Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo


Fuck you tainty. In your perfect world Iran gets their nuke and then they use it on some western power. Because getting it to the USA will be too difficult they will nuke some European city.

Hopefully the one you live in.

You hope that the Iran will bomb down his hometown with nukes, because this will give you the good feeling to be right? ... This are moments I love it to be a Vulcan ... ah sorry: a German. I don't know any longer how often I did regret in my life to be right.

You are the assholes working to get Iran the bomb. You should ask your leaders why.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

Fuck you tainty. In your perfect world Iran gets their nuke and then they use it on some western power. Because getting it to the USA will be too difficult they will nuke some European city.

Hopefully the one you live in.
They are more likely to be building a nuke now that we no longer inspect them.Its not complicated old fella.

Fuck you tainty. In your perfect world Iran gets their nuke and then they use it on some western power. Because getting it to the USA will be too difficult they will nuke some European city.

Hopefully the one you live in.

You hope that the Iran will bomb down his hometown with nukes, because this will give you the good feeling to be right? ... This are moments I love it to be a Vulcan ... ah sorry: a German. I don't know any longer how often I did regret in my life to be right.

You are the assholes

What a wonderful exactly German spearword from the natural dog language. I see we understand each other.

working to get Iran the bomb. You should ask your leaders why.

By the way. Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke exactly one time since she is chancellor (15 years) outside of the normal political routines to all German citizens. What she spoke was this at 18th of March 2020:

Trump breaking the Iran deal was 100% about blowing up one of President Obama's accomplishments.

How did America benefit from giving the illegitimate Mullahs of Iran pallets full of cash money?

It was their money.
We should give money to a state sponsor of terrorism blowing up our boys in Iraq, and then cry indignantly when we kill the man who planned it.

WTF is wrong with you people?!

Every time we pay taxes we are giving money to a sponsor of terrorism.
it's an agreement that all the other partners were following in GOOD FAITH.
It was a bad agreement that was not a treaty because obama could never get the American public to accept his deal with the mullahs

Actually, Congress kind of wrote him a blank check to negotiate an agreement, authorizing him to negotiate with them having an option to reject the agreement. They didn't.

It was actually a good agreement, except for the Zionist scum who want us to fight yet another war over there. Hard pass, said most Americans.
You can play the semantic game all you want. No one will have a bar of you.
Its not a semantic game

the US Constitution is clearly something Obama, the euros, and the mullahs in iran do not understand
Actually, Congress kind of wrote him a blank check to negotiate an agreement, authorizing him to negotiate with them having an option to reject the agreement. They didn't.
Yes, the republican senators were (and still are) spineless sons of bitches

but “we the people“ who elected trump, did not give them permission to ignore the Constitution

the deal obama made was never a binding treaty
the deal obama made was never a binding treaty
You can pretend all you like that withdrawing from it was not an act of utter bad faith. Then you can pretend you have allies in dealing with Iran.

But you look a bit stupid while Pompeo insists America is still a party to the agreement and therefore has rights to call for snapback.

Or is it Pompeo looking stupid?

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
Obama's agreement with Iran was certainly not perfect but a lot better than nothing. Donald Trump's action of cancelling an agreement with Iran that limited nuclear development and required inspections and replacing it with nothing is absolutely insane. It pretty well guarantees that Iran will eventually become a nuclear power. And as expressed by Iran, "it will be a cold day in hell before Iran enters into another agreement with the US after proving it does not honor it's agreements."
Barry's EO guaranteed Iran would be nuclear. It expired in 10 years and then Iran was free to build nukes, Dummy. Trump's sanctions are crippling the Iran economy, and if idiot country's like Timmy Taint's would join in the Mullahs would be deposed in a matter of a year or two.

China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Once again you side with China and Russia.

Simply stating the facts. Why do facts bother you?
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Plotting the destruction of Israel in exchange for oil is a fool’s bargain

The Jewish state will be there till the end of mankind‘s reign over the earth
China and Russia is and will provide anything Iran needs in exchange for oil.
Plotting the destruction of Israel in exchange for oil is a fool’s bargain

The Jewish state will be there till the end of mankind‘s reign over the earth

China and Russia doesn't care one way or the other about Israel. If Israel had oil to offer them they would do business with them also.
China and Russia doesn't care one way or the other about Israel.
But iran does care about Israel, which is what the nukes are for

so any deal with iran involves Israel whether the euros or the chinese/russians/democrats know it or not

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