Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

Europe, Russia and China should not be able to give the Iran whatever the Iran needs?
You added europe to the list

Wrong. You added Europe to the list of your enemies. And you deleted - (=you do not like to understand) - the most of my answers.

yes, the greedy euros want very much to supply irans needs and profit very much in return

they do not care now what happens in 5 years when iran is free to build nukes and rockets to deliver them

but they will when the consequences of their stupidity take effect

Says an idiot?
The declaration of independence is something what the Trump government not understands.
Thats not for germans to say since you dont even understand the binding treaty process

obama played on your ignorance of our political system back in 2015
The declaration of independence is something what the Trump government not understands.
Thats not for germans to say ...

The first publication of the declaration of independence in the USA was in German language from a German newspaper in Boston. We know very well what's written there on what reason and what this means, although the USA had eliminated meanwhile the German language in the USA.

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The first publication of the declaration of independence in the USA was in German language from a German newspaper in Boston.
I did not know that

but there was support after the Revolution to make german the official language of the United States

fortunately America and England had reconciled before WWI began
The first publication of the declaration of independence in the USA was in German language from a German newspaper in Boston. We know very well what's written there on what reason and what this means, although the USA had eliminated meanwhile the German language in the USA.

Close, but not quite.

I actually studied history...100 years ago but still.

July 4th 1776. The most American of all days. Fireworks and hot dogs. A day to remember the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. To spread the official news of American independence from Great Britain, the printer John Dunlap in Philadelphia was tasked to print broadsides of the Declaration, which were published and sent out across the country the next day, July 5th.1 Only three days later, on July 8th, a German-translation of the Declaration of Independence was published in broadside. A day later, the German-translation was published in a newspaper. This begs the question, why was there a German translation of the Declaration of Independence published so quickly after the original ratification and publication? The answer lies with the Pennsylvania Germans.

Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.
The first publication of the declaration of independence in the USA was in German language from a German newspaper in Boston. We know very well what's written there on what reason and what this means, although the USA had eliminated meanwhile the German language in the USA.

Close, but not quite.

I actually studied history...100 years ago but still.

July 4th 1776. The most American of all days. Fireworks and hot dogs. A day to remember the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. To spread the official news of American independence from Great Britain, the printer John Dunlap in Philadelphia was tasked to print broadsides of the Declaration, which were published and sent out across the country the next day, July 5th.1 Only three days later, on July 8th, a German-translation of the Declaration of Independence was published in broadside. A day later, the German-translation was published in a newspaper. This begs the question, why was there a German translation of the Declaration of Independence published so quickly after the original ratification and publication? The answer lies with the Pennsylvania Germans.

Sorry to have to say so: But Donald Trump has absolutelly not any idea about what means "declaration of independence". He hates independence.
Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.

Muslims target infidels. Particularly women and children.
Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.

Muslims target infidels. Particularly women and children.
no comment

That you laughed contemptoulsy shows that you are not able to think: Trump hates independence. This shows his politics very clear.

And the Pennnsylvanische Staatsbote puplished the following information on July 6th.

„Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für ausgemacht, daß alle Menschen gleich erschaffen worden, daß sie von ihrem Schöpfer mit gewissen unveräußerlichen Rechten begabt worden, worunter sind Leben, Freyheit und das Bestreben nach Glückseligkeit. Daß zur Versicherung dieser Rechte Regierungen unter den Menschen eingeführt worden sind, welche ihre gerechte Gewalt von der Einwilligung der Regierten herleiten; daß sobald einige Regierungsform diesen Endzwecken verderblich wird, es das Recht des Volks ist, sie zu verändern oder abzuschaffen, und eine neue Regierung einzusetzen, die auf solche Grundsätze gegründet, und deren Macht und Gewalt solchergestalt gebildet wird, als ihnen zur Erhaltung ihrer Sicherheit und Glückseligkeit am schicklichsten zu seyn dünket. Zwar gebietet Klugheit, daß von langer Zeit her eingeführte Regierungen nicht um leichter und vergänglicher Ursachen willen verändert werden sollen; und demnach hat die Erfahrung von jeher gezeigt, daß Menschen, so lang das Uebel noch zu ertragen ist, lieber leiden und dulden wollen, als sich durch Umstossung solcher Regierungsformen, zu denen sie gewöhnt sind, selbst Recht und Hülfe verschaffen. Wenn aber eine lange Reihe von Mißhandlungen und gewaltsamen Eingriffen, auf einen und eben den Gegenstand unabläßig gerichtet, einen Anschlag an den Tag legt sie unter unumschränkte Herrschaft zu bringen, so ist es ihr Recht, ja ihre Pflicht, solche Regierung abzuwerfen, und sich für ihre künftige Sicherheit neue Gewähren zu verschaffen.“

