Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

I read the first 50 posts of this thread. It went exactly as I expected, deplorables casting all evidence as fake news while wishing to enforce strictly US hegemony over Iran.

One can see why the UNSC has had enough of this shit.
Stop supporting the things that caused the rest of the world to support Iran over us.

Actually, the only thing making them do that is Trump. You pissed away your vote on a third party last time, so that's totally on you.
Again, since Barry Hussein got rolled by the Mullahs on the world stage and several military sites are off limits to any inspections, we don't know jack shit about their nuke program.

And it wasn't a treaty, stupid. It was an Executive Order.

Actually, no, it was a treaty... Congress gave Obama the authority to negotiate with the Iranians and the five other signatories.

Again, even Tillerson and Mattis had to concede the Iranians were in compliance. this was a good treaty.
Link us up to the required vote in the Senate by a 2/3 majority.

Nobody signed it, not even Iran. It is useless, not a treaty.
Link us up to the required vote in the Senate by a 2/3 majority.

Nobody signed it, not even Iran. It is useless, not a treaty.

Actually, the only thing that was useless was Trump undoing years of work....

So now the Iranians are making nukes, we can't stop them from doing it, they are firmly in charge of Iraq and Syria... so... um, yay us?
Link us up to the required vote in the Senate by a 2/3 majority.

Nobody signed it, not even Iran. It is useless, not a treaty.

Actually, the only thing that was useless was Trump undoing years of work....

So now the Iranians are making nukes, we can't stop them from doing it, they are firmly in charge of Iraq and Syria... so... um, yay us?
A "treaty" that has zero signatures is a piece of paper, Moron.
Again, since Barry Hussein got rolled by the Mullahs on the world stage and several military sites are off limits to any inspections, we don't know jack shit about their nuke program.

And it wasn't a treaty, stupid. It was an Executive Order.

Actually, no, it was a treaty... Congress gave Obama the authority to negotiate with the Iranians and the five other signatories.

Again, even Tillerson and Mattis had to concede the Iranians were in compliance. this was a good treaty.
Link us up to the required vote in the Senate by a 2/3 majority.

Nobody signed it, not even Iran. It is useless, not a treaty.

If you take a look at the following official website of the federal republic of Germany you can see behind the headline

Was sind die Kernelemente der Wiener Vereinbarung?
(=What are the core elements of the agreement of Vienna?)

a picture, which is subtitled "Die Unterschriften der Verhandlungspartner" (="The signatures of the negotiation partners")

Source: Die Wiener Nuklearvereinbarung über das iranische Atomprogramm (="The agreement of Vienna over the Iranian nuclear program")
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A "treaty" that has zero signatures is a piece of paper, Moron.

No, Moron, it's an agreement that all the other partners were following in GOOD FAITH.

Gee, I hope nobody is ever dumb enough to do business with you with that attitude.
A "treaty" that has zero signatures is a piece of paper, Moron.

No, Moron, it's an agreement that all the other partners were following in GOOD FAITH.

Gee, I hope nobody is ever dumb enough to do business with you with that attitude.
Wait. What?

YOU have been calling it a TREATY. Now it's just an "agreement".

What happened? :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

I educated your ignorant ass, that's what happened.

Yer welcome.
The UNSC educated America's ignorant ass while deplorables did a semantic dance, that's what happened.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.
First of all I’m trying to think of why we would follow your lead on anything Muslim since you have sold yourselves out to them voluntarily. There seems to be no end to the amount of muslim bullshit you won’t put up with.

My second thought is you euro morons still have this crazy thought you’re somehow better than us when in truth you haven’t had that since well before WWI. Before that we just ignored you for about 100 years.

But now. You’re going to show us how to deal with these people as you simultaneously sell yourselves out to them.

I had a fleeting moment of hope the Brits weren’t totally lost when Brexit happened. After watching that clusterfuck and you morons voting in Muslim mayors for your capital city I’m convinced you’re lost forever. Or at least until we come save you from yourselves... again.
Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Oh, baloney. No one needs the definition of “foreign policy” defined for us ideologically to pretend it is sacrosanct.

Foreign policy for Western Europe is playing defiant of some of the USA’s bold measures --- probably out of envy or spite ---- by pretending the sins of Iran, Islamic radicalism and China are not as horrible as the way the USA treats those entities. Something inane like that.

Foreign policy for the USA is a gigantic military budget, having to take all the risks and do all the fighting when a major attack or escalation arises in the Middle East or elsewhere. Big difference than the stake France, Britain or Germany have to invest in it. These nations in the West act so indignant if we don’t do it their way, but they know very well if they are ever under attack we will be the ones who will have their back, having to be big brother and take on their foes. - - - - (The least they could do is pay their NATO bills.)
A "treaty" that has zero signatures is a piece of paper, Moron.

No, Moron, it's an agreement that all the other partners were following in GOOD FAITH.

Gee, I hope nobody is ever dumb enough to do business with you with that attitude.

I bet you believed everything China has told us about COVID-19 too! How cute!

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