CDZ Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials

This is not 1994.

Right. That's 2012 and Bibi has been threatening Iran since 1994.

Netanyahu in 1992: Iran close to having nuclear bomb
Iran can’t be close to having a weapon if it doesn’t have a weapons program. He has no credibility left on such warnings. Reprint edn.: Scott Peterson at the Christian Science Monitor did a useful timeline for dire Israeli and US predictions of an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon, beginning 20 years ago.
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Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials
Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz reportedly has warned U.N. Security Council diplomats this week that Iran is “only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon.”

Local : 2021-08-05(Thursday) 16:44:28
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Iran not ready to resume nuclear talks
Iran says it won't resume nuclear deal talks until Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi's administration has begun.

Local : 2021-07-15(Thursday) 02:34:38
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Maybe Trump was wrong after all, to cancel the deal and try to expand it to include Iran's ballistic missile and regional militant ambitions..

New Iran leader seeks to lift US sanctions
Iran's incoming president Ebrahim Raisi says Tehran will take steps to lift "tyrannical" sanctions imposed by the United States.
Local : 2021-08-03(Tuesday) 09:45:28
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well, either Biden's admin goes along with Trump's, and stiffens sanctions until the Iranians comply with the deal that Trump put on the table,
or Biden folds and hands the middle east to Iran, while probably *not* getting effective inspections going.

if it were up to me, i'd sanction the Iranian leaderships and their richest 10%, not the general population.

a wide sanctions program designed to cripple the Iranian economy is only going to increase hatred of the west and play right into Raisi's regime's hands.

Everybody is wrong about Iran. You're trying to make a deal with a nation of people that is not going to make a deal with anybody. There's no progress... there's no collapse of talks....there's no backpedaling or diplomatic failure.. there is only Iran doing what it was always doing making progress till it's nuclear weaponry regardless of anyone else's thoughts or feelings on the matter.
I have often wondered what Bibi was thinking.... maybe Congress didn't know the word bomb? What year was that?


Mr Netanyahu is one of the most intelligent leaders on earth, an elite force officer and top intelligence operative for decades - you don't even start to figure what he thinks.

As for what he did was to set clear before the US congress, all its allies and the UN,
that when needed Israel acts on its own for the sake of future generations,
despite any disagreements and without asking for anyone's approval.

All while leaving the door open for neighboring nations
willing to join a regional alliance in counterbalance to Iran.
Everybody is wrong about Iran. You're trying to make a deal with a nation of people that is not going to make a deal with anybody. There's no progress... there's no collapse of talks....there's no backpedaling or diplomatic failure.. there is only Iran doing what it was always doing making progress till it's nuclear weaponry regardless of anyone else's thoughts or feelings on the matter.

Ever been to Iran? Remember Atoms for Peace under Eisenhower?

Iran wanted nuclear power plants to expand their electrical grid and the US was training their techs.

Mr Netanyahu is one of the most intelligent leaders on earth, an elite force officer who's been a top intelligence operative for decades - you don't even start to figure what he thinks.

As for what he did was to set clear before the US congress, all its allies and the UN,
that when needed Israel acts on its own for the sake of future generations,
despite any disagreements and without asking for anyone's approval.

All while leaving the door open for neighboring nations
willing to join a regional alliance in counterbalance to Iran.

Bibi's existential threat keeps Israelis scared and US foreign aid flowing.

Right. That's 2012 and Bibi has been threatening Iran since 1994.

Netanyahu in 1992: Iran close to having nuclear bomb
Iran can’t be close to having a weapon if it doesn’t have a weapons program. He has no credibility left on such warnings. Reprint edn.: Scott Peterson at the Christian Science Monitor did a useful timeline for dire Israeli and US predictions of an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon, beginning 20 years ago.

Really Juan Cole??
Give me something I can take seriously.

Maybe for once an actual quote with a source.
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I think that the Iranian nuclear deal should have been given a chance to go. I know it was not ideal, Israel should have got security guarantees and so on. But this deal could have given a chance to 'open and 'de-radicilise' Iran. But now Iran has a conservative president (who may be the supreme leader in the future) and can find itself in China-Russia axis with unknown consequences for the rest of the region.
Really Juan Cole??
Give me something I can take seriously.

Maybe for once an actual quote with a source.

Pick a year .. any year between 1992 and 2020.

Funny, for decades Israel bought all their oil from Iran.. and Iran used to be home to 250,000 Jews ...

In the summer of 1995, I heard Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin speak to a group of peace activists. If the audience expected warm idealism, they didn't get it. In his smoke-scarred voice, Rabin gave a rationale for peacemaking that was all strategic realism. The only "new Middle East" he described was one in which the dangers had shifted. Israel had to resolve the conflicts close at hand, I recall him saying, so that it could focus on greater threats further off – such as Iran.
if it were up to me, i'd sanction the Iranian leaderships and their richest 10%, not the general population.

a wide sanctions program designed to cripple the Iranian economy is only going to increase hatred of the west and play right into Raisi's regime's hands.

It is the Iranian govt and oligarchy that is being sanctioned,
that it prefers spending their economy on military expeditions in several countries,
rather than on the people, crippling them in battle and leave millions without electricity...

Iranians are not stupid people they understand this,
and from what I see the majority of the frustration is indeed
channeled at their leadership rather than the West as You assume.
It is the Iranian govt and oligarchy that is being sanctioned,
that it prefers spending their economy on military expeditions in several countries,
rather than on the people, crippling them in battle and leave millions without electricity...

Iranians are not stupid people they understand this,
and from what I see the majority of the frustration is indeed
channeled at their leadership rather than the West as You assume.

Pick a year .. any year between 1992 and 2020.

Funny, for decades Israel bought all their oil from Iran.. and Iran used to be home to 250,000 Jews ...

In the summer of 1995, I heard Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin speak to a group of peace activists. If the audience expected warm idealism, they didn't get it. In his smoke-scarred voice, Rabin gave a rationale for peacemaking that was all strategic realism. The only "new Middle East" he described was one in which the dangers had shifted. Israel had to resolve the conflicts close at hand, I recall him saying, so that it could focus on greater threats further off – such as Iran.

So not only you can't bring that quote by Mr. Netanyahu,
nor do you quote another that makes your point?

Looks like you mindlessly repeat things
but can never back them up.
surada where is that quote from 1992...
or have the integrity to admit it's another false talking point.
Ever been to Iran? Remember Atoms for Peace under Eisenhower?

Iran wanted nuclear power plants to expand their electrical grid and the US was training their techs.

Eisenhower did not have to deal with the Clerics.....
It is the Iranian govt and oligarchy that is being sanctioned,
that it prefers spending their economy on military expeditions in several countries,
rather than on the people, crippling them in battle and leave millions without electricity...

Iranians are not stupid people they understand this,
and from what I see the majority of the frustration is indeed
channeled at their leadership rather than the West as You assume.
Yes I is only a matter of time until the Iranian citizenry discover a way to overcome the strongarm section of the ruling party there.
Once they do everything in Iran will change. Not sure when or how won't be easy.

LOL.......yeah sure he did..... and the Japanese ambassador was in the middle of peace talks when the Japanese Airforce sunk Peral Harbor.

Then Israel should go ahead with their plans to bomb Iran , but leave the US and Saudi Arabia out of it.

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