Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.
You have a very limited grasp of facts. Maybe they should set up an "improvers" forum so that people like you can post without upsetting adults.
China and Russia doesn't care one way or the other about Israel.
But iran does care about Israel, which is what the nukes are for

so any deal with iran involves Israel whether the euros or the chinese/russians know it or not

The statement I replied to was that our actions are hurting Iran. I noted that they can get anything they need from other places so what we do matters little to none.

Whether you support that is irrelevant. That's the way it is.
China and Russia doesn't care one way or the other about Israel.
But iran does care about Israel, which is what the nukes are for

so any deal with iran involves Israel whether the euros or the chinese/russians know it or not

The statement I replied to was that our actions are hurting Iran. I noted that they can get anything they need from other places so what we do matters little to none.

Whether you support that is irrelevant. That's the way it is.
Iran cant get everything they need only from russia and china
China and Russia doesn't care one way or the other about Israel.
But iran does care about Israel, which is what the nukes are for

so any deal with iran involves Israel whether the euros or the chinese/russians know it or not

The statement I replied to was that our actions are hurting Iran. I noted that they can get anything they need from other places so what we do matters little to none.

Whether you support that is irrelevant. That's the way it is.
Iran cant get everything they need only from russia and china

And? (other places will do as they please also)
Its not a semantic game

the US Constitution is clearly something Obama, the euros, and the mullahs in iran do not understand

No, we understand it perfectly well. Most international agreements are not ratified by the Congress. Congress delegates that authority to the executive branch.

The problem here is that six other nations entered an agreement with us in good faith, and Trump tore it up.

How is anyone going to trust us again? How do you make an agreement if you know the next guy is going to tear it up?

Plotting the destruction of Israel in exchange for oil is a fool’s bargain

The Jewish state will be there till the end of mankind‘s reign over the earth

The Zionist Entity will go the way of South African Apartheid for much the same reason.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.
Its not a semantic game

the US Constitution is clearly something Obama, the euros, and the mullahs in iran do not understand

No, we understand it perfectly well. Most international agreements are not ratified by the Congress. Congress delegates that authority to the executive branch.

The problem here is that six other nations entered an agreement with us in good faith, and Trump tore it up.

How is anyone going to trust us again? How do you make an agreement if you know the next guy is going to tear it up?

Plotting the destruction of Israel in exchange for oil is a fool’s bargain

The Jewish state will be there till the end of mankind‘s reign over the earth

The Zionist Entity will go the way of South African Apartheid for much the same reason.
What agreement? Nobody signed anything.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
You siding with China and Russia doesn't bother me. I expect it from Dimwingers.

Why do facts bother you so much?

Learn to read.

I have read. I have simply stated the facts of the situation. Why ignore the facts for useless rhetoric? Iran doesn't care what we do and the world is becoming more like that also.

Those are the simple facts. You would rather we deal in fantasies? Do you really think we can do anything that Iran is going to care about?
Iran is pretty upset with our sanctions. Fact.

Any country being messed with by another country will be upset by that. Nothing we do actually affects them though. That it is, which is not true, is what I replied to.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

Oh brother, the corrupt europeans side with the terrorists in Iran and you try to blame Trump. Trump Derangement syndrome is big in you. You can't negotiate with terrorists who are rewarded by europeans morons and terrorist lovers like Obama----terrorism is basically bullying on a more deadly scale. Terrorists have to be beat back---not coddled by our corrupt idiot Europeans. There is no negotiating with terrorists and bullies which you should have learned a long time ago on the school playground...bullies only understand when they are hit back not bribed and "negotiated" with.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

Oh brother, the corrupt europeans side with the terrorists in Iran and you try to blame Trump. Trump Derangement syndrome is big in you. You can't negotiate with terrorists who are rewarded by europeans morons and terrorist lovers like Obama----terrorism is basically bullying on a more deadly scale. Terrorists have to be beat back---not coddled by our corrupt idiot Europeans. There is no negotiating with terrorists and bullies which you should have learned a long time ago on the school playground...bullies only understand when they are hit back not bribed and "negotiated" with.

We just got hit back.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
The US broke the agreement

European nations are abiding by it

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

Oh brother, the corrupt europeans side with the terrorists in Iran and you try to blame Trump. Trump Derangement syndrome is big in you. You can't negotiate with terrorists who are rewarded by europeans morons and terrorist lovers like Obama----terrorism is basically bullying on a more deadly scale. Terrorists have to be beat back---not coddled by our corrupt idiot Europeans. There is no negotiating with terrorists and bullies which you should have learned a long time ago on the school playground...bullies only understand when they are hit back not bribed and "negotiated" with.
The US is the biggest sponsor of terrorism on the planet.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Its is not expected that the kid-sniffer would mean a change in foreign policy.

You. mean like the child rapist, woman groping, porn star dating Trump?

I don't care what lies you make up about Biden,. Trump has done worse.
Trump breaking the Iran deal was 100% about blowing up one of President Obama's accomplishments.

How did America benefit from giving the illegitimate Mullahs of Iran pallets full of cash money?
Giving Iran back it's own money that the US had frozen in US banks was part of the deal and didn't cost us a thing except perhaps the trillions the right wants to spend on another stupid war.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.

Get those knee pads waxed.
Turn off yoiur mic. It is embarrassing.
Its not a semantic game

the US Constitution is clearly something Obama, the euros, and the mullahs in iran do not understand

No, we understand it perfectly well. Most international agreements are not ratified by the Congress. Congress delegates that authority to the executive branch.

The problem here is that six other nations entered an agreement with us in good faith, and Trump tore it up.

How is anyone going to trust us again? How do you make an agreement if you know the next guy is going to tear it up?

Plotting the destruction of Israel in exchange for oil is a fool’s bargain

The Jewish state will be there till the end of mankind‘s reign over the earth

The Zionist Entity will go the way of South African Apartheid for much the same reason.
No one told Obama to do what he did. That was a major shift in our foreign policy.

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