Iran Executive Agreement Complete Failure. Time to Strike is Now

These are the people you want to have nuclear weapons?

Okay- the only country in history that has had nuclear weapons and used them on people was ours.

We used them on a country that was already defeated, looking for ways to surrender, in order to intimidate our allies and improve our standing in the post war world.

As opposed to Iran, which has never invaded a neighbor in the modern era.

Sorry, we really aren't in much of a position to dictate morality here.

Wars are a necessary human endeavor. Anyone who talks of world peace is delusional. Reality is a bitch huh?

War is necessary when a country is a real threat to us.

Sorry, Iran has never attacked us, has really only sought to defend itself after several abuses, like when we overthrew their democratically elected government and imposed a tyrant on them.
No Pearl Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Causality rates estimates given Truman were in 300,000 range. Who the fuck are you to piss on the graves of Marines and soldiers who died on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Japan was fanatical and was not on verge of surrendering.They deserved it. Fuck them we should of dropped 10. Iran has invaded Iraq and Syria and are there now. The Shah was a better alternative than an Islamic terrorist state.
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN
The "deal" was given by the US in bad faith. The US was supposed to increase Iran's access to the dollar.

Bank transactions involving the dollar are already difficult for Iran because legal risks make U.S. banks unwilling to do business with Tehran. Foreign firms can be exposed to sanctions if they do Iranian deals in dollars, even if the operations involve non-U.S. branches.
Why would any nation or financial institutions deal with Iran?
Because they are people on the planet we all call earth. And we agreed to do it.

We failed our end of the bargain.

They are left with no recourse but to do business in another currency. The Euro as it turns out.
We are not a global family.
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN
You go fuck yourself you piece of shit war monger! The agreement is working, asshole!

Listen scumbag, we get into it with Iran, that will lead to the extinction of all life on planet earth. The upside to that, is the planet will be rid of fucks like you!
The agreement is a joke. Go fuck yourself. Your lack of intelligence puts America in danger.
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN

Iran will never have an effective nuclear weapons system. At the proper moment Israel will destroy it. The Iranians have made repeated threats to wipe Israel off the map. Israel takes these threats seriously and will never allow Iran to go nuclear. Israel will do whatever it must to make sure it never happens and that includes the use of nuclear weapons. You can bet the farm on that.

When faced with the prospect of death, a man or a country will do whatever it takes to survive. Israel WILL NOT live under the threat of a nuclear Iran and doesn't give a damn what others think, nor should she.

I only hope you are correct, Professor.......but if Democrats regain control of the government.....I have a bad feeling about Israel's future.
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN
The "deal" was given by the US in bad faith. The US was supposed to increase Iran's access to the dollar.

Bank transactions involving the dollar are already difficult for Iran because legal risks make U.S. banks unwilling to do business with Tehran. Foreign firms can be exposed to sanctions if they do Iranian deals in dollars, even if the operations involve non-U.S. branches.
Why would any nation or financial institutions deal with Iran?
Because they are people on the planet we all call earth. And we agreed to do it.

We failed our end of the bargain.

They are left with no recourse but to do business in another currency. The Euro as it turns out.
We are not a global family.
We should respect all life on the planet.
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN

Wait, Trump supporters cheered him when they said he didn't want more expensive wars.

Not Trump supporters are egging him on to go into expensive wars.

Wars are necessary.
All who cheer on wars should be the ones, the only ones, who fight them. When are you signing up?
Jesus... I think Bush92 is actually John Bolton. He wants to start a war with ever country that takes a fart.
The agreement is a joke. Go fuck yourself. Your lack of intelligence puts America in danger.
Not according to the IAEA. Or France. Or Germany.

You're the one who's putting us in danger by being so cavalier about sending our troops into harms way.

You're a war-mongering piece of shit!
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN

Iran will never have an effective nuclear weapons system. At the proper moment Israel will destroy it. The Iranians have made repeated threats to wipe Israel off the map. Israel takes these threats seriously and will never allow Iran to go nuclear. Israel will do whatever it must to make sure it never happens and that includes the use of nuclear weapons. You can bet the farm on that.

