. If you have some empiric evidence that that is the case, let's see it.

I also do not agree that there is a small minority of poor people in this country, since it goes completely counter to data put out by the U.S. Census department. 17 million poor American children go to bed hungry every night. That alone is not a small minority.
I wasn't talking about winning and losing to begin with.
You started a thread titled "Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win"

17 million poor American children go to bed hungry every night. That alone is not a small minority.

Hunger Facts | Feeding America

What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%

Of those ten states, nine are red states, while only one is a blue state.
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And it's impossible for them to make a little extra money right?

That's your problem. You'll look for any excuse why your failures are someone else's fault.

$100 extra dollars a week can be earned by anyone if they want to. They just don't want to.

Obviously 45 years ago you could have saved less. But since we cannot save in the past but only in the present I don't see your point. Moving forward as one makes more one can save more as the value of the dollar diminishes

Invested money is not removed from the economy. If you buy stocks what do you think the company selling the stock does with the money?

Such fiscal austerity, in most cases, would mean that you would have to forego childbearing. Raising children is the single most substantial spending driver most people would ever experience; good luck having a future economy with no children to replenish the labor force.

Saving 400 a month means you can't have kids? You can't be serious. Here's a thought put off having kids until you are in the financial position to afford them.

And here's some food for thought

How a Family of Four Manages to Live Well on Just $14,000 Per Year - Yahoo Finance Customer Reviews: America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams

If they can do it why can't anyone else?

Wow. You really didn't comprehend ANY of that, did you?
Of course it's a choice.

One can remain poor or one can improve his position.

It really is that simple. Not easy mind you but simple nonetheless.

Have you ever taken graduate-level economics classes? The truth about "success" has very little to do with purely hard work--many people work very, very hard. Wealth almost always is the result of (1) inheritance of land, property, position, or cash; (2) a very fortunate set of available "contacts"'; (3) purely unrepeatable and unpredictable luck; and/or (3) crime.

Define wealth. Are you using some arbitrary net worth number like the 10 million in the article?

I didn't inherit anything, I didn't know any powerful influential people, I didn't win the lottery or steal from anyone.

I never graduated HS never went to college yet I am now 42, don't have to work ever again if I don't want to and my income will go up over the next 5 years without doing anything.

Am I wealthy? I don't know. I do know that what you do with your money is actually more important than how much you make and if you need to make more you can.

Yeah. And since this is the Internets, I'm the King of Siam.
Have you ever taken graduate-level economics classes? The truth about "success" has very little to do with purely hard work--many people work very, very hard. Wealth almost always is the result of (1) inheritance of land, property, position, or cash; (2) a very fortunate set of available "contacts"'; (3) purely unrepeatable and unpredictable luck; and/or (3) crime.

Define wealth. Are you using some arbitrary net worth number like the 10 million in the article?

I didn't inherit anything, I didn't know any powerful influential people, I didn't win the lottery or steal from anyone.

I never graduated HS never went to college yet I am now 42, don't have to work ever again if I don't want to and my income will go up over the next 5 years without doing anything.

Am I wealthy? I don't know. I do know that what you do with your money is actually more important than how much you make and if you need to make more you can.

Yeah. And since this is the Internets, I'm the King of Siam.

Believe it or not I don't give a shit.

I believe you are sitting in your Mama's basement jerking off.
I wasn't talking about winning and losing to begin with.
You started a thread titled "Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win"

17 million poor American children go to bed hungry every night. That alone is not a small minority.

Hunger Facts | Feeding America

What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%

Of those ten states, nine are red states, while only one is a blue state.

How does that prove anyone is going to bed hungry?

And missing a meal once in a while is no big deal.
What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%
Food insecure = Food insecurity, on the other hand, is a situation of "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways", according to the United States Department of Agriculture

Statistics on that term do not support your claim of 17 million American children going to bed hungry every night.
What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%
Food insecure = Food insecurity, on the other hand, is a situation of "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways", according to the United States Department of Agriculture

Statistics on that term do not support your claim of 17 million American children going to bed hungry every night.

The Problem | No Kid Hungry | End Child Hunger in America

Of course, none of these facts matters to you, since you conservatives don't really give a shit what happens to anyone but yourselves.
What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%
Food insecure = Food insecurity, on the other hand, is a situation of "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways", according to the United States Department of Agriculture

Statistics on that term do not support your claim of 17 million American children going to bed hungry every night.

The Problem | No Kid Hungry | End Child Hunger in America

Of course, none of these facts matters to you, since you conservatives don't really give a shit what happens to anyone but yourselves.

The US government decided to tweak the names of its definitions back in 2005-2006-ish. This effectively eliminated any and all references to hunger, which is why we now have terms like ‘food insecurity’. However, this hasn’t changed what’s being measured. Food insecurity, in its original context, at various time periods during a given year, means that the food intake of households was decreased and their eating patterns were affected due to not having enough $$$$ or resources to acquire food. This means people, by definition, are hungry.

