Iran has the best army in the world.

I'm not so sure I'm going to like this guy... What do you mean by "fight the jewish poison"? What's up with that?

the jewish poison is the moral breakdown of america. it eventually causes paralysis and the ability to fight back for one's self preservation is gone.

by using pornography and by destroying the nation's schools and churches they have prepared the people for the ultimate act of self destruction; miscegenation.

what do you think the jewish financed civil rights movement was all about?
Why are y'all feeding the troll?

This one isn't even fun. It's like hitting a pinata full of horse shit.

The TV is being used. I don't feel like reading. It's about to rain. I need some kind of entertainment here. Too bad The T isn't online right now.
I'm not so sure I'm going to like this guy... What do you mean by "fight the jewish poison"? What's up with that?

the jewish poison is the moral breakdown of america. it eventually causes paralysis and the ability to fight back for one's self preservation is gone.

by using pornography and by destroying the nation's schools and churches they have prepared the people for the ultimate act of self destruction; miscegenation.

what do you think the jewish financed civil rights movement was all about?

Whoops!!! There goes the "highly educated" claim...

Too bad the iranian army will never get to fight when it's being bombed to into inexistence. Since Iran has now acquired the bare minimum for a warhead, continued enrichment will not be a problem for them to reach the 90% threshold.
Without an air force the ground troops are worthless.

every major war in history has required an army ,foot soldiers to win and hold the landmass of the country at war.

the germans even under massive bombing were knocking out 500 soviet tanks a day and increasing their own war time production.

the us losses were the greatest a few months prior to germany's surrender. and germany was fighting 45 different countries at one time!

Hmmm, I think you need to read something other than Goebbels's propaganda reports. 500 a day would mean that the entire Soviet tank production would be wiped out in 4 months. I kind of doubt it. The T-34 was allways a match for any but the Panther and Tiger series of tanks. Heeresgruppe Mitte was halted for day by a single T-34 during Barbarossa.

It is true that Germany was ramping up war production at the end, but, and it's a very big but, they had never gone to full war production till the last six or so months of the war. By that time it was WAY to late. The US on the other hand was at full war production from 1941 till 1943. Quite simply we buried the Germans under munitions. They never had a chance once we got rolling.

If there were ever a war against Iran, they too wouldn't stand a chance. Think Heeresgruppe Sud vs the Southern Front of the Soviets under General Tyulenev, the Germans didn't stop till they took Sevastopol. The Iranians ar capable of Soviet style human wave attacks. They have no imagination and exceptionally poor comand and control. That's why the Soviets lost 25 million as opposed to the Germans 3.5 million.

The problem is the Iranians don't have 25 million to lose.
Frankly I do not know anything about the actual Iranian Army.
Their performance during the first Gulf War was not very good, but Iran was under embargo and the Army was weakened because of cleansing in the revolution and so on.

The german Army in WW II is something different, of this I know more.

First and foremeost, the german military of this time was probably the best in the world.
Why ?
First is the special way of training and doctrine.
German soldiers were trained to think by themselves and to gain the initiative.
This was formulated as "Auftragstaktik" which meant, that the superior officer gives i.e. the platoon leader a specific objective, but does not specify how this is to be done. His platoon leader should know. There were no detailed orders, but general ones. h
German High Command was trained to leave the decision of what to do in detail to the officer in the field, as he knew better what the situation was.

Also, units were kept together after training and so the soldiers knew each other and formed a cohesive unit.

Every front unit had a reserve unit in Germany to keep unit cohesion. Front holiday was granted to upkeep the morale. (In the Red Army there was no holiday. When you started the war in June 41 and survived so far, you had your first holiday in May 45, if lucky)

Next factor was tactics: It is called "Gefecht der verbundenen Waffen" = Combined arms, meaning, that Air force, Infantry and Tanks were used in such a way, that they supported each other. And german commanders were superbly trained, especially the staff officers to act accordingly.
They also had a very strong elite sentiment, which helps to give you confidence.

Next is, that losing a war makes you generally thoughtful about your performance. So you start to think of new ways of fighting a war.

Other armys not necessarily support self-initiative from their commanders, Germans did so.

On the long run, higher industrial output wore down better training and tactics.

Notwithstanding, german units in mostly inflicted four times higher casualties than they had themselves. But this says more about better dooctrine and training, than about the political system of Nazi Germany.

Does not say anything about personal bravery as well.

ze germanguy

And, starting a war also helped, because the attacker has the initiative.
there is no substitute for religious fanaticism when it comes to defending one's own nation,family , God and the temple in which he is worshipped.

iran will beat back whatever israel [a nation of yellow star wearers ] can throw at them.
there is no substitute for religious fanaticism when it comes to defending one's own nation,family , God and the temple in which he is worshipped.

iran will beat back whatever israel [a nation of yellow star wearers ] can throw at them.

C'mon. I'll give you a dollar if you french kiss your computer screen right now...
i can assure you,there will be no jewish americans fighting on the ground in IRAN... ha ha ha ...ha ha..ha..

