IQ Test


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I wanted to get a stomach bypass surgery and had to go to a pyschological evaluation. During the process I took a IQ test. I got IQ 84 and it said (this is basically learning difficulty). But I took online tests where I scored in the gifted range. I dont know if online tests are correct though. My genetic test also said I have high IQ in my genes. What do you think? As for academic achievement. I have a Matura (thats like High School Diploma which enables you to study at any austrian or german university). And first level diploma of law school from University of Linz.

As for the online Test I took here is the reply of what they said

Dear Svetozar,

thank you for the additional information about your environment. If you experience a similar issue in the future, just let me know and I will take care of it.

I cannot speak on behalf of any other online IQ test, as I don't have any knowledge of how they were designed, normed and deployed. As it is with most things online, some are good and some are not that good.

Fiqure was normed on a large sample of people (more than 500) and correlates well with the golden standards of proctored I.Q. tests such as the WAIS-III PIQ and the Raven APM. It was created by a team of scientists covering areas such as Math, Psychology and Software Development.
We are particularly proud to have psychologists and psychiatrists use our test in their professional environment, along with the majority of the active internet based high I.Q. societies. Their trust is especially important, since they all have reviewed our designing and norming process before they decided to work with us.

If there is anything else I can assist with, I am always available.
IQ is not based on genes only but also on environment. One can use the brain and the IQ will rise. IQ tests may be inaccurate when the participants lack the education to understand the questions or tasks, resp. when the wrong tests are applied. One can question their accuracy in general.
Interesting. Where's the test??
I don't know. I do not know what is on the one you pay for.
I’m skeptical of some IQ tests on the internet. If the owner of the site is looking to increase traffic, the test may be skewed to give a high score. That’s because most people will not be bragging about getting a low score.
I wanted to get a stomach bypass surgery and had to go to a pyschological evaluation. During the process I took a IQ test. I got IQ 84 and it said (this is basically learning difficulty). But I took online tests where I scored in the gifted range. I dont know if online tests are correct though. My genetic test also said I have high IQ in my genes. What do you think? As for academic achievement. I have a Matura (thats like High School Diploma which enables you to study at any austrian or german university). And first level diploma of law school from University of Linz.
View attachment 188287 View attachment 188288 View attachment 188289
As for the online Test I took here is the reply of what they said

Dear Svetozar,

thank you for the additional information about your environment. If you experience a similar issue in the future, just let me know and I will take care of it.

I cannot speak on behalf of any other online IQ test, as I don't have any knowledge of how they were designed, normed and deployed. As it is with most things online, some are good and some are not that good.

Fiqure was normed on a large sample of people (more than 500) and correlates well with the golden standards of proctored I.Q. tests such as the WAIS-III PIQ and the Raven APM. It was created by a team of scientists covering areas such as Math, Psychology and Software Development.
We are particularly proud to have psychologists and psychiatrists use our test in their professional environment, along with the majority of the active internet based high I.Q. societies. Their trust is especially important, since they all have reviewed our designing and norming process before they decided to work with us.

If there is anything else I can assist with, I am always available.

You know the IQ doesn't mean much, right?

People who make the most money aren't people with the highest IQs.

Usually social intelligence rewards with the most money.
I guess IQ tests give some indication of intelligence. I've found that how smart you are depends on who you are around, and what tasks are to be performed. Put a nuclear physicist in with a group of life long farmers, and he's probably the one who will lose a few fingers in a combine accident.
Put a nuclear physicist in with a group of life long farmers, and he's probably the one who will lose a few fingers in a combine accident.
I've seen the way some obviously intelligent people can't accept that safety rules apply to them as well as the yokels.
I wanted to get a stomach bypass surgery and had to go to a pyschological evaluation. During the process I took a IQ test. I got IQ 84 and it said (this is basically learning difficulty). But I took online tests where I scored in the gifted range. I dont know if online tests are correct though. My genetic test also said I have high IQ in my genes. What do you think? As for academic achievement. I have a Matura (thats like High School Diploma which enables you to study at any austrian or german university). And first level diploma of law school from University of Linz.
View attachment 188287 View attachment 188288 View attachment 188289
As for the online Test I took here is the reply of what they said

Dear Svetozar,

thank you for the additional information about your environment. If you experience a similar issue in the future, just let me know and I will take care of it.

I cannot speak on behalf of any other online IQ test, as I don't have any knowledge of how they were designed, normed and deployed. As it is with most things online, some are good and some are not that good.

Fiqure was normed on a large sample of people (more than 500) and correlates well with the golden standards of proctored I.Q. tests such as the WAIS-III PIQ and the Raven APM. It was created by a team of scientists covering areas such as Math, Psychology and Software Development.
We are particularly proud to have psychologists and psychiatrists use our test in their professional environment, along with the majority of the active internet based high I.Q. societies. Their trust is especially important, since they all have reviewed our designing and norming process before they decided to work with us.

If there is anything else I can assist with, I am always available.

For one thing, what has getting a bypass operation have anything to do with needing a psychological evaluation? They think you have a food addiction that is all in your mind? I would not worry about any IQ tests, they are the most inaccurate and overrated things in the world. At best, they are basically a reflection of memorized facts and people who know lots of trivia score well on them. You can program trivia into a computer, but does that make a computer intelligent? True intelligence is only partly tied to education, it also relates to imagination, creativity, analysis, interpretation and problem-solving, and these things are next to impossible to judge accurately in a test. FWIW, I would judge most people on this board to have a very average or sub-average IQ of between 85 and 100. This forum is the biggest collection of idiots I've ever met---- there must be something about talking politics that attracts a lot of them.
This forum is the biggest collection of idiots I've ever met---- there must be something about talking politics that attracts a lot of them.
A forum member's self analysis is always appreciated.
A forum member's self analysis is always appreciated.

I'd put you at the lower end, barely above an imbecile. You lose an extra ten points for being dumb and arrogant enough to rate yourself as educated and intelligent.
A forum member's self analysis is always appreciated.

I'd put you at the lower end, barely above an imbecile. You lose an extra ten points for being dumb and arrogant enough to rate yourself as educated and intelligent.

I've read your posts. You're pretty dumb, but you don't seem to know it.

This coming from the #1 Flaming Ass on the message board right behind Timmy, Jillian and Tommy Tainant! I'm so dumb that's why I skipped 5th grade, 8th grade, went through high school in two years and graduated in the Who's Who with a college scholarship to be CEO of two of my own companies? What you got, BULLSHIT, you type up form letters for some liberal lawyer somewhere in the big city?

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