Iran Nuclear Deal Reached At Geneva Talks

They admit they have a program, but they swear it's peaceful.

Cross your fingers, double-stamp, no erasies.

They claim it's a nuclear power program.

Nuclear power only requires 5% enrichment....the rags have almost 500 kilos enriched to 20% which is the threshold to run it up to 80% or weapons grade. They still won't explain why they're building a PLUTONIUM enrichment facility. :disbelief:
Meanwhile working on assembling a stash of polonium which has but one purpose. I do hope they hurry.
They admit they have a program, but they swear it's peaceful.

Cross your fingers, double-stamp, no erasies.

They claim it's a nuclear power program.
Iran's nuclear programs dates back to 1957.

{On 8 January 2012, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said on Face the Nation that Iran was not trying to develop a nuclear weapon, but was trying to develop a nuclear capability}

Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran claims that they only seek to fuel their reactors.

As already pointed out - it is an absurd claim.
So what if they want enriched plutonium right? WRONG. Korea, India, and Israel all built plutonium a matter of fact so did we. To wit:

Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 are the ingedients to make the BIG BANG.

The atomic weapon used to destroy Hiroshima utilized the gun-assembly design and 64 kg of HEU (? pure U235); it is considered the easiest of all nuclear devices to produce

“Fat Man” the atomic bomb that levