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Iran hangs woman despite campaign

A kangaroo court is when a soldier decides instead of running after a suspect , he just shoots them.

wrong again Penelope---------since you know nothing----why do you post?

That's my definition of a kangaroo court, a soldier that thinks he is the judge and jury.

Well, you would be wrong.

I could care less, a trial is better than no trial which is what the IDF do in Israel.

You could care less? :lol:

Think of it this way, Chris. We are seeing how "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" game is being worked by this illiterate skinhead who probably has an 88 tattoo some place on her body. However, the bottom line is that many of her new friends would think nothing of beheading her or slitting her throat the same way as they do to others if they ever caught her wandering around in an area in which they were operating. As the viewers were able to see, she kept very silent about how the Tazidi women were being used as sex slaves by some of her new friends..

Yes, that's an accurate description of how the terrorist regime in control of Gaza behaves on a regular basis. :D

I was talking the Zionist and their holocaust profits.:D

Yeah, well your a monster and an asshole, who doesn't care about women, so who cares what you think. :asshole:

I am a woman, and I do not take kindly to rapists.

I don't believe you , Penelope------where were you these past two days-------dancing on the grave of the five month old girl your fellow islamo Nazi pig murdered? Rape is
part and parcel of Islamic war fare and pogroms------I am sure you LOVE THAT PART (however---islamo Nazi pigs do not call forced sex upon an "enemy" rape----it is "legal"
according to Penelope's "religion")

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. Others are entitled to theirs, and there are many women who if they could have had the chance would have killed those who had raped them no matter what country the rape happened. They could have put her in prison instead of right away killing her just like they kill the Gays over there.

She was not raped: no evidence to that effect.

She was not assaulted: no evidence to that effect.

She killed a person in cold blood then lied.

Looks like Jake was the doctor who examined her. Maybe he can get a job in an Iranian prison to tell the guards which Baha'i women are virgins so that they can rape them before they kill them.

Looks like Sally has not done any of the due diligence required of her.

You are acting emotional without looking at the reports and newspaper articles. And to the person who wrote, "was OBVIOUSLY raped," may I ask according to whom"

You are acting squalidly because you have turned this into a radical feminist screed.

Were you there, Jake, to determine if this woman was raped or not? Given what those religious crazies have done and are still doing to the ordinary Iranian people, it is not a sure bet that she wasn't raped. Why not tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians have left Iran to get away from these crazies?
Of course you are entitled to your opinion. Others are entitled to theirs, and there are many women who if they could have had the chance would have killed those who had raped them no matter what country the rape happened. They could have put her in prison instead of right away killing her just like they kill the Gays over there.

She was not raped: no evidence to that effect.

She was not assaulted: no evidence to that effect.

She killed a person in cold blood then lied.

Looks like Jake was the doctor who examined her. Maybe he can get a job in an Iranian prison to tell the guards which Baha'i women are virgins so that they can rape them before they kill them.

Looks like Sally has not done any of the due diligence required of her.

You are acting emotional without looking at the reports and newspaper articles. And to the person who wrote, "was OBVIOUSLY raped," may I ask according to whom"

You are acting squalidly because you have turned this into a radical feminist screed.

Yes, those religious crazies called in Dr. Jake to examine the woman so he knows for sure that she wasn't raped. Men have lured women into isolated places and raped them all over the world, and this looks like more of the same. In my opinion, there would have been no reason for this young woman to have killed this guy. However, as Dr. Jake knows, here in the free world, we are entitled to voice our own opinion of what we think happened.

Why don't you ever pick on Saudi Arabia , oh I know, Israel has it out for Iran and your helping them out.

Why, little Naziette, there have been articles posted about Saudi Arabia on this forum. You are so busy bashing Israel from morning to night that you don't pay attention. These illiterate Naziettes are certainly useful idiots for radical Islam.
I actually think the Naziette should find some young women with roots in Iran to see which country they prefer to live in -- Iran or America.
Murder is murder, gals, the case has been proven, the sentence carried out, and all you can do is whine without presenting counter evidence.
Murder is murder, gals, the case has been proven, the sentence carried out, and all you can do is whine without presenting counter evidence.

For some reason Dr. Jake doesn't want this hanging in Iran discussed on this forum. Maybe one of the hardliner judges is a personal acquaintance of his. Nobody is actually forcing Dr. Jake to take part in this thread, but it seems he can't restrain himself for some reason. Naturally Dr. Jake can't present any evidence that the guy didn't try to rape this young woman, and he wants to believe the hardliners that she did.
Discuss the execution all you want.