When faced with the prospect of death, a man or a country will do whatever it takes to survive. Israel WILL NOT live under the threat of a nuclear Iran and doesn't give a damn what others think, nor should she.
Go Bennie Netanyahu!
Jesus... I think Bush92 is actually John Bolton. He wants to start a war with ever country that takes a fart.
You equate passing gas to a bunch of maniacs having a nuclear weapons program. Naïveté at the extreme.
The agreement is a joke. Go fuck yourself. Your lack of intelligence puts America in danger.
Not according to the IAEA. Or France. Or Germany.

You're the one who's putting us in danger by being so cavalier about sending our troops into harms way.

You're a war-mongering piece of shit!
Well there’s three good sources. IAEA is a joke. Germany is a bunch of pussies that won’t protect their own women from rape at hands of Muslim refugees, and France most likely has economic dealings with Iran. They too are pussies btw.
Obama-Kerry Iran executive agreement is a complete disgrace. Time to hit these Shi’a crazies is now. They are a threat to mankind. Thanks Obama...real smart.
Netanyahu says he has proof of secret Iranian nuclear program - CNN

Wait, Trump supporters cheered him when they said he didn't want more expensive wars.

Not Trump supporters are egging him on to go into expensive wars.

Wars are necessary.

I'm sure you think this way.

Yes, you've always got to keep the defense contractors happy by throwing money their way. Must be necessary. Also to intimidate smaller countries to steal their resources. Yes, necessary. Then to bitch that smaller countries are stealing your jobs.... what a fucking joke you people are.
Well there’s three good sources. IAEA is a joke. Germany is a bunch of pussies that won’t protect their own women from rape at hands of Muslim refugees, and France most likely has economic dealings with Iran. They too are pussies btw.
Between the two country's, Israel and Iran, only one of them allows UN inspectors (on site) to see their nuclear programs and stockpiles.

Which one is it?
Why do we want to start a war with Iran, when we can't even beat a bunch of hayseed goat farmers with improvised weapons in 16 years of combat?
No Pearl Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Causality rates estimates given Truman were in 300,000 range. Who the fuck are you to piss on the graves of Marines and soldiers who died on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Japan was fanatical and was not on verge of surrendering.They deserved it. Fuck them we should of dropped 10. Iran has invaded Iraq and Syria and are there now. The Shah was a better alternative than an Islamic terrorist state.

Actually, the Japanese were defeated by August and were looking for peace negotiations...

Most of the military leaders at the time opposed using nukes.

Hiroshima: Quotes

" [July] 1945... Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act. ...the Secretary, upon giving me the news of the successful bomb test in New Mexico, and of the plan for using it, asked for my reaction, apparently expecting a vigorous assent.

"During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face'. The Secretary was deeply perturbed by my attitude..."

- Dwight Eisenhower, Mandate For Change, pg. 380

Norman Cousins was a consultant to General MacArthur during the American occupation of Japan. Cousins writes of his conversations with MacArthur, "MacArthur's views about the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were starkly different from what the general public supposed." He continues, "When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted. What, I asked, would his advice have been? He replied that he saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb. The war might have ended weeks earlier, he said, if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor."

Norman Cousins, The Pathology of Power, pg. 65, 70-71.

So let's put it in the proper perspective.

By `1945, Japan was defeated, it was out of planes, out of ships, most of it's army was stranded across Asia. They were looking for a way to surrender. Their one condition, that we allow Hirohito to remain on the throne.

We insisted on an unconditional surrender.

Then the Soviets got into the war about the same time we dropped the bombs. That had a lot more to do with prompting both sides to come to an agreement, as the Soviets rolled up the Japanese Army in Manchuria in days.

Suddenly, the US was totally good with Hirohito (a war criminal) keeping his job. Probably because we didn't want to get to Tokyo and find the Red Army already there.

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