IPSOS/ABC Poll: Only 17% surprised by Trump's actions with Ukraine


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
I guess America has Trump figured out....

Only 17% of Americans surprised by Trump's actions tied to Ukraine: POLL

"Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe President Donald Trump's encouragement of a foreign leader to investigate Trump's political rival and his family is a serious problem, but only 17% said they were surprised by the president's actions, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.
In a polarized electorate, attitudes about the severity of Trump's actions broke strongly along partisan lines, with Democrats three times as likely to find the conversation a very or somewhat serious problem -- 91% of Democrats compared with 32% of Republicans.

Democrats also were even more likely to have the most intense feelings, with nearly 3 in 4, about 72%, saying they thought the president's comments were a very serious problem, compared to 41% of Independents.
Republicans were less intense in their skepticism about the seriousness of the problem than Democrats were in their conviction it was a problem -- 37% of Republicans said it wasn't serious at all, but 13% of Republicans responded that it was a very serious problem compared to only 2% of Democrats who said the president's actions related to Ukraine were not a problem at all.

Still, Trump's actions during the phone conversation were not surprising to a large majority of Americans. About 83% responded that they were not so surprised or not surprised at all that Trump had such a conversation, with little variation by partisanship. Only 3% of Americans said they were very surprised."
Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe President Donald Trump's encouragement of a foreign leader to investigate Trump's political rival and his family...

Note the lamers at MSN sticking to the approved ruling class narrative.

Let's completely paper over the high degree of probability that Senile Joe and his worthless loser son are incidental to what's being looked into.

Watch the other hand.
He already dropped out of one presidential election because he's a liar.
I guess America has Trump figured out....

Only 17% of Americans surprised by Trump's actions tied to Ukraine: POLL

"Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe President Donald Trump's encouragement of a foreign leader to investigate Trump's political rival and his family is a serious problem, but only 17% said they were surprised by the president's actions, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.
In a polarized electorate, attitudes about the severity of Trump's actions broke strongly along partisan lines, with Democrats three times as likely to find the conversation a very or somewhat serious problem -- 91% of Democrats compared with 32% of Republicans.

Democrats also were even more likely to have the most intense feelings, with nearly 3 in 4, about 72%, saying they thought the president's comments were a very serious problem, compared to 41% of Independents.
Republicans were less intense in their skepticism about the seriousness of the problem than Democrats were in their conviction it was a problem -- 37% of Republicans said it wasn't serious at all, but 13% of Republicans responded that it was a very serious problem compared to only 2% of Democrats who said the president's actions related to Ukraine were not a problem at all.

Still, Trump's actions during the phone conversation were not surprising to a large majority of Americans. About 83% responded that they were not so surprised or not surprised at all that Trump had such a conversation, with little variation by partisanship. Only 3% of Americans said they were very surprised."
I am not surprised-the talks were legal and proper.
Got to love it. Some people put such faith in polls. But they never understand how polls can be skewed to produce any thing you want.
Ask the right question the right way to the right people and you could get a poll saying a large part of Americans want to be part of Russia.
Typical Democrats, focusing on the fake news that Trump ordered an investigation on Biden, rather than on the fact that he did some really shady if not illegal shit.

It's Trump's fault that Democrats are so corrupt.
Do Democrats not understand that American presidents are supposed to talk to leaders of other countries?
I guess America has Trump figured out....

Only 17% of Americans surprised by Trump's actions tied to Ukraine: POLL

"Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe President Donald Trump's encouragement of a foreign leader to investigate Trump's political rival and his family is a serious problem, but only 17% said they were surprised by the president's actions, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.
In a polarized electorate, attitudes about the severity of Trump's actions broke strongly along partisan lines, with Democrats three times as likely to find the conversation a very or somewhat serious problem -- 91% of Democrats compared with 32% of Republicans.

Democrats also were even more likely to have the most intense feelings, with nearly 3 in 4, about 72%, saying they thought the president's comments were a very serious problem, compared to 41% of Independents.
Republicans were less intense in their skepticism about the seriousness of the problem than Democrats were in their conviction it was a problem -- 37% of Republicans said it wasn't serious at all, but 13% of Republicans responded that it was a very serious problem compared to only 2% of Democrats who said the president's actions related to Ukraine were not a problem at all.

Still, Trump's actions during the phone conversation were not surprising to a large majority of Americans. About 83% responded that they were not so surprised or not surprised at all that Trump had such a conversation, with little variation by partisanship. Only 3% of Americans said they were very surprised."

Who would be surprised, trump was sherlock Holmes and got the Russians to release to the American public the corruption by Hillary and the DNC

And now he rooted out Biden corruption

He is a true American patriot who blew the whistle.

More polls? An ABC poll had Hillary up by 15 points in October 2016. Maybe left wing polls only deal with inner city democrats.
83% of Americans are not surprised that the Democrats are making up another crisis to try and Impeach Donald Trump.
Too late. Donald Trump put out a memo confessing.
He said in the memo that he asked the Ukraine for a “favor“ which would help him in our elections. What more is there to ask? That’s a confession.

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