It’s rather pathetic that 17 million people are hungry….oh wait ‘food insecure’ in the United States. It represents our failure as a society and our public policies. We’re the wealthiest nation in the world, but our social policies and priorities are upside down. Pathetic.
Statistics on that term do not support your claim of 17 million American children going to bed hungry every night.
The Problem | No Kid Hungry | End Child Hunger in America...
From the link:
...16 million kids in America aren't getting the food they need.
--and from googling 'food insecurity'
food insecurity
Web definitions

Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. A household is considered food-secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. The USDA estimates that nearly 9 out of 10 U.S households were food secure throughout 2005. ...
Food security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe the problem of getting a precise read on the number of FI people has to do with quantifying 'fear of starvation'. I mean I think starvation is something bad enough that we all should be afraid of it, although I personally would not demand tax supported government assistance just to make me feel better about something that's not happening.
I wasn't talking about winning and losing to begin with.
You started a thread titled "Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win"

17 million poor American children go to bed hungry every night. That alone is not a small minority.

Hunger Facts | Feeding America

What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%

Of those ten states, nine are red states, while only one is a blue state.
And every one of them have a higher than average minority population
And, Ohio and Nevada are blue. That's 4 of the 10.
Facts? All I've seen from you are spamming links to organizations who's existence (and salaries) rely on there being a hunger problem to fight, and interpreting "food insecure" to mean starving when it can mean a lot of other things.

since you conservatives don't really give a shit what happens to anyone but yourselves.
Let me guess your contribution to the world's problems is posting on a message board. Thanks, you are a hero to a generation.
Facts? All I've seen from you are spamming links to organizations who's existence (and salaries) rely on there being a hunger problem to fight, and interpreting "food insecure" to mean starving when it can mean a lot of other things.

since you conservatives don't really give a shit what happens to anyone but yourselves.
Let me guess your contribution to the world's problems is posting on a message board. Thanks, you are a hero to a generation.

So you are telling us that you don't believe that hunger exists in this country? Really?
Statistics on that term do not support your claim of 17 million American children going to bed hungry every night.
The Problem | No Kid Hungry | End Child Hunger in America...
From the link:
...16 million kids in America aren't getting the food they need.
--and from googling 'food insecurity'

food insecurity
Web definitions

Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. A household is considered food-secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. The USDA estimates that nearly 9 out of 10 U.S households were food secure throughout 2005. ...
Food security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe the problem of getting a precise read on the number of FI people has to do with quantifying 'fear of starvation'. I mean I think starvation is something bad enough that we all should be afraid of it, although I personally would not demand tax supported government assistance just to make me feel better about something that's not happening.

So just to be clear, you don't believe that hunger is a serious problem in this country?
You started a thread titled "Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win"


Hunger Facts | Feeding America

What is telling from the statistics they present is this:

Ten states exhibited statistically significant higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average 2000-2012:

United States 14.7%
Mississippi 20.9%
Arkansas 19.7%
Texas 18.4%
Alabama 17.9%
North Carolina 17.0%
Georgia 16.9%
Missouri 16.7%
Nevada 16.6%
Ohio 16.1%
California 15.6%

Of those ten states, nine are red states, while only one is a blue state.
And every one of them have a higher than average minority population
And, Ohio and Nevada are blue. That's 4 of the 10.

According to this map:


Nevada and Ohio are neither red nor blue, but have equal mounts of representatives from each party. The fact that only one is a blue state still stands.
you don't believe that hunger is a serious problem in this country?
Hunger is definitely a serious problem to be avoided. We're together on that. We also need to understand that over eating is a serious problem that affects Americans more than hunger does. From the U.S. Federal Government Center for Disease Control:

Obesity and Overweight

(Data are for the U.S.)

  • Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are obese: 35.9% (2009-2010)
  • Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are overweight, including obesity: 69.2% (2009-2010)

Source: Health, United States, 2012, table 63 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 9.8 MB]

  • Percent of adolescents age 12-19 years who are obese: 18.4% (2009-2010)
  • Percent of children age 6-11 years who are obese: 18.0% (2009-2010)
  • Percent of children age 2-5 years who are obese: 12.1% (2009-2010)

Source: Prevalence of Obesity in the United States, 2009–2010
America has lots of blessings and lots of problems. We need to remember and be grateful for the blessings and we need to understand which problems are more serious than others.
From the link:
...16 million kids in America aren't getting the food they need.
--and from googling 'food insecurity'

food insecurity
Web definitions

Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. A household is considered food-secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. The USDA estimates that nearly 9 out of 10 U.S households were food secure throughout 2005. ...
Food security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe the problem of getting a precise read on the number of FI people has to do with quantifying 'fear of starvation'. I mean I think starvation is something bad enough that we all should be afraid of it, although I personally would not demand tax supported government assistance just to make me feel better about something that's not happening.

So just to be clear, you don't believe that hunger is a serious problem in this country?

It's not.

We are one of the fattest countries in the world.

As I said missing a meal once in a while is no big deal.

And how did the topic get changed to hunger? Did you realize the original topic was a bust?

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