Iowa Republican ready to take up arms against her country

no, that's exactly what she said.
so if the government takes her house under imminent domain, would that be the government deciding that her rights weren't important?
see, we have her stating that it's okay to use guns against the government if the government feels your rights aren't important. what we don't have from her is what she believes that would mean.

either way, to the cliven bundys out there, this is exactly what they want to hear. it's validation for their armed resistance to the government. tell me how encouraging that kind of behavior is responsible

"I believe in the right to defend myself and my family"

YOU are adding all of this into it, all she said was defend.
are you purposefully ignoring that she said she would use her gun against the government if it decided her rights were not important? if you aren't, what type of scenario do you think she had in mind when she said that?

Not sure why you find that so alarming. It is the purpose of the 2nd amendment after all.
because in our modern times, with the multiple options for recourse available to us, taking up arms against the government is unacceptable.

No it's not. When politicians are no longer to be trusted to follow the Constitution and your vote no longer counts you have no choice. In fact it's your duty as an American to put things right.
see. this is why her statement was dangerous.
"I believe in the right to defend myself and my family"

YOU are adding all of this into it, all she said was defend.
are you purposefully ignoring that she said she would use her gun against the government if it decided her rights were not important? if you aren't, what type of scenario do you think she had in mind when she said that?

Not sure why you find that so alarming. It is the purpose of the 2nd amendment after all.
because in our modern times, with the multiple options for recourse available to us, taking up arms against the government is unacceptable.

No it's not. When politicians are no longer to be trusted to follow the Constitution and your vote no longer counts you have no choice. In fact it's your duty as an American to put things right.
Sounds like second amendment remedies to me

How did that work out for Sharon Angle

Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

The stupidity of this is multifaceted.

Who are 'they.' And how would 'they' indeed 'decide.'

This is ridiculous, paranoid rightwing lunacy, a hyperbolic stump speech aimed at the ignorant conservative base.

They would be whomever it is that is attempting to take away her rights to the point that she needs to use deadly force at the time, you moron. Just because you don't understand the rules of deadly force doesn't mean the rest of us share your ignorance.

You sure like to call people morons. Is that because you were labeled 'special' during your formative years? I suppose that's why your an asshole, an asshole with nothing to offer but gas.
are you purposefully ignoring that she said she would use her gun against the government if it decided her rights were not important? if you aren't, what type of scenario do you think she had in mind when she said that?

Not sure why you find that so alarming. It is the purpose of the 2nd amendment after all.
because in our modern times, with the multiple options for recourse available to us, taking up arms against the government is unacceptable.

No it's not. When politicians are no longer to be trusted to follow the Constitution and your vote no longer counts you have no choice. In fact it's your duty as an American to put things right.
Sounds like second amendment remedies to me

How did that work out for Sharon Angle

Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
see. crazy people find comfort and affirmation in her words. that's why there were disgusting and irresponsible. talking about armed insurrection as if it were the only option leads crazy people to either believe it or it confirms the belief they already had. we don't need that kind of irresponsibility in a senator, and i hope the people of iowa realize that.
Not sure why you find that so alarming. It is the purpose of the 2nd amendment after all.
because in our modern times, with the multiple options for recourse available to us, taking up arms against the government is unacceptable.

No it's not. When politicians are no longer to be trusted to follow the Constitution and your vote no longer counts you have no choice. In fact it's your duty as an American to put things right.
Sounds like second amendment remedies to me

How did that work out for Sharon Angle

Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
see. crazy people find comfort and affirmation in her words. that's why there were disgusting and irresponsible. talking about armed insurrection as if it were the only option leads crazy people to either believe it or it confirms the belief they already had. we don't need that kind of irresponsibility in a senator, and i hope the people of iowa realize that.

See thats where you're wrong. She just voiced the anger that many Americans feel about the direction this country is heading.
because in our modern times, with the multiple options for recourse available to us, taking up arms against the government is unacceptable.

No it's not. When politicians are no longer to be trusted to follow the Constitution and your vote no longer counts you have no choice. In fact it's your duty as an American to put things right.
Sounds like second amendment remedies to me

How did that work out for Sharon Angle

Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
see. crazy people find comfort and affirmation in her words. that's why there were disgusting and irresponsible. talking about armed insurrection as if it were the only option leads crazy people to either believe it or it confirms the belief they already had. we don't need that kind of irresponsibility in a senator, and i hope the people of iowa realize that.

See thats where you're wrong. She just voiced the anger that many Americans feel about the direction this country is heading.
do you think your vote doesn't count?
No it's not. When politicians are no longer to be trusted to follow the Constitution and your vote no longer counts you have no choice. In fact it's your duty as an American to put things right.
Sounds like second amendment remedies to me

How did that work out for Sharon Angle

Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
see. crazy people find comfort and affirmation in her words. that's why there were disgusting and irresponsible. talking about armed insurrection as if it were the only option leads crazy people to either believe it or it confirms the belief they already had. we don't need that kind of irresponsibility in a senator, and i hope the people of iowa realize that.

See thats where you're wrong. She just voiced the anger that many Americans feel about the direction this country is heading.
do you think your vote doesn't count?