But your weepy nonsense about evidence will not go unchallenged.

The court considered everything the woman presented. You have no new evidence.

Now if she were pulled up and strangled rather than dropping and breaking her neck, that would concern me.
Discuss the execution all you want.

But your weepy nonsense about evidence will not go unchallenged.

The court considered everything the woman presented. You have no new evidence.

Now if she were pulled up and strangled rather than dropping and breaking her neck, that would concern me.

Truthfully, I wonder why you have been having a big problem with people discussing this case if they wanted to. As an aside, I can just imagine how these hardliners go over cases like this. Thankfully, so many women have left Iran so that they wouldn't have to go through what this woman did and then be judged by a bunch of these Muslim crazies in Iran.
You are acting, without evidence, as if a miscarriage of justice occurred. Talk all the babble you want, but it is simply babble.
You are acting, without evidence, as if a miscarriage of justice occurred. Talk all the babble you want, but it is simply babble.

Interesting how concerned Dr. Jake is about this particular thread. One would almost think that he was in the courthouse giving evidence against this unfortunate woman. Yessiree, those hardliners probably were looking forward to another killing, just like they look forward to killing the Gays.
Sally, now you are just talking dumb because you were called out for mistaking your opinion for evidence.

I have been for marriage equality and LGBT liberation for many years.

Sally, now you are just talking dumb because you were called out for mistaking your opinion for evidence.

I have been for marriage equality and LGBT liberation for many years.


I oppose murder. How is the Jodi Arias sentencing trial going?
Sally, now you are just talking dumb because you were called out for mistaking your opinion for evidence.

I have been for marriage equality and LGBT liberation for many years.


Was I talking about you, or was I talking about what goes on in Iran? Why do you think people are still leaving there to come to the West? By the way, I can just imagine the evidence they come up with in any of the trials in Irans when the hardliners want the accused to be shown as guilty.
Sally, I know your opinion, but what evidence to you have concerning the trial.
You are acting, without evidence, as if a miscarriage of justice occurred. Talk all the babble you want, but it is simply babble.

Amnesty International agrees that it is an atrocity and that Iran does NOT have fair trials. I am quite sure that they know FAR more about the situation in Iran and the court system, how prisoners are treated, etc., than you ever will know. I will listen to their assessments instead of yours.
Same women before these scumbags started throwing rocks...........For USING FACEBOOK.........


I don't see how anyone can defend such a barbaric practice. It is absolutely disgusting. :(

You really believe this!

Why don't you buy the book, and read it for yourself, idiot:

The Stoning of Soraya M. A True Story Freidoune Sahebjam 9781559702706 Amazon.com Books

The Stoning of Soraya M.: A True Story

by Freidoune Sahebjam (Author)

Soraya M.'s husband, Ghorban-Ali, couldn't afford to marry another woman. Rather than returning Soraya's dowry, as custom required before taking a second wife, he plotted with four friends and a counterfeit mullah to dispose of her. Together, they accused Soraya of adultery. Her only crime was cooking for a friend's widowed husband. Exhausted by a lifetime of abuse and hardship, Soraya said nothing, and the makeshift tribunal took her silence as a confession of guilt. They sentenced her to death by stoning: a punishment prohibited by Islam but widely practiced. Day by dayÑsometimes minute by minuteÑSahebjam deftly recounts these horrendous events, tracing Soraya's life with searing immediacy, from her arranged marriage and the births of her nine children to her husband's increasing cruelty and her horrifying execution, where, by tradition, her father, husband, and sons hurled the first stones.
This is one woman's story, but it stands for the stories of thousands of women who sufferedÑand continue to sufferÑthe same fate. It is a story that must be told.

Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
This resonant book portrays the ugliness of fundamentalist Islamic mob justice in Khomeini-era Iran. Sahebjam, an Iranian journalist based in France who has written critically of the regime, returned to his homeland under cover in 1986. While visiting a small town he calls Kupayeh, he learned how an innocent 35-year-old woman had been stoned to death for supposed infidelity. His thorough reporting, based on a further visit to the village, reconstructs Soraya's life and killing with much dialogue and interior monologue. Soraya gave birth to nine children in 14 years and her husband Ghorban-Ali also turned to prostitutes. He became involved in shady business deals and began to associate with Sheik Hassan, a criminal who was appointed Ayatollah Khomeini's local representative. When Ghorban-Ali, having fallen in love with another woman, accused his wife of infidelity, villagers lied to aid him and Soraya was left with no support in the town. Her two eldest sons sat on the male tribunal that declared her guilty, and she was stoned by a mob that included her father. This book refuses to let such horror go unremembered.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From School Library Journal
YA-While Sahebjam, an expatriated Iranian journalist, was in his native land on assignment for a French publication in 1986, he recorded this account. Zahra Khanum is an old woman whose niece Soraya was but one of over 1,000 people who were stoned to death in Iran in the last 15 years. Set solidly in a fundamentalist village, the story of Soraya's less-than-honorable husband; the false mullah, Sheik Hassan; and the events leading up to her stoning are relayed. The manipulation of government, church, and society by dishonorable persons; the lack of proof and villagers' support to save Soraya; and the mob mentality of the townspeople on the fateful day are all made clear. Students, parents, and teachers might want to discuss this work with Shirley Jackson's short story, "The Lottery," or with historical events such as the Holocaust or the Salem witch trails. A powerful work that should generate thought in all of its readers.
Barbara Hawkins, Oakton High School, Fairfax, VA
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Discuss the execution all you want.

But your weepy nonsense about evidence will not go unchallenged.

The court considered everything the woman presented. You have no new evidence.

Now if she were pulled up and strangled rather than dropping and breaking her neck, that would concern me.

Jake be fair, what was the "motive" for this murder? Other than the guy's family and connections bribed the judge and the court.
You are acting, without evidence, as if a miscarriage of justice occurred. Talk all the babble you want, but it is simply babble.

Amnesty International agrees that it is an atrocity and that Iran does NOT have fair trials. I am quite sure that they know FAR more about the situation in Iran and the court system, how prisoners are treated, etc., than you ever will know. I will listen to their assessments instead of yours.

Actually, Chris, I find it amusing how he is defending the Iranian legal system. Meanwhile, we all have read about cases occurring here where evidence was tampered with and witnesses have lied. We have seen how people have been released from many years in jail because they actually didn't comit the crimes of which they were accused. It appears that in his mind nothing like that would ever happen when it comes to criminal cases in Iran.
You are acting, without evidence, as if a miscarriage of justice occurred. Talk all the babble you want, but it is simply babble.

Amnesty International agrees that it is an atrocity and that Iran does NOT have fair trials. I am quite sure that they know FAR more about the situation in Iran and the court system, how prisoners are treated, etc., than you ever will know. I will listen to their assessments instead of yours.

Actually, Chris, I find it amusing how he is defending the Iranian legal system. Meanwhile, we all have read about cases occurring here where evidence was tampered with and witnesses have lied. We have seen how people have been released from many years in jail because they actually didn't comit the crimes of which they were accused. It appears that in his mind nothing like that would ever happen when it comes to criminal cases in Iran.

That's a great point. I wonder if HE would like to be put on trial in an Iranian court? He'd probably be frightened out of his mind. :D
wrong again Penelope---------since you know nothing----why do you post?

That's my definition of a kangaroo court, a soldier that thinks he is the judge and jury.

Well, you would be wrong.

I could care less, a trial is better than no trial which is what the IDF do in Israel.

what does the IDF do in Israel?

They do what you love. Kill arabs

neither I nor they love to kill arabs ----it is muslimah sluts who dance and ululate when their "brothers" kill jews. Why do you invent such silly ideas-----did you ever see jewish girls or women dancing with joy because an infant arab was killed? I have, certainly, seen muslimah sluts celebrating and dancing on dead bodies
You are acting, without evidence, as if a miscarriage of justice occurred. Talk all the babble you want, but it is simply babble.

Amnesty International agrees that it is an atrocity and that Iran does NOT have fair trials. I am quite sure that they know FAR more about the situation in Iran and the court system, how prisoners are treated, etc., than you ever will know. I will listen to their assessments instead of yours.

Actually, Chris, I find it amusing how he is defending the Iranian legal system. Meanwhile, we all have read about cases occurring here where evidence was tampered with and witnesses have lied. We have seen how people have been released from many years in jail because they actually didn't comit the crimes of which they were accused. It appears that in his mind nothing like that would ever happen when it comes to criminal cases in Iran.

The entire Iranian system is rife with cronyism, corruption, and bribery.

You can get away with murder if you are wealthy and powerful enough.

It was like this before this before the Islamic revolution and got worse afterwards.

If you deduct Western style democracies, you will find most nations in the world are like this.
Sally, I know your opinion, but what evidence to you have concerning the trial.

I admit that I have no evidence----I have not been following the trial and the only thing I knew is that the woman claimed that the man she killed raped her. That which seems to be

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