Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

The point is that at some point the populace will rise up and overthrow the Mullahs. We were close early in Barry's first term. All he had to do was throw his support behind Iranian citizens, and the Mullahs would have been gone years ago. The pussy bailed on them.
So we can be clear it's not about Iran's nukes, it's about Iran's right to exist.

At least that's settled.
The point is that at some point the populace will rise up and overthrow the Mullahs. We were close early in Barry's first term. All he had to do was throw his support behind Iranian citizens, and the Mullahs would have been gone years ago. The pussy bailed on them.
So we can be clear it's not about Iran's nukes, it's about Iran's right to exist.

At least that's settled.
Are you so fucking stupid that you believe that if the Mullahs are deposed Iran ceases to exist?

Do you have to reminded to breath?
The feckless euros should worry more about the nature of the crazy mullahs who are building nuclear weapons to set the world on fire with

Except there's no evidence the Mullahs were building nukes. The IAEA said that Iran was in compliance and is STILL complying.

Here's the thing. If Iran feels under threat by the US, then it's actually in their interest to build nukes. Nukes are the automatic "Don't fuck with me" card. Just look how deferential we are to North Korea because that bankrupt little country has a 1950's grade nuke that probably wouldn't even fit on one of their malfunctioning missiles.
<gong> You're so wrong. *sigh*
So we can be clear it's not about Iran's nukes, it's about Iran's right to exist.

At least that's settled.

Please show us your reliable source and working link showing that other countries want Iran destroyed. As you know, it is the many Middle East Countries that have sworn to destroy Israel. Israel, a tiny peaceful country that its neighbors want to destroy, literally.
You can play the semantic game all you want. No one will have a bar of you.
Its not a semantic game

the US Constitution is clearly something Obama, the euros, and the mullahs in iran do not understand

What no one expects in case of the Iran or Europe. On the other side: The declaration of independence is something what the Trump government not understands.

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Trump breaking the Iran deal was 100% about blowing up one of President Obama's accomplishments.
You nailed I said,Obama ran the most corrupt administration ever but credit is where credit is due and rpthst was the ONE intelligent good thing he did,Trump in his arrogance just got rid of it because of wanting to discontinue everything he did,had Obama reinstated the executive order from our last great president jfk to end the fed,trump being the arrogant jerk he is,would have got rid of that as well same as LBJ did when he was sworn in.
This is kinda like our election. I saw a stat that said a large number of people who will vote for Biden doesn't really support Biden, they are voting against Trump.

It's not that Europe supports Iran, they are voting against the U.S. They are tired of our crap.
Any true American sick of this corrupt government,both parties are corrupt and both suck.thats why an independent will never get elected sense they not part of the corrupt two party system.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Anyone who sides with Pompeo has to be insane. The man is a psychopath.

However, you are dreaming if you think a Biden administration will be any different. I expect Joe will be a much bigger warmonger than Ears ever was, and Ears took W’s two wars and made it seven.

Can you say WWIII?
Amen to that.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

I don't see a return of sanity anytime in the next 4 years, no matter who wins in November.
Me neither sense as I said,both parties are corrupt and one in the same,a fact that many sheep here and around the country are brainwashed on.
Trump breaking the Iran deal was 100% about blowing up one of President Obama's accomplishments.

How did America benefit from giving the illegitimate Mullahs of Iran pallets full of cash money?
Giving Iran back it's own money that the US had frozen in US banks was part of the deal and didn't cost us a thing except perhaps the trillions the right wants to spend on another stupid war.

Biden threatened war last night also.
Did he really? Military action must always be on the table with any adversary nation. No one has any problem with that. The right's attitude with Iran has usually been to escalate tensions with the aim of maybe goading Iran into a clear act of war. Frankly I am amazed at their restraint when the American president starts threatening Iran with the same total destruction their propaganda claims we want for them.
Indeed,same here.
I'm sure Germany will no one "allow" to have a nuclear bomb. Much to many nations have nuclear weapons. For mathematicians: The problem is factorial. N-nations have N! = (1*2*3*... *N)-relations. And every relation is also able to be a problem. So the number of nations with nukes has to be as little as possible.

A nuclear bomb is by the way an unislamic weapon, because it is impossible in a war to use this weapon without to kill innocent human beings.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

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