The fastest English speaking newspapers published one day later (7th). On 8th was published a complete translation of the declaration of independence from the Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote.
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That you laughed contemptoulsy shows that you are not able to think: Trump hates independence. This shows his politics very clear.

And the Pennnsylvanische Staatsbote puplished the following information on July 6th.

„Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für ausgemacht, daß alle Menschen gleich erschaffen worden, daß sie von ihrem Schöpfer mit gewissen unveräußerlichen Rechten begabt worden, worunter sind Leben, Freyheit und das Bestreben nach Glückseligkeit. Daß zur Versicherung dieser Rechte Regierungen unter den Menschen eingeführt worden sind, welche ihre gerechte Gewalt von der Einwilligung der Regierten herleiten; daß sobald einige Regierungsform diesen Endzwecken verderblich wird, es das Recht des Volks ist, sie zu verändern oder abzuschaffen, und eine neue Regierung einzusetzen, die auf solche Grundsätze gegründet, und deren Macht und Gewalt solchergestalt gebildet wird, als ihnen zur Erhaltung ihrer Sicherheit und Glückseligkeit am schicklichsten zu seyn dünket. Zwar gebietet Klugheit, daß von langer Zeit her eingeführte Regierungen nicht um leichter und vergänglicher Ursachen willen verändert werden sollen; und demnach hat die Erfahrung von jeher gezeigt, daß Menschen, so lang das Uebel noch zu ertragen ist, lieber leiden und dulden wollen, als sich durch Umstossung solcher Regierungsformen, zu denen sie gewöhnt sind, selbst Recht und Hülfe verschaffen. Wenn aber eine lange Reihe von Mißhandlungen und gewaltsamen Eingriffen, auf einen und eben den Gegenstand unabläßig gerichtet, einen Anschlag an den Tag legt sie unter unumschränkte Herrschaft zu bringen, so ist es ihr Recht, ja ihre Pflicht, solche Regierung abzuwerfen, und sich für ihre künftige Sicherheit neue Gewähren zu verschaffen.“

The fastest English speaking newspapers published one day later (7th). On 8th was published a complete translation of the declaration of independence from the Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote.
Ive reported several posts on this thread. We are in politics and if you post on a thread you should have something to offer rather than personal abuse.

That you laughed contemptoulsy shows that you are not able to think: Trump hates independence. This shows his politics very clear.

And the Pennnsylvanische Staatsbote puplished the following information on July 6th.

„Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für ausgemacht, daß alle Menschen gleich erschaffen worden, daß sie von ihrem Schöpfer mit gewissen unveräußerlichen Rechten begabt worden, worunter sind Leben, Freyheit und das Bestreben nach Glückseligkeit. Daß zur Versicherung dieser Rechte Regierungen unter den Menschen eingeführt worden sind, welche ihre gerechte Gewalt von der Einwilligung der Regierten herleiten; daß sobald einige Regierungsform diesen Endzwecken verderblich wird, es das Recht des Volks ist, sie zu verändern oder abzuschaffen, und eine neue Regierung einzusetzen, die auf solche Grundsätze gegründet, und deren Macht und Gewalt solchergestalt gebildet wird, als ihnen zur Erhaltung ihrer Sicherheit und Glückseligkeit am schicklichsten zu seyn dünket. Zwar gebietet Klugheit, daß von langer Zeit her eingeführte Regierungen nicht um leichter und vergänglicher Ursachen willen verändert werden sollen; und demnach hat die Erfahrung von jeher gezeigt, daß Menschen, so lang das Uebel noch zu ertragen ist, lieber leiden und dulden wollen, als sich durch Umstossung solcher Regierungsformen, zu denen sie gewöhnt sind, selbst Recht und Hülfe verschaffen. Wenn aber eine lange Reihe von Mißhandlungen und gewaltsamen Eingriffen, auf einen und eben den Gegenstand unabläßig gerichtet, einen Anschlag an den Tag legt sie unter unumschränkte Herrschaft zu bringen, so ist es ihr Recht, ja ihre Pflicht, solche Regierung abzuwerfen, und sich für ihre künftige Sicherheit neue Gewähren zu verschaffen.“

The fastest English speaking newspapers published one day later (7th). On 8th was published a complete translation of the declaration of independence from the Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote.
Ive reported several posts on this thread. We are in politics and if you post on a thread you should have something to offer rather than personal abuse.

You think the declaration of independence is a "personal abuse" of the grandiosity of the bloody British empire? ...

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The first publication of the declaration of independence in the USA was in German language from a German newspaper in Boston.
I did not know that

but there was support after the Revolution to make german the official language of the United States

fortunately America and England had reconciled before WWI began

"English" is a language, which came from the German dialect of the tribe "Angeln" (and Saxons) - with other words: From the people in the North of Germany. Later mixed in Normans (Scandinavians with a Germanic language) who had lived before this had happened 300 years with the Germanic tribe of the Franken and celtic tribes in France. The Franken had decided to speak Latin (now this "Latin" is called "French") and that's perhaps the main reason for many Latin words in the English language.

Before world war 1 had happened the emperor of the Prussian empire over Germany - William II - called himselve "Brit" - what was true: he was a Brit - and he had called Germans "huns", what was a British cliche and prejudice. Huns is another word for Hungarians. Nice people by the way - with a totally stupid and criminal government in the moment. William II was educated in England from his grandma Queen Victoria. That's why he dreamed of a colonial empire and an extremly big navy. British dreams - not German dreams.

The USA fought - without any reason to have to do so - in world war 1 against Germany and the multi-national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire for the extremely nationalistic and colonial empires Russia, France and Great Britain and changed world history.

And with the disasters you had produced in World War 1 you are still fighting today. Not any of the "solutions" of World War 1 kept stable. Everything exploded. Often decades later.

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The USA fought - without any reason to have to do so - in world war 1 against Germany
There was good reason to do so

many people think that german war crimes began with hitler

but they actually date back to WWI and the german invasion of Belgium

the belgians did not meekly surrender as expected and were severely punished for resisting

reprisals against civilians shocked the world
The USA fought - without any reason to have to do so - in world war 1 against Germany
There was good reason to do so

I never found anyone.

many people think that german war crimes began with hitler but they actually date back to WWI and the german invasion of Belgium

The US-American province Belgium? By the way: Did you know what the king of Belgium had done in the Kongo? Inform yourselve - and do not forget to read it on a toilett - the near to a toilett bowl helps in this case not to give up too soon.

the belgians did not meekly surrender as expected and were severely punished for resisting

reprisals against civilians shocked the world

It was a disaster what had happened partially in Belgium. Unexperienced soldiers, idiots in the military leadership and partisans caused a disaster there. Still today is not very clear how this disaster was able to happen. Nevertheless is only a part rue of this what the allied war propagada had said.
Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.

Muslims target infidels. Particularly women and children.
no comment

Do Muslims target infidels, particularly women and children? Yes or no.
Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.

Muslims target infidels. Particularly women and children.
no comment

Do Muslims target infidels, particularly women and children? Yes or no.
Don't forget the gays.............those peaceful mooslims love throwing them off buildings.
What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
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