Frankly I do not know anything about the actual Iranian Army.
Their performance during the first Gulf War was not very good, but Iran was under embargo and the Army was weakened because of cleansing in the revolution and so on.

The german Army in WW II is something different, of this I know more.

First and foremeost, the german military of this time was probably the best in the world.
Why ?
First is the special way of training and doctrine.
German soldiers were trained to think by themselves and to gain the initiative.
This was formulated as "Auftragstaktik" which meant, that the superior officer gives i.e. the platoon leader a specific objective, but does not specify how this is to be done. His platoon leader should know. There were no detailed orders, but general ones. h
German High Command was trained to leave the decision of what to do in detail to the officer in the field, as he knew better what the situation was.

Also, units were kept together after training and so the soldiers knew each other and formed a cohesive unit.

Every front unit had a reserve unit in Germany to keep unit cohesion. Front holiday was granted to upkeep the morale. (In the Red Army there was no holiday. When you started the war in June 41 and survived so far, you had your first holiday in May 45, if lucky)

Next factor was tactics: It is called "Gefecht der verbundenen Waffen" = Combined arms, meaning, that Air force, Infantry and Tanks were used in such a way, that they supported each other. And german commanders were superbly trained, especially the staff officers to act accordingly.
They also had a very strong elite sentiment, which helps to give you confidence.

Next is, that losing a war makes you generally thoughtful about your performance. So you start to think of new ways of fighting a war.

Other armys not necessarily support self-initiative from their commanders, Germans did so.

On the long run, higher industrial output wore down better training and tactics.

Notwithstanding, german units in mostly inflicted four times higher casualties than they had themselves. But this says more about better dooctrine and training, than about the political system of Nazi Germany.

Does not say anything about personal bravery as well.

ze germanguy

And, starting a war also helped, because the attacker has the initiative.

I think more importantly it was the Front Gemeinschaft that developed between the individual soldiers that allowed them to prevail (fighting for the man next to him) over all odds. The 3rd Fallschirmjaeger regiment exhibited this at Cassino for a famous example.
The Wehrmacht definately had the edge in tactics in the beginning but Patton and Hobart took warfare to the next level. Wherever those two generals happened to be their troops were victorious.

As with all things there were good German units and poor ones. In general they had more good units than bad and that certainly gave them an edge early. However, once they invaded Russia it was was just a matter of time. The Soviets had far more men then the Germans ever dreamed of and more imortantly they had supply out the wazoo. The German transport corps was still horse drawn. The Soviets recieved 600,000 trucks from the US alone. It took weeks for the Germans to get things very frequently. Weeks they didn't have.

They had some good generals as well, Manstein was probably the best, Pellenghar was very good. Rommel of course (though IMO he took too many chances and that eventually bit him in the end), Kesselring and a few others.

I do agree though that American War production (along with the Soviet production) buried the Germans under bullets bombs and rockets. The Deutsche Soldaten never had a chance after the US got into it.
there is no substitute for religious fanaticism when it comes to defending one's own nation,family , God and the temple in which he is worshipped.

iran will beat back whatever israel [a nation of yellow star wearers ] can throw at them.

:lol::lol::lol: If Israel were to invade Iran it would be a terrible, bloody mess, but Israel would win. Because they know how to win...the Iranians don't.
i can assure you,there will be no jewish americans fighting on the ground in IRAN... ha ha ha ...ha ha..ha..


We're not stupid enough (thankfully) to do such a moronic thing. Instead we will wait and let the Iranians get rid of their government in their own time and way.
i can assure you,there will be no jewish americans fighting on the ground in IRAN... ha ha ha ...ha ha..ha..


of course not... why would anyone fight a ground war in iran when blowing up its nuclear capability from the sky will be so much more satisfactory.

it might be satisfactory only if iran did not respond in kind. why don't you join the IDF?

there is no substitute for religious fanaticism when it comes to defending one's own nation,family , God and the temple in which he is worshipped.

iran will beat back whatever israel [a nation of yellow star wearers ] can throw at them.

Tehran weather forecast: 32,000 degrees, party cloudy, gusty winds to 600 mph.
at this moment in time iran possesses the best trained and the most highly motivated ,on the ground defense force of any nation in the world.

they lack an effective navy and airforce but their ground forces have been trained to fight to the death and this thanks to their shiaa faith which is by far the most fanatical branch of islam.

their army is well equipped and the very topography of iran is a strategic factor that untrained nato ground forces would have difficulty overcoming.

the genius of the iranian soldier is the training he receives ,which combines fanaticism with military discipline. this is unheard of anywhere else and can only be compared with the training the ottomons gave to their soldiers.

the gravediggers in iran have already prepared temporary graves for the thousands of dead soldiers that will liter the landscape.

fight the jewish poison! .

ya...they fought the iraqis to a draw over what 8 years ....the same armay that was overrun in 6 weeks by bush and co.....

keep dreaming.... the israelis will take you all out in 6 days for the third time.....

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