Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

Like the Iranians are actually holding up their end of the deal.

That you are stupid enough to believe them just shows what a moron you are.

Uh, even Mattis and Rex Tillerson admitted they were complying with their end of the deal.

Western Europe got saved, and still many of them put in Marxist light from time to time, which is why they are so soft now.

That's one way to look at it. Here's another. Western Europe found itself with these huge empires, all of which collapsed after WWII because the Nazis had weakened them. The average European realized while the fat cats were getting rich off these Empires, it was their sons being sent off to die in Jungles and deserts all over the world.

Lol, "comply"

More died in the Great European Civil Wars by orders of magnitude then during colonialism. And colonialism was a stepping stone for many middle class families and lower class ones to make their fortunes abroad.

One could be a low level clerk in Liverpool, or a high official in some government post in Delhi.
This is kinda like our election. I saw a stat that said a large number of people who will vote for Biden doesn't really support Biden, they are voting against Trump.

It's not that Europe supports Iran, they are voting against the U.S. They are tired of our crap.

No, they are supporting Iran because they are afraid of Iran, and hope to be the last one eaten by the alligator.
Lol, "comply"

More died in the Great European Civil Wars by orders of magnitude then during colonialism. And colonialism was a stepping stone for many middle class families and lower class ones to make their fortunes abroad.

One could be a low level clerk in Liverpool, or a high official in some government post in Delhi.

Wow, are you really trying to justify imperialism? really?

Average Europeans decided they no longer wanted to die to make the rich richer. That's why empires fell. Also, the people there didn't want to put up with their shit anymore.

French "Hey, we're back!!"
Algerians, Vietnamese, etc. "Fuck you!"
Lol, "comply"

More died in the Great European Civil Wars by orders of magnitude then during colonialism. And colonialism was a stepping stone for many middle class families and lower class ones to make their fortunes abroad.

One could be a low level clerk in Liverpool, or a high official in some government post in Delhi.

Wow, are you really trying to justify imperialism? really?

Average Europeans decided they no longer wanted to die to make the rich richer. That's why empires fell. Also, the people there didn't want to put up with their shit anymore.

French "Hey, we're back!!"
Algerians, Vietnamese, etc. "Fuck you!"

It happened. All more advanced cultures have a habit over ruling over less advanced ones. You just like to make it seem like that's not so to further your own sad political goals.

The only reason the Chinese were not imperialists was because of their insular cultural superiority complex. They were the "middle kingdom" so fuck anyone else. Interesting how the Japanese took the same cultural superiority and made it imperialistic due to resource constraints.
Like the Iranians are actually holding up their end of the deal.

That you are stupid enough to believe them just shows what a moron you are.

Uh, even Mattis and Rex Tillerson admitted they were complying with their end of the deal.

Western Europe got saved, and still many of them put in Marxist light from time to time, which is why they are so soft now.

That's one way to look at it. Here's another. Western Europe found itself with these huge empires, all of which collapsed after WWII because the Nazis had weakened them. The average European realized while the fat cats were getting rich off these Empires, it was their sons being sent off to die in Jungles and deserts all over the world.
How would they know? Did they inspect all the military sites the Mullahs said couldn't be inspected?
It happened. All more advanced cultures have a habit over ruling over less advanced ones. You just like to make it seem like that's not so to further your own sad political goals.

The only reason the Chinese were not imperialists was because of their insular cultural superiority complex. They were the "middle kingdom" so fuck anyone else. Interesting how the Japanese took the same cultural superiority and made it imperialistic due to resource constraints.

Again, there's imperialism, and then there is what the Europeans did, which has really messed the world up to this very day.

How would they know? Did they inspect all the military sites the Mullahs said couldn't be inspected?

Again, the Iranians complied with the treaty, they complied with inspections, and teh billions we've spent on intelligence didn't fine one shred of proof they violated the treaty.

The Europeans worked very hard to get that treaty to start with, and Trump tore it up on them.
Trump breaking the Iran deal was 100% about blowing up one of President Obama's accomplishments.

How did America benefit from giving the illegitimate Mullahs of Iran pallets full of cash money?
Giving Iran back it's own money that the US had frozen in US banks was part of the deal and didn't cost us a thing except perhaps the trillions the right wants to spend on another stupid war.

It wasn't just in US banks. It was in banks all over the world.
No, they are supporting Iran because they are afraid of Iran, and hope to be the last one eaten by the alligator.

Or maybe they realize you won't be eaten by an alligator if you stop swimming in his swamp.

The Europeans worked very hard to get a deal with Iran. They stop making nukes, we open trade with them. Easy Peasy.

If we want Iran to behave better on the world stage, we need to engage them economically and politically.

Trump, on the other hand, just wants to "look tough". His mouth is writing checks his ass can't cash.

ROTFLMFAO, it's what he has done his whole life. But daddy was there to bail him out time and time again.
Now that is MAGA!!!!
It happened. All more advanced cultures have a habit over ruling over less advanced ones. You just like to make it seem like that's not so to further your own sad political goals.

The only reason the Chinese were not imperialists was because of their insular cultural superiority complex. They were the "middle kingdom" so fuck anyone else. Interesting how the Japanese took the same cultural superiority and made it imperialistic due to resource constraints.

