Iran Nuclear Deal Reached At Geneva Talks

Stephanie has a new thread which brings up a new question.

Is Obama violating the law: Iran Sanctions Act passed by Congress and signed by him in 2010?

Can an Executive Order negate an existing law?

We need experts to weigh in here.

thats very interesting, does he need senate approval, to approve of this deal is the question, if so, he'll make it appear like peace in our time and if the gop opposes it, he has an issue for a news cycle to keep obamcare off the front pages which knowing how this admin works may be exactly why hes doing this. And anyway, hes just bagged 214 years of law anyway, so if he can he will skirt congress and harry will let him.

IF enrichment is allowed to continue an arak is not put in serious mothballs this is not good, at all.

and for some of the others here, what happened to let the sanctions do the work? IF Iran is this desperate, becasue of sanctions, then drive a better deal, giving them money up front for promises is ridiculous, if they get what I am reading about, $ 70 -80 bn hard cash this is equal to their entire one years oil sales, and could take them over the top, they promise like crazy like Saddam did, do the 2 step back and forth with the UN, IO mean we have seen this before, and as it takes a long time to get the sanctions BACK into place/effect and wham, they are there. Checkmate.
You loons understand that the deal prevents an Iranian bomb, right?

Did you even bother to look at it? Or were you too busy hyperventilating and stroking yourselves at the thought of a war?


We couldn't even verify what hapless Iraq and Saddam Hussein were doing, while sending in U.N. Inspectors. How can we verify what happens in a vastly more complex society and government in Iran? It's virtually impossible.
Allowing Iran to go nuclear is like allowing Charles Manson to go nuclear.

They can close down oil production in the region within hours and start a war the will inflame our terrible relations with Russia even further.

Why would Iran want to start a war? Why would they want to close down oil production? They would have nothing to gain from it. You wingers have gone INSANE.

Oh I don't know, maybe because they have threatened to wipe Israel off the map?

Jus sayin


We have irresponsible politicians that call for destroying Iran, so we have no room to judge.
Stephanie has a new thread which brings up a new question.

Is Obama violating the law: Iran Sanctions Act passed by Congress and signed by him in 2010?

Can an Executive Order negate an existing law?

We need experts to weigh in here.

thats very interesting, does he need senate approval, to approve of this deal is the question, if so, he'll make it appear like peace in our time and if the gop opposes it, he has an issue for a news cycle to keep obamcare off the front pages which knowing how this admin works may be exactly why hes doing this. And anyway, hes just bagged 214 years of law anyway, so if he can he will skirt congress and harry will let him.

IF enrichment is allowed to continue an arak is not put in serious mothballs this is not good, at all.

and for some of the others here, what happened to let the sanctions do the work? IF Iran is this desperate, becasue of sanctions, then drive a better deal, giving them money up front for promises is ridiculous, if they get what I am reading about, $ 70 -80 bn hard cash this is equal to their entire one years oil sales, and could take them over the top, they promise like crazy like Saddam did, do the 2 step back and forth with the UN, IO mean we have seen this before, and as it takes a long time to get the sanctions BACK into place/effect and wham, they are there. Checkmate.

thanks dear, I saw that posted at another site and was curious about it
and you say this iranians using iraqi air space for their war in syria...sheeesh

They're covert and sneaky like the GOP- who've wrecked them- but Iran hasn't actually attacked anyone in 2400 years. Youngest country outside of Africa too- about to get civilized... SORRY.

Virtually every commercially produced I.E.D. that killed or maimed anyone in Iraq the past ten years or so was produced by Iran.

They are the world's leading exporter of terrorism.

So what would you call that?

GOP covert and sneaky- unlike Saddam killing a couple million Iranis, more like the million Irans killed by our Shah, or Mossedah being oyerthrown by the CIA...
Thankfully some countries still use good judgment.

Canada's foreign minister says he's "deeply skeptical" about the international community's nuclear deal with Iran. Canada will keep its sanctions in place.

Foreign Minister John Baird said in Ottawa on Sunday that past actions predict future actions and "Iran has not earned the right to have the benefit of the doubt. "

Canada's Conservative government, a staunch ally of Israel, has banned nearly all exports to and imports from Iran over concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Canada also shut its embassy in Tehran in 2012 and ordered Iranian diplomats to leave Ottawa.

Canada "deeply skeptical" of international community's nuclear deal with Iran | Fox News
Those god-durned Iranians just keep refusing to sit for the kind of portrait western warmongers want so badly to paint.

Good for them. :)

I would not be so sure. Iran is not known for its honesty in nuclear negotiations. I don’t think for one second that this is going to work. I could be wrong, I HOPE I am wrong but alas I doubt it.
I don't think anyone knows if it will work. Kerry actually seemed skeptical. I guess that's why it's a 6 month deal.
It is interesting, how Obama got the Nobel first, and then earned it later.

Conservatives are flailing on this one. They simply don't get how small the demographic of hypermacho dickless wonders is. Most Americans don't take orders from Israel, and don't want another war. Hence, Americans overwhelmingly side with Obama here, and Republicans are going to self-destruct if they go too openly seditious here.

Obama hasn't earned the Peace Prize.

He murdered over 400 innocent civilians with his drone strikes, caused the start of the Arab Spring, and started wars in Syria and Libya. He's been instigating war all over the Middle-East.

You must be a looney for sure if you don't know this.

The President of the United States doesn't have close to the amount of power as you claim.
The President of the United States doesn't have close to the amount of power as you claim.

You know it.

I know it.

But please don't tell Him 'cause he'd never believe you and, if he did, would be reduced to a quivering, nay, OOZING mass of warm Jello Brand gelatin dessert, giving the product a bad rep.
What this allows is for Iran to continue to enrich Uranium, while bringing in all kinds of $$$ to continue to work at killing our troops. Furthermore, it opens the door for China and Russia to continue to help Iran obtain Nukes.

What could go wrong?

Odumbo and Herman Munster Kerry are fools

Why would Iran want to start a war? Why would they want to close down oil production? They would have nothing to gain from it. You wingers have gone INSANE.

Oh I don't know, maybe because they have threatened to wipe Israel off the map?

Jus sayin


We have irresponsible politicians that call for destroying Iran, so we have no room to judge.

Who is calling for destroying Iran?

BTW, Iran has been murdering our citizens since 1979. Why the all the tears for an enemy?
So are there any conservatives here other than R.C. who aren't loyal to Israel over the USA? It sure doesn't appear that way.

This illustrates how big of a bullet the USA dodged by rejecting "Israel First!" Romney, who would have appointed Netanyahu as the US Secretary of State.
What this allows is for Iran to continue to enrich Uranium, while bringing in all kinds of $$$ to continue to work at killing our troops. Furthermore, it opens the door for China and Russia to continue to help Iran obtain Nukes.

What could go wrong?

Odumbo and Herman Munster Kerry are fools

Obviously, doing what we have done for over 10 years is not working, better to try a new plan for 6 months than continue down the same road.

So Iran, which claims to have no nuclear program, agreed to limit the nuclear program if the West stops sanctions.

And president shitferbrains declares it a breakthrough.....

So Iran, which claims to have no nuclear program, agreed to limit the nuclear program if the West stops sanctions.

And president shitferbrains declares it a breakthrough.....

He needed some headlines his sheeple could hold onto....

So Iran, which claims to have no nuclear program, agreed to limit the nuclear program if the West stops sanctions.

And president shitferbrains declares it a breakthrough.....

They admit they have a program, but they swear it's peaceful.

Cross your fingers, double-stamp, no erasies.

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