Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

Non-ratified treaties are still "international treaties" under international law.

They carry the same effect under international law, which is why the UNSC rebuked Trumps last resolution against Iran.
Executive Orders are not treaties, Fuckwit.

Once more, I have to educate you.


Under international law a "treaty" is any international agreement concluded between states or other entities with international personality (such as public international organizations), if the agreement is intended to have international legal effect. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties sets out an elaborate set of international law standards for treaties, broadly defined.

A self-executing treaty provision is the supreme law of the land in the same sense as a federal statute that is judicially enforceable by private parties. Even a non-self-executing provision of an international agreement represents an international obligation that courts are very much inclined to protect against encroachment by local, state or federal law.
From your link you lying sack of shit.

It is an international agreement that has received the "advice and consent" (in practice, just the consent) of two-thirds of the Senate and that has been ratified by the President.

Barry's never went to the Senate because even the Dimwingers knew it was a shit deal. It was an EO, nothing more.
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The Iranian government with which the US had an understanding no longer existed, and the usurper government that now ruled Iran had no diplomatic relations with the US and considered the US the devil and promised to destroy it.

The Soviet Union (USSR) with with the US has dozens of treaties, from SALT to START, are still fully enforceable against the Russian Federation, which was never a signatory. The new government inherits the obligations of the old government.

Just like if Biden gets elected, he is obligated to the treaties that Trump made.

Even though it's a whole new US government.
You claimed unfettered IMMEDIATE inspections of ANY site.

You lied on both counts.

Please.... Don't lie about what I said. Since here is a post of what I said.
I said immediate about nuclear sites only, like the treaty/agreement specified.

No site is "off limits", there are only delays to access. Any nuclear site gets immediate unfettered access. Non-nuclear sites can access DELAYED (but not denied) up to 3 weeks.
Just the opposite, your own link says they can stall up to 54 days. Off limits means forever.

And 54 days is NOT forever. You;re the one who's full of shit. You are now, and you've always been.
Military sites are off limits forever, idiot.
Under the deal, the IAEA can request access to Iranian sites including military ...

Rouhani gave no indication why he believed the IAEA would decline the request. Under the deal, the IAEA can request access to Iranian sites including military ones if it has concerns about activities there that violate the agreement, but it must show Iran the basis for those concerns.

That means new and credible information pointing to such a violation is required first, officials from the agency and major powers say. There is no indication that Washington has presented such information to back up its call for inspections of Iranian military sites.

So far, IAEA inspectors have certified that Iran is fully complying with the deal, under which it significantly reduced its enriched uranium stockpile and took steps to ensure no possible use of it for a nuclear weapon.

AUGUST 29, 2017 / 7:18 AM / 3 YEARS AGO
The Iranian government with which the US had an understanding no longer existed, and the usurper government that now ruled Iran had no diplomatic relations with the US and considered the US the devil and promised to destroy it.

The Soviet Union (USSR) with with the US has dozens of treaties, from SALT to START, are still fully enforceable against the Russian Federation, which was never a signatory. The new government inherits the obligations of the old government.

Just like if Biden gets elected, he is obligated to the treaties that Trump made.

Even though it's a whole new US government.
The only difference between Russia today and the USSR is that Russia no longer has its satellite nations, but the government evolved from the government of Soviet days into the present one and we have had continuous relations with Russia. The US still has no diplomatic relations with Iran.
The Iranian government with which the US had an understanding no longer existed, and the usurper government that now ruled Iran had no diplomatic relations with the US and considered the US the devil and promised to destroy it.

The Soviet Union (USSR) with with the US has dozens of treaties, from SALT to START, are still fully enforceable against the Russian Federation, which was never a signatory. The new government inherits the obligations of the old government.

Just like if Biden gets elected, he is obligated to the treaties that Trump made.

Even though it's a whole new US government.
A president can unilaterally withdraw from any treaty. There is now pretty well established precedent.
You claimed unfettered IMMEDIATE inspections of ANY site.

You lied on both counts.

Please.... Don't lie about what I said. Since here is a post of what I said.
I said immediate about nuclear sites only, like the treaty/agreement specified.

No site is "off limits", there are only delays to access. Any nuclear site gets immediate unfettered access. Non-nuclear sites can access DELAYED (but not denied) up to 3 weeks.
Um, YOUR link said a delay of 54 days for suspected nuclear sites. Man, you are getting hammered in this thread.
Just the opposite, your own link says they can stall up to 54 days. Off limits means forever.

