Iran nuclear agreement biggest defeat for Israel lobby: US journalist

Yet Israel, a tiny country, destroyed both the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear facility, and behold armageddon didn't occur.

Go figure.

Yep........when Israel has the big buddy (the U.S.) backing her up, its a lot easier to be "brave."
Yet Israel, a tiny country, destroyed both the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear facility, and behold armageddon didn't occur.

Go figure.

Yep........when Israel has the big buddy (the U.S.) backing her up, its a lot easier to be "brave."

Your insight is interesting, Nat----but you have STILL have not explained why------if the NUKE TREATY is not ratified------the US will end up in a war in the Middle East------but if it IS ratified, then war will be averted.
He was responding to my question which is-----why is there a claim that if the NUKE DEAL is not ratified there will be a BIG WAR? No one seems to be able to so much as approach an answer

Your more dense than usual, Rosie (not an easy task, I'd admit.)

1. If there is NO "nuke deal", Iran will proceed with their nuclear aspirations quicker than expected, especially with all the other countries that had imposed sanctions (Iranian billions in foreign banks) are lifted and the money pours in to Teheran.

2. Israel has repeatedly stated that she will NOT tolerate a nuclear Iran.........ergo, a "protracted bombing campaign" to destroy Iranian facilities that are by now way underground.

3. My own contention is that bombing a Muslim country over a longer period than when Israel bombed Iraq and Syria....will precipitate other Muslim country to halt their own animosity and turn on Israel who will, in turn, ask for U.S. help.

Hope the above helps your "dense state."
Your insight is interesting, Nat----but you have STILL have not explained why------if the NUKE TREATY is not ratified------the US will end up in a war in the Middle East------but if it IS ratified, then war will be averted.

I did NOT state that the U.S. will end up in a war....I stated that if Israel attacks and all other Muslim countries turn on her that Israel will, undoubtedly, turn to us for help.

What the nuke treaty will do is POSTPONE the inevitable....Iran will have a nuke in the next decade or so.

Israel opened up the Pandora's Box in the region when she developed the 300+ nukes in the 1950s.
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Points to ponder:

A US war against Iran would be 10 times more disastrous than our ill-fated war on Iraq.

Iran will have a nuke matter the bombings, the threats, the saber-rattling

While Iran holds 4 Americans for spying, the US holds 12 Iranians for basically the same accusation

The only viable "check" on Iran, was Saddam in Iraq; with that despot gone (thanks to you know who) we are reaping what we've sown.

For all the mistakes that this current administration has made, one small "victory" is the break of the stranglehold on our armed forces that AIPAC once had.
Your insight is interesting, Nat----but you have STILL have not explained why------if the NUKE TREATY is not ratified------the US will end up in a war in the Middle East------but if it IS ratified, then war will be averted.

I did NOT state that the U.S. will end up in a war....I stated that if Israel attacks and all other Muslim countries turn on her that Israel will, undoubtedly, turn to us for help.

What the nuke treaty will do is POSTPONE the inevitable....Iran will have a nuke in the next decade or so.

Israel opened up the Pandora's Box in the region when she developed the 300+ nukes in the 1950s.

our very own PRESIDENT said-----in sum and substance-----"no deal----war". ------the background chorus-----from some quarters is "anyone who rejects the deal WANTS WAR". -----Israel never used a nuke in war.---------it did not open any sort of a box, --the box was opened when PAKISTAN----developed a nuke. It excited the minds of muslim children and led to ISIS
He was responding to my question which is-----why is there a claim that if the NUKE DEAL is not ratified there will be a BIG WAR? No one seems to be able to so much as approach an answer

Your more dense than usual, Rosie (not an easy task, I'd admit.)

1. If there is NO "nuke deal", Iran will proceed with their nuclear aspirations quicker than expected, especially with all the other countries that had imposed sanctions (Iranian billions in foreign banks) are lifted and the money pours in to Teheran.

2. Israel has repeatedly stated that she will NOT tolerate a nuclear Iran.........ergo, a "protracted bombing campaign" to destroy Iranian facilities that are by now way underground.

3. My own contention is that bombing a Muslim country over a longer period than when Israel bombed Iraq and Syria....will precipitate other Muslim country to halt their own animosity and turn on Israel who will, in turn, ask for U.S. help.

Hope the above helps your "dense state."

your answer-----is actually silly
Dozens of retired generals, admirals back Iran nuclear deal

Three dozen retired generals and admirals released an open letter Tuesday supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same.

Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”


And would you care to explain for the peanut gallery what the Verification process actually is.......and no, I know you won't be joking when you explain it....but it is hard not to laugh till you cry when it is explained...when you see how stupid it is and you realize morons are trying to justify it......
A US war against Iran would be 10 times more disastrous than our ill-fated war on Iraq.

No, with an asserted effort, we could blow their navy and air force away. There would be no need to put boots on the ground. We could easily establish air superiority and a naval blockade in the Strait of Hormuz. Simply starve their ground troops to death.

United States of America Military Strength

Iran Military Strength

Iran will have a nuke matter the bombings, the threats, the saber-rattling

Indeed. They may already have one. That, or you just want them to have a nuke.

While Iran holds 4 Americans for spying, the US holds 12 Iranians for basically the same accusation

And? Does that mean we shouldn't fight for their release? What are you, scared?

One is a Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian. No history of espionage.

One is Pastor Saeed Abidini. Again no history of espionage.

Robert Levinson was a CIA contractor, but not a spy.

Amir Hekmati was seeing his aging relatives. No history of sabotage.

I have no clue where you got your assertion that the US has 12 Iranians. A link is helpful.
The only viable "check" on Iran, was Saddam in Iraq; with that despot gone (thanks to you know who) we are reaping what we've sown.

How could Saddam act as a "check" on Iran when he was the one who invaded them in 1980? Do you not pay any attention to military history?

For all the mistakes that this current administration has made, one small "victory" is the break of the stranglehold on our armed forces that AIPAC once had.

That's not a victory. That's a concession.

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