Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

Its not a semantic game

the US Constitution is clearly something Obama, the euros, and the mullahs in iran do not understand

No, we understand it perfectly well. Most international agreements are not ratified by the Congress. Congress delegates that authority to the executive branch.

The problem here is that six other nations entered an agreement with us in good faith, and Trump tore it up.

How is anyone going to trust us again? How do you make an agreement if you know the next guy is going to tear it up?

Plotting the destruction of Israel in exchange for oil is a fool’s bargain

The Jewish state will be there till the end of mankind‘s reign over the earth

The Zionist Entity will go the way of South African Apartheid for much the same reason.
No one told Obama to do what he did. That was a major shift in our foreign policy.
Bullshit. Other Presidents tried to get Iran to the negotiating table.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
It was in Iraq idiot. We don't have an embassy in Iran.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
It was in Iraq idiot. We don't have an embassy in Iran.

It was in retaliation. Quit attacking them and they do the same.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
It was in Iraq idiot. We don't have an embassy in Iran.

It was in retaliation. Quit attacking them and they do the same.
I know it's confusing, but Iran and Iraq are two different countries that don't even share a related language.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
It was in Iraq idiot. We don't have an embassy in Iran.

It was in retaliation. Quit attacking them and they do the same.
I know it's confusing, but Iran and Iraq are two different countries that don't even share a related language.

We blame whoever we want to attack at the moment with anything we can come up with. We have NO business being over there at all.

Anything that happens to us over there is simply in retaliation for the terror and destruction we have caused.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
It was in Iraq idiot. We don't have an embassy in Iran.

It was in retaliation. Quit attacking them and they do the same.
I know it's confusing, but Iran and Iraq are two different countries that don't even share a related language.

We blame whoever we want to attack at the moment with anything we can come up with. We have NO business being over there at all.

Anything that happens to us over there is simply in retaliation for the terror and destruction we have caused.
You went from they're not trying to kill us to it's our fault they are trying to kill us. You get that, right?

You have little knowledge and even less conviction.
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Than we did Obama the Idiot pay them not to make nukes?

Any way you turn it, it was a ridiculous deal which is well rid of.

He didn't pay them to not make nukes. They are going to do that no matter what anyone else does. He simply gave them their money back. That was going to happen sooner or later.
It was truly a stupid deal. FFS, you don't give any resources to someone who's trying to kill you. Even a progressive idiot like yourself should be able to grasp that.

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

They aren't trying to kill us.

in response to ....................

We attacked them. They retaliated. We have no business attacking half the world.
It was in Iraq idiot. We don't have an embassy in Iran.

It was in retaliation. Quit attacking them and they do the same.
I know it's confusing, but Iran and Iraq are two different countries that don't even share a related language.

We blame whoever we want to attack at the moment with anything we can come up with. We have NO business being over there at all.

Anything that happens to us over there is simply in retaliation for the terror and destruction we have caused.
You went from they're not trying to kill us to it's our fault they are trying to kill us. You get that, right?

You have little knowledge and even less conviction.

They aren't trying to kill us. They are trying to protect themselves. We have no business being over there.
Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs"
Pompeo is 100% correct in that assertion, even if he had to play the role of a Democrat asshole to come to that conclusion. In one sense, it's nothing we didn't know already, but people have to be "served" in a certain diplomatic sense, because they are not willing to make a formal acknowledgement of plain and apparent facts until they've been "served."

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Its is not expected that the kid-sniffer would mean a change in foreign policy.

You. mean like the child rapist, woman groping, porn star dating Trump?

I don't care what lies you make up about Biden,. Trump has done worse.
Here, my friend, for you:


I don´t lie about Biden. I just see his filthy geezer hands on small children, his nose on small children, his tongue on small children.
I don´t mean you should vote for Trump. He might be worse.

So you have another two swamp candidates. Why should you waste your time voting for one of them, when you don´t have to? Swamp will be elected either way. There won´t be changes. If Trump for example abolishes Obmacare, the affected will get Medicaid.
Don´t be fooled by those geezers that act like idiots and perverts in the US and like mediaeval robber barons abroad.

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