And 54 days is NOT forever. You;re the one who's full of shit. You are now, and you've always been.
Military sites are off limits forever, idiot.
Under the deal, the IAEA can request access to Iranian sites including military ...

Rouhani gave no indication why he believed the IAEA would decline the request. Under the deal, the IAEA can request access to Iranian sites including military ones if it has concerns about activities there that violate the agreement, but it must show Iran the basis for those concerns.

That means new and credible information pointing to such a violation is required first, officials from the agency and major powers say. There is no indication that Washington has presented such information to back up its call for inspections of Iranian military sites.

So far, IAEA inspectors have certified that Iran is fully complying with the deal, under which it significantly reduced its enriched uranium stockpile and took steps to ensure no possible use of it for a nuclear weapon.

AUGUST 29, 2017 / 7:18 AM / 3 YEARS AGO
"World News" says the IAEA can "request" to see a site.

Iran says you can't get on their military bases. Not one has been inspected. You lose again, Dummy.
The only difference between Russia today and the USSR is that Russia no longer has its satellite nations...

Revolutions and Treaty Termination - Penn State Law eLibrary

As treaties are binding upon the contracting States, changes in the Government, or even in the form of Government, of one of the parties can, as a rule, have no influence whatever upon the binding force of treaties. . . .

Too bad this isn't a treaty, huh? :abgg2q.jpg:
Um, YOUR link said a delay of 54 days for suspected nuclear sites. Man, you are getting hammered in this thread.

But you lied, when you claimed I said "immediate" about all sites. The 54 days in no way changes my claim of a 3 week delay as the text specifies.

You claimed unfettered IMMEDIATE inspections of ANY site.

You lied on both counts.

Once more, you lied about what I said.

No site is "off limits", there are only delays to access. Any nuclear site gets immediate unfettered access. Non-nuclear sites can access DELAYED (but not denied) up to 3 weeks.

Why must you always lie about what I said, when I can post what I said, to prove you lied.

Your game is getting old.
A president can unilaterally withdraw from any treaty. There is now pretty well established precedent.

Is that like the argument that any state admitted to the union can unilaterally withdraw from the USA?
Ha! Maybe. As far as I’ve ever heard, the Senate has never stopped the president from doing it, so it’s more of a separation of powers argument. It’s only happened a few times if I recall correctly.
"World News" says the IAEA can "request" to see a site.

Iran says you can't get on their military bases. Not one has been inspected. You lose again, Dummy.
Rouhani and the EU said that the tresty/agreement requires that proof be required to give the IAEA access, which explains the 54 day delay.

The fact that such proof has not been given, and thus no military sites inspected, requires a Rumsfeld twist of words to say that proves military sites can't be inspected under any circumstances.
Um, YOUR link said a delay of 54 days for suspected nuclear sites. Man, you are getting hammered in this thread.

But you lied, when you claimed I said "immediate" about all sites. The 54 days in no way changes my claim of a 3 week delay as the text specifies.

You claimed unfettered IMMEDIATE inspections of ANY site.

You lied on both counts.

Once more, you lied about what I said.

No site is "off limits", there are only delays to access. Any nuclear site gets immediate unfettered access. Non-nuclear sites can access DELAYED (but not denied) up to 3 weeks.

Why must you always lie about what I said, when I can post what I said, to prove you lied.

Your game is getting old.
You are frantically trying to spin your way out of your lies. I have posted several links proving you to be a liar.

In addition, the two links YOU posted proved you to be a liar.

This thread has not been kind to you, liar.:iyfyus.jpg:
A president can unilaterally withdraw from any treaty. There is now pretty well established precedent.

Is that like the argument that any state admitted to the union can unilaterally withdraw from the USA?
So you admit the Iran deal wasn't a treaty.

Who cares?
I'm guessing the moron who has been trying to convince us for the past 2 pages it IS a treaty, Dummy.
You are frantically trying to spin your way out of your lies. I have posted several links proving you to be a liar.

As I said, let me post your many proven lies.

You lied that I said military sites could be immediately inspected.

You claimed unfettered IMMEDIATE inspections of ANY site.
You lied on both counts.

Funny how you throw out the term "LIE" so often, when you get caught lying.

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