Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."

No, it was worse than no agreement and there was no TREATY to agree or disagree with.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."

Obama’s secret Iran deals exposed
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) (Danny Johnston/Associated Press)
By Marc A. Thiessen
July 27, 2015
President Obama promised that his nuclear deal with Iran would not be “based on trust” but rather “unprecedented verification.” Now it turns out Obama’s verification regime is based on trust after all — trust in two secret side agreements negotiated exclusively between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that apparently no one (including the Obama administration) has seen.

Worse, Obama didn’t even reveal the existence of these secret side deals to Congress when he transmitted the nuclear accord to Capitol Hill. The agreements were uncovered, completely by chance, by two members of Congress — Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) — who were in Vienna meeting with the U.N.-releated agency.


Obama administration sold a bad Iran nuclear deal to the American public
Donald Trump is not punting Iran problems down the road: Opposing view
Reuel Marc Gerecht

President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal should be viewed as condign punishment for the disingenuous way Barack Obama and his staff sold the agreement to the American public.

The deal does not “cut off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon.” Once the regime perfects advanced centrifuges, which is allowed under the accord, the Islamic Republic’s nuclear-weapons ambitions cannot be checked. By 2025, Tehran can start assembling these models.

These high-velocity machines require small cascades. Without an extraordinarily lucky human-source intelligence penetration or sloppy Iranian telecommunications, American intelligence services would have no ability to find them hidden in warehouses.


That is water under bridge. Everyone knew JCPOA was flawed but it was far better than nothing. Looking back, what did the US gain by dropping out of JCPOA?
Did the US get the billions of dollars back from Iran? Nope, that money is long gone.
Did it reduce the Iran nuclear fuel output? Nope, Iran is increasing the number of centrifuges
Did it bring Iran back to the bargaining table? Nope, Iran said in the future it will not enter into any nuclear agreement with a nation that does not honor it's agreements.

What it has done is strengthen the resolve in Iran to become a nuclear power. In January 2020, Iran announced it would not be bound by any terms of JCPOA, effectively renouncing it's pledge to never develop nuclear weapons. Donald Trump's recognition of North Korea and application of US sanctions on Iran has left Iran with only one option and that is to become a nuclear power.

IMHO, the US got absolutely nothing out of leaving JCPOA but has pushed Iran toward becoming a nuclear power. Whether Iran will ever be successful is debatable but one thing is for sure, Russia will become the dominate superpower in the Middle East after the disastrous decisions the US has made in respect to Syria and Iran.
Pretty much sums it up. He has advisors though. Why didnt they say something ?
When has Trump ever listened to his advisors? I think he keeps them around because he needs them standing behind him when he makes announcements. It make him look like he has concurrence from the experts.
Yep, not a fun job listening to a half wit screw things up.
The "problem" is there are no nukes. Trump created senseless problems, that's all.
If they are not stopped the crazy mullahs will have nukes one day
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
The "problem" is there are no nukes. Trump created senseless problems, that's all.
If they are not stopped the crazy mullahs will have nukes one day
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
Nothing was signed, Dummy.
A nuclear bomb is by the way an unislamic weapon, because it is impossible in a war to use this weapon without to kill innocent human beings.
The islams are quite practiced at killing innocent people
Who is "the Islams"? Islamists? Islamists are terrorists. Terrorists are callfed terrorists, because they murder innocent people. So from my point of view Islamists are not Muslims. By the way: In the name of Christians also try to speak terrorists, what makes terrorists not to Christians.
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
They all had different reasons

the euros want to make money in iran

obama is a closet muslim sympathizer

russia and china want whatever harms the west
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Our sanctions had zero effect.
The "problem" is there are no nukes. Trump created senseless problems, that's all.
If they are not stopped the crazy mullahs will have nukes one day
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
Nothing was signed, Dummy.

What about to start to read what I wrote to you in #194? See: Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Our sanctions had zero effect.
Now you are back to sanctions having "zero effect" on Iran.

Weird how so many outlets are calling them "crippling" to Iran.
The "problem" is there are no nukes. Trump created senseless problems, that's all.
If they are not stopped the crazy mullahs will have nukes one day
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
Nothing was signed, Dummy.

What about to start to read what I wrote to you in #194? See: Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo
I don't care about your post 194.

