Iran nuclear agreement biggest defeat for Israel lobby: US journalist

Dozens of retired generals, admirals back Iran nuclear deal

Three dozen retired generals and admirals released an open letter Tuesday supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same.

Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”

Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.
Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.

what makes you think that either Netanyahu or RW's want a war??
You bought into the idiot claim that failure to ratify the "DEAL" will
result in war?--------I am fascinated-----who will attack whom? why?

ROFLMAO------Press TV and VETERANS TODAY-------
can't get more idiotic
AKA. Not KOSHER approved.
Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.

what makes you think that either Netanyahu or RW's want a war??
You bought into the idiot claim that failure to ratify the "DEAL" will
result in war?--------I am fascinated-----who will attack whom? why?
Israhell will start another war or try and get the US to do it for them,claim they are the victim,concoct another holohoax etc....same ole shit new year.

ROFLMAO------Press TV and VETERANS TODAY-------
can't get more idiotic
AKA. Not KOSHER approved.
Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.

what makes you think that either Netanyahu or RW's want a war??
You bought into the idiot claim that failure to ratify the "DEAL" will
result in war?--------I am fascinated-----who will attack whom? why?
Israhell will start another war or try and get the US to do it for them,claim they are the victim,concoct another holohoax etc....same ole shit new year.

Is that the best you can do?. I posed a reasonable question and the only answer you have is crap you picked up at the methadone clinic?
The first time I read ----DA JOOOOOS WANT A WAR-----was when I was a child-------about ten-----way back circa 1960 ---reading a tattered old pamphlet which lauded the hero Adolf ----it had been issued in the mid 1930s. I was very young and very confused by
the pamphlet -----but I read it again and again-----trying to understand
what it was all about------I finally realized that it must have been
a very early edition of MAD MAGAZINE. It did not have the picture of that funny looking kid on the cover-----it was not even a glossy---just plain yellowed tattered paper
Just because you want to ignore facts doesn't make them any less factual.
Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.

Couldn't agree more.....Let me just add this:

1. Whereas Iraq was divided into 3 parts with "no-fly-zones" on 2 of those parts, Iran is not only whole, but about 4.5 times LARGER in land mass than Iraq.

2. Iran has a very effective and well-equipped (from the Russians) air force.

3. Iran's armed forces are the most formidable in the entire region in both hardware and number of military personnel.

4. Iran also has a well-experienced navy who could well mine and blockade the Straits of Hormuz.

5. Although the carnage, animosity and hatred between Shia and Sunnis is legendary, if one wanted to "unify" Muslims (even for a short while), let Israel attack Iran for a protracted campaign, and see what happens.
Just because you want to ignore facts doesn't make them any less factual.
Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.

Couldn't agree more.....Let me just add this:

1. Whereas Iraq was divided into 3 parts with "no-fly-zones" on 2 of those parts, Iran is not only whole, but about 4.5 times LARGER in land mass than Iraq.

2. Iran has a very effective and well-equipped (from the Russians) air force.

3. Iran's armed forces are the most formidable in the entire region in both hardware and number of military personnel.

4. Iran also has a well-experienced navy who could well mine and blockade the Straits of Hormuz.

5. Although the carnage, animosity and hatred between Shia and Sunnis is legendary, if one wanted to "unify" Muslims (even for a short while), let Israel attack Iran for a protracted campaign, and see what happens.

why would Israel attack Iran "for a protracted campaign"?? are you suggesting that Iran is doing something harmful to Israel?----or might do so in the future? What does Iran have that would interest Israel-----pistachios?
why would Israel attack Iran "for a protracted campaign"?? are you suggesting that Iran is doing something harmful to Israel?----or might do so in the future? What does Iran have that would interest Israel-----pistachios?

Has your anti-psychosis medicine run out?
BTW----the shia/sunni divide is not just related to shia and sunni-----
Iranians and Arabs HATE each other. -------even the Yemeni sunnis HATE the Iranians----if Israel attacked Iran (not likely anyway)----the
Yemenis----the overwhelming majority of whom are sunnis----would
be climbing up upon their hills and mountains to CHEER and the kurds from Iran thru Iraq, thru Syria-----thru Turkey---would JOIN IN
why would Israel attack Iran "for a protracted campaign"?? are you suggesting that Iran is doing something harmful to Israel?----or might do so in the future? What does Iran have that would interest Israel-----pistachios?

Has your anti-psychosis medicine run out?

I posed a simple question in response to YOUR ASSERTION---virtually a PREDICTION---that Israel is about to CONDUCT A
that is utterly mysterious to me-----but OBVIOUSLY you know
Very interesting that RWs let Netanyahoo lead them around by the nose. They want him making decisions that will kill our children and cost us a pile of money. Israel has weapons, they have a military. So do others in the region. And yet, the right want us in yet another war.

Couldn't agree more.....Let me just add this:

1. Whereas Iraq was divided into 3 parts with "no-fly-zones" on 2 of those parts, Iran is not only whole, but about 4.5 times LARGER in land mass than Iraq.

2. Iran has a very effective and well-equipped (from the Russians) air force.

3. Iran's armed forces are the most formidable in the entire region in both hardware and number of military personnel.

4. Iran also has a well-experienced navy who could well mine and blockade the Straits of Hormuz.

5. Although the carnage, animosity and hatred between Shia and Sunnis is legendary, if one wanted to "unify" Muslims (even for a short while), let Israel attack Iran for a protracted campaign, and see what happens.
Yet Israel, a tiny country, destroyed both the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear facility, and behold armageddon didn't occur.

Go figure.
why would Israel attack Iran "for a protracted campaign"?? are you suggesting that Iran is doing something harmful to Israel?----or might do so in the future? What does Iran have that would interest Israel-----pistachios?

Has your anti-psychosis medicine run out?

I posed a simple question in response to YOUR ASSERTION---virtually a PREDICTION---that Israel is about to CONDUCT A
that is utterly mysterious to me-----but OBVIOUSLY you know
And your evidence for this assumption?
why would Israel attack Iran "for a protracted campaign"?? are you suggesting that Iran is doing something harmful to Israel?----or might do so in the future? What does Iran have that would interest Israel-----pistachios?

Has your anti-psychosis medicine run out?

I posed a simple question in response to YOUR ASSERTION---virtually a PREDICTION---that Israel is about to CONDUCT A
that is utterly mysterious to me-----but OBVIOUSLY you know
And your evidence for this assumption?

I was addressing Nat. He stated that ....when Israel attacks iran and engages in a protracted campaign against that country----shia and sunni will unite and enter a big time war. According to Nat---such will be the course of events if the "NUKE DEAL" is not ratified. He was responding to my question which is-----why is there a claim that if the NUKE DEAL is not ratified there will be a BIG WAR? No one seems to be able to so much as approach an answer

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