Again, there's imperialism, and then there is what the Europeans did, which has really messed the world up to this very day.

How would they know? Did they inspect all the military sites the Mullahs said couldn't be inspected?

Again, the Iranians complied with the treaty, they complied with inspections, and teh billions we've spent on intelligence didn't fine one shred of proof they violated the treaty.

The Europeans worked very hard to get that treaty to start with, and Trump tore it up on them.

We don't know if the world would have been more messed up with or without it. Impossible to tell.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

What part of "diplomacy is grown up stuff," includes giving 150 billion dollars in cash to the chief sponsor of international terrorism in the world? Which part of diplomacy puts the worst human rights violaters on the Human Rights Human rights council...

You European asshats haven't gotten diplomacy right since you told the world you had "Peace in our Time," and you have simply gotten worse and worse every year since....
How would they know? Did they inspect all the military sites the Mullahs said couldn't be inspected?
Again, the Iranians complied with the treaty, they complied with inspections, and teh billions we've spent on intelligence didn't fine one shred of proof they violated the treaty.

The Europeans worked very hard to get that treaty to start with, and Trump tore it up on them.

Under the treaty, there were not sites that were "off limits" All nuclear sites were subject to immediate unannounced inspection. While non-nuclear sites, were subject to a process which could give them up to 3 weeks to gain entry to.

It would be like Russia wanting immediate access to the Pentagon, or to NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain, without time to remove or lock up classified information.

BTW: Given 3 weeks to remove nuclear material doesn't remove the traces of nuclear material, which as Chernobyl proves, remain for decades or centuries, and can't be washed away.
The feckless euros should worry more about the nature of the crazy mullahs who are building nuclear weapons to set the world on fire with

Except there's no evidence the Mullahs were building nukes. The IAEA said that Iran was in compliance and is STILL complying.

Here's the thing. If Iran feels under threat by the US, then it's actually in their interest to build nukes. Nukes are the automatic "Don't fuck with me" card. Just look how deferential we are to North Korea because that bankrupt little country has a 1950's grade nuke that probably wouldn't even fit on one of their malfunctioning missiles.
Iran needs nukes to protect itself from US aggression. Nukes make you safe.

And if they decide to light up Tel Aviv then Tommy will just shrug and say "who cares"?
Only one country has nuked another one. And remember that the US never saw a terrorist organisation it wouldnt back. Who armed Bin Laden and caused the 9/11 attack ?
Trump breaking the Iran deal was 100% about blowing up one of President Obama's accomplishments.

How did America benefit from giving the illegitimate Mullahs of Iran pallets full of cash money?
Giving Iran back it's own money that the US had frozen in US banks was part of the deal and didn't cost us a thing except perhaps the trillions the right wants to spend on another stupid war.

You don't giver 150 billion dollars in cash to matter if it belongs to them or wait until their government is rational, not killing Americans around the world as well as others in the middle east and around the moron......

And letting Iran even think about getting nuclear weapons is the dumbest thing since you morons told us hitler was a good twit...
What part of "diplomacy is grown up stuff," includes giving 150 billion dollars in cash to the chief sponsor of international terrorism in the world?

The part of following international law, and obligation the international treaties agreed to.

Mike Pompeo's assertion that Washington's key European allies are "siding with the ayatollahs" offers a test case of the failures of President Trump's approach towards Iran and of his foreign policy in general.

Foreign policy is about defining objectives; determining the means of getting there and, crucially, carrying other nations along with you. On Iran, the US has failed on every count.

Bluster might work among the less educated of his base but diplomacy is grown up stuff. If you cant take people with you then you stand alone and impotent. The world needs leadership and the US is playing golf.

I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage.

" I would imagine that most of Americas allies are waiting for November and the return of sanity to the world stage. "

that isn't going to happen. sad to say.

trump will manage to steal this election, too, then put a lockhold on the presidency, the supreme court and the military and America will become the next nazi germany....
What part of "diplomacy is grown up stuff," includes giving 150 billion dollars in cash to the chief sponsor of international terrorism in the world?

The part of following international law, and obligation the international treaties agreed to.

Nope.........they are a rogue, terrorist don't give them 150 billion dollars in cash...
The feckless euros should worry more about the nature of the crazy mullahs who are building nuclear weapons to set the world on fire with

Except there's no evidence the Mullahs were building nukes. The IAEA said that Iran was in compliance and is STILL complying.

Here's the thing. If Iran feels under threat by the US, then it's actually in their interest to build nukes. Nukes are the automatic "Don't fuck with me" card. Just look how deferential we are to North Korea because that bankrupt little country has a 1950's grade nuke that probably wouldn't even fit on one of their malfunctioning missiles.
Iran needs nukes to protect itself from US aggression. Nukes make you safe.

And if they decide to light up Tel Aviv then Tommy will just shrug and say "who cares"?
Only one country has nuked another one. And remember that the US never saw a terrorist organisation it wouldnt back. Who armed Bin Laden and caused the 9/11 attack ?

Yep, during war, when it was an unknown commodity. And the Japanese earned it.

We armed the Afghan resistance in general, not just him.

As South Park said, 9/11 was caused by pissed off muslims.

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