You claimed it was a signed agreement. Nobody signed it, especially not Iran.
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
They all had different reasons

the euros want to make money in iran

obama is a closet muslim sympathizer

russia and china want whatever harms the west

Do you read what you say on your own from time to time? If so - what do you think about what you say here and why do you do so? I say in such cases often: One man alone is not able to be so stupid. Europe, Russia and China should not be able to give the Iran whatever the Iran needs?
The "problem" is there are no nukes. Trump created senseless problems, that's all.
If they are not stopped the crazy mullahs will have nukes one day
So why do you think coordinated Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA in 2015 their common will after 12 or 13 years of negotiations with the ideas of the Iran and wrote something on paper and signed it?
Nothing was signed, Dummy.

What about to start to read what I wrote to you in #194? See: Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo
I don't care about your post 194.


You claimed it was a signed agreement. Nobody signed it, especially not Iran.

So what about to start to read what I wrote to you in #194? See: Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Sure Cuba did do so. Perhaps not because of sanctions - but Fidel Castro for example reinstalled a Christian holy day after Pope Benedict XVI spoke with him.

Our sanctions had zero effect.
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Our sanctions had zero effect.
Now you are back to sanctions having "zero effect" on Iran.

Weird how so many outlets are calling them "crippling" to Iran.

And yet nothing changes with Iran. So what is the point?

We so want to harm their people because their leaders won't bend to our every command?
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Sure Cuba did do so. Perhaps not because of sanctions - but Fidel Castro for example reinstalled a Christian holy day after Pope Benedict XVI spoke with him.

Our sanctions had zero effect.

Someone spoke with him...........something we refused to do.
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Our sanctions had zero effect.
Now you are back to sanctions having "zero effect" on Iran.

Weird how so many outlets are calling them "crippling" to Iran.

And yet nothing changes with Iran. So what is the point?

We so want to harm their people because their leaders won't bend to our every command?
The point is that at some point the populace will rise up and overthrow the Mullahs. We were close early in Barry's first term. All he had to do was throw his support behind Iranian citizens, and the Mullahs would have been gone years ago. The pussy bailed on them.
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Our sanctions had zero effect.
Now you are back to sanctions having "zero effect" on Iran.

Weird how so many outlets are calling them "crippling" to Iran.

And yet nothing changes with Iran. So what is the point?

We so want to harm their people because their leaders won't bend to our every command?
The point is that at some point the populace will rise up and overthrow the Mullahs. We were close early in Barry's first term. All he had to do was throw his support behind Iranian citizens, and the Mullahs would have been gone years ago. The pussy bailed on them.

When we get involved it always blows back into our face. We condemn and condemn and condemn other countries for doing that but we are the worse offenders.

You are arguing for another Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or Syria or Iraq or anywhere else we have screwed up and wasted trillions and many lives.
You claimed they wouldnt

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.
You claimed they wouldn't care about anything they do, now you say they are upset with us over sanctions.

Make up your mind.

If Iran placed sanctions on us it would not affect us in the least but we would still consider it an act of war. Our sanctions have zero effect on Iran. With that being the case, why do we do it?

We do it to try and instigate trouble. We are the ones that are causing the problems.
You are a clueless fool.

However, analysts have said the figure may not reflect actual deliveries due to reported activities by Iran and its customers to conceal purchases or avoid tracking of tankers.

China, Russia and likely other countries are buying their oil.

And even then let's argue all of this is true. All It does it harm the poor. All our sanctions on Cuba never made a bit of difference.

We like keep people down.
First you said our sanctions have ZERO AFFECT on Iran.

I proved you wrong.

Now you claim it only hurts the poor.

Make up your mind.

Has Iran changed their plans? Did Cuba ever change their ways?

Our sanctions had zero effect.
Now you are back to sanctions having "zero effect" on Iran.

Weird how so many outlets are calling them "crippling" to Iran.

And yet nothing changes with Iran. So what is the point?

We so want to harm their people because their leaders won't bend to our every command?
The point is that at some point the populace will rise up and overthrow the Mullahs. We were close early in Barry's first term. All he had to do was throw his support behind Iranian citizens, and the Mullahs would have been gone years ago. The pussy bailed on them.

When we get involved it always blows back into our face. We condemn and condemn and condemn other countries for doing that but we are the worse offenders.

You are arguing for another Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or Syria or Iraq or anywhere else we have screwed up and wasted trillions and many lives.
You are a fucking liar.

Quote my post where I said we should go to war with Iran. You are desperate.

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