How can it when you usher in millions of illegals that are beholding to dems and want them to participate in the voting process?
You just stole millions of American votes.
Keep it up.
Sounds like second amendment remedies to me

How did that work out for Sharon Angle

Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
see. crazy people find comfort and affirmation in her words. that's why there were disgusting and irresponsible. talking about armed insurrection as if it were the only option leads crazy people to either believe it or it confirms the belief they already had. we don't need that kind of irresponsibility in a senator, and i hope the people of iowa realize that.

See thats where you're wrong. She just voiced the anger that many Americans feel about the direction this country is heading.
do you think your vote doesn't count?

How can it when you usher in millions of illegals that are beholding to dems and want them to participate in the voting process?
You just stole millions of American votes.
Keep it up.
do you fell like politicians can be trusted to uphold the constitution?
I stand for truth, justice and the American way

I may be mild mannered, but I fight a never ending battle

When I think of you I think of Underdog...humble and loveable. But I don't want to share warm showers with you, tho I will consider sharing a gangbang on Polly Purebread - meow baby.
Depends on from whom you are defending yourselves, bubs.

The hatchet man in NYC and the shooter in Ottawa were "defending" themselves from who knows what.

Yeah, that's it, you caught us, we're all deluded psychos who kill innocent people the voices tell us are threats daily and never get caught because until now we never came across a crack dicktective like you. I hear Holmes wants to have your babies. Book us Dano!
Dont really give a rats ass.
She wont be the one fixing things. It's when you wake up the American people that you can expect things to go south for progs.
see. crazy people find comfort and affirmation in her words. that's why there were disgusting and irresponsible. talking about armed insurrection as if it were the only option leads crazy people to either believe it or it confirms the belief they already had. we don't need that kind of irresponsibility in a senator, and i hope the people of iowa realize that.

See thats where you're wrong. She just voiced the anger that many Americans feel about the direction this country is heading.
do you think your vote doesn't count?

How can it when you usher in millions of illegals that are beholding to dems and want them to participate in the voting process?
You just stole millions of American votes.
Keep it up.
do you fell like politicians can be trusted to uphold the constitution?

Not Left wingers,no.
Obama is the worst.
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
And? nothing wrong with what she said. Only a loon would disagree.
No...most Americans won't tolerate those who would take up arms against our country
Nice spin asshat
To defend against is not to take up arms against
Maybe you should try an easier topic to discuss.
Afraid it is

Like most cases where citizens have taken the law into their own hands, they are quickly disposed of

Yeah, like those wacky guys who had the nerve to take the law into their own hands and fight the British. They were quickly disposed of. God save the Queen!

And look at them Syrian rebels...we hate them so much for rebelling against their by-gawd legitimate government that we curse them with money, arms and supplies! That'll teach the ingrates to know their place!
You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I'll tell you this much numbnutts - your ability to stand for those things (which no longer exist except in your mind) comes from "rough men with rifles". You'd do well to remember that the next time you crawl out from under your rock and step on your soap box. ;)

Quit living in the past. Anyone who rises up in rebellion against the nation will be planted in the back yard by the neighbors, no need for LEO or armed forces.

Which is why God Save the Queen is our national anthem...the Star Spangled Banner was never written because the Loyalists planted them pesky rebs in their backyards!
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

So you consider him useless because he's a black man. RACIST!!!!

Sorry man, I just had a little libtard attack there. I am much better now.
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

Operative clause:

"...should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

not the best of wording for sure, but we all can't be silver-tongued, sweet-talkin, diplomats like me.
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.
How very foolish of you. That would be like you choosing howdy doody over sgt rock.

here's the thing - we all know that she isn't about to start picking off the county assessor or the local sheriff or the national guardsmen or the fbi agent. she's all bluster, knowing when she made that statement that she'd never have to back her words up (or perhaps, even worse, falsely believing she would or might)

the problem is that bluster like this is she gives people like cliven bundy affirmation of belief. he saw his rights as being violated, and by this would-be senator's logic he should have been shooting. or how about michael brown's family - they believe that his rights were violated, why aren't they in a gun battle with the police?

guns aren't the way we solve our issues in this country - they are a last resort, but the politician did not make that statement, she gave it as her first option. and again, I never expect to hear about her shooting anyone, but i do expect to hear about other 'patriots' shooting. some of whom may have found validation in her words - which is why i find them so irresponsible and disgusting.

Unlike you, many Americans understand when deadly force is needed or justified just fine and don't get all in a confused tizzy or jump off half-cocked when some politician gets to running their mouth. Hopefully you will get over that affliction before you hurt yourself or someone else.
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No...most Americans won't tolerate those who would take up arms against our country
Nice spin asshat
To defend against is not to take up arms against
Maybe you should try an easier topic to discuss.

"I believe in the right to defend myself and my family"

Nice catch, why would any of these assholes, even Jake be upset about anyone defending themselves?
the question is when does she see 'defense' with a gun as necessary?
When would you, is even a simpler question.
i suppose in the absolute collapse of the country, when we no longer have recourse at the ballot box or in the courts, and when my life and the lives of others are in danger, that might be the time i would take up arms.
until then bantering about armed insurrection as if it was both necessary and acceptable is idiotic and irresponsible.

Yeah, everyone one but you is a potential wack-job and would surely mistake a simple statement on self defense (which is legal even if the threat works for the government) as a call for armed it. We should probably ban fictional books...the serfs might not understand they are fiction and act out on them, right?

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