Iowa’s Senator Chuck Grassley Drops a bomb on the FBI and DOJ

Lol, the fbi is controlled by Democrats. But the Hunter story is gaining in the news and you are going to prove the idiot you are soon. Go get another glass of cool aid.

How is the FBI, controlled by the Trump appointed Attorney General with a Director appointed by Trump, controlled by Democrats?

Trump demanded that Ukraine find dirt on Hunter Biden
But he doesn’t demand his own Justice Dept find something?

Because there is nothing to be found

How is the FBI, controlled by the Trump appointed Attorney General with a Director appointed by Trump, controlled by Democrats?

Trump demanded that Ukraine find dirt on Hunter Biden
But he doesn’t demand his own Justice Dept find something?

Because there is nothing to be found
Lol, Hunter is Biden's bitch and he got millions from russia, Ukraine, and China. I wonder if Biden sexually harassed Hunter, like he did his own daughter.
Lol, Hunter is Biden's bitch and he got millions from russia, Ukraine, and China. I wonder if Biden sexually harassed Hunter, like he did his own daughter.


Then why didn’t TRUMP prosecute him while he could?
Because there is nothing to prosecute

Courts demand evidence, not the wild conspiracies you are spouting
And yet Bush did nothing... Why?
it was just starting there. or somewhere along these lines. i don't think any side is innocent in all this but it's been taken so far out of hand there may be no road back home.

now i have no idea if you're denying the DOJ and FBI are one sided or if you disagree; don't care. it's obvious that they are and it needs to end. only, given human nature of "revenge politics" i don't see it happening.

we won't be happy til a few people are left in the rubble we spend 250 years building and they can declare themselves the winner and sit around going "now what"?

Then why didn’t TRUMP prosecute him while he could?
Because there is nothing to prosecute

Courts demand evidence, not the wild conspiracies you are spouting
since trump has yet to be convicted of anything, by your own standards he must be innocent.

but wait - your stance is about to change!

worthless POS.

Iowa’s Senator Chuck Grassley Drops a bomb on the FBI and DOJ

26 Jul 2022 ~~ By Larry Johnson

It is no mere coincidence that the once highly regarded FBI has become a malevolent force, a cancer on the body politic. Like any cancer, it needs to be cut out, and destroyed as an institution. Harsh words, but the shameful, partisan conduct of the FBI during the past 7 years conjurers up images of the Soviet’s KGB or East Germany’s Stasi.
Let me be clear, especially for any FBI thugs monitoring me, I am calling for the lawful action of Congress to defund the Bureau and create a new, professional Federal police force. This is not a call for violence.
Tucker Carlson’s opening commentary from 22 July 2022 is a masterpiece on the growing lawlessness of the FBI and the Department of Justice:

Grassley may be part of the RINO establishment, but he is laying down a clear marker with this letter that he is not going to play along and cover up the gross abuses by the DOJ and FBI. Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, both despicable snakes, are not stupid. They can read political tidal waves and have good reason to fear what may happen to them if (or when) Republicans take control of the House and the Senate.
This should kick up a firestorm. Remains to be seen if there are enough Republicans with a spine and a set of steel balls to see this through. Grassley’s trump card (nothing to do with President Trump) are the multiple whistleblowers that have given him documentary evidence to buttress their allegations of criminal misconduct by the specific FBI personnel identified in his letter.
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As I've previously posted, there is evidence that the FBI and the DOJ were weaponized as far back as yhe Clinton administration by the "Democratic Party"
No longer do they operate to uphold the law and protect the People. Today they operate just as the Gestapo and their Communist offspring the STASI.
I call for the lawful action of Congress to disband the Federal Bureau of Investigation and reinstate the Federal Marshal Department to assume their authority.
I do not expect Merrick Garland Christopher Wray to even comply with supplying the requested documents, let alone clean out the 'cupboards'. More likely they will sandbag Sens. Grassley and Johnson.
Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies and the Deep State show no sign of fearing the outcome of the November elections. This is an ominous sign and a 'Red Flag' warning. We ignore it to our peril.

The FBI will never be fixed without war.

That's why Texas needs to prepare for war after we secede. They won't give up the unlimited power without a bloody fight.

How is the FBI, controlled by the Trump appointed Attorney General with a Director appointed by Trump, controlled by Democrats?

Trump demanded that Ukraine find dirt on Hunter Biden
But he doesn’t demand his own Justice Dept find something?

Because there is nothing to be found
How was the DOJ such a useless limp-wristed ineffectual morass of mediocrity when President Trump selected such luminaries as Jeff Sessions?

Maybe it’s because the employees do pretty much what the deep state likes and very little of what the nation really needs in too many cases.
I remember when Conservatives used to support law enforcement.

Now they despise the FBI and Capitol Police

I remember when leftists used to speak out against Big Brother government and "the man" keeping you down. Now you worship at their alter.
Hypocrites? Do you own a mirror?

Defund the local police but not the fed police who do all sorts of abusive shit?

You fucking hypocrite!!!
I personally have never advocated for defunding the police so I don’t know what you think I need a mirror for.

Do you see the irony of this situation for all those who railed against the defund the police movement and now what to do exactly that to the FBI?!
How was the DOJ such a useless limp-wristed ineffectual morass of mediocrity when President Trump selected such luminaries as Jeff Sessions?

Maybe it’s because the employees do pretty much what the deep state likes and very little of what the nation really needs in too many cases.
Sessions was put in as a yes man.
When he wasn’t enough of a yes man
Trump fired him

Barr was put in as a bigger yes man
When he wasn’t yes man enough
Trump fired him
Sessions was put in as a yes man.
When he wasn’t enough of a yes man
Trump fired him

Barr was put in as a bigger yes man
When he wasn’t yes man enough
Trump fired him
Thanks for sharing your always unsupported libtard speculation as though it was “factual.” And it ain’t.
Thanks for sharing your always unsupported libtard speculation as though it was “factual.” And it ain’t.
It’s a FACT Jack
Trump expected his Attorney Generals to be loyal to HIM
It’s a FACT Jack
Trump expected his Attorney Generals to be loyal to HIM
It’s a fact that any President who nominates anyone to any position in any Administration expects loyalty.

But you can feel free (as always) to pretend otherwise.

Iowa’s Senator Chuck Grassley Drops a bomb on the FBI and DOJ

26 Jul 2022 ~~ By Larry Johnson

It is no mere coincidence that the once highly regarded FBI has become a malevolent force, a cancer on the body politic. Like any cancer, it needs to be cut out, and destroyed as an institution. Harsh words, but the shameful, partisan conduct of the FBI during the past 7 years conjurers up images of the Soviet’s KGB or East Germany’s Stasi.
Let me be clear, especially for any FBI thugs monitoring me, I am calling for the lawful action of Congress to defund the Bureau and create a new, professional Federal police force. This is not a call for violence.
Tucker Carlson’s opening commentary from 22 July 2022 is a masterpiece on the growing lawlessness of the FBI and the Department of Justice:

Grassley may be part of the RINO establishment, but he is laying down a clear marker with this letter that he is not going to play along and cover up the gross abuses by the DOJ and FBI. Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, both despicable snakes, are not stupid. They can read political tidal waves and have good reason to fear what may happen to them if (or when) Republicans take control of the House and the Senate.
This should kick up a firestorm. Remains to be seen if there are enough Republicans with a spine and a set of steel balls to see this through. Grassley’s trump card (nothing to do with President Trump) are the multiple whistleblowers that have given him documentary evidence to buttress their allegations of criminal misconduct by the specific FBI personnel identified in his letter.
Download this PDF

As I've previously posted, there is evidence that the FBI and the DOJ were weaponized as far back as yhe Clinton administration by the "Democratic Party"
No longer do they operate to uphold the law and protect the People. Today they operate just as the Gestapo and their Communist offspring the STASI.
I call for the lawful action of Congress to disband the Federal Bureau of Investigation and reinstate the Federal Marshal Department to assume their authority.
I do not expect Merrick Garland Christopher Wray to even comply with supplying the requested documents, let alone clean out the 'cupboards'. More likely they will sandbag Sens. Grassley and Johnson.
Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies and the Deep State show no sign of fearing the outcome of the November elections. This is an ominous sign and a 'Red Flag' warning. We ignore it to our peril.

Lol, remind me again who is the head of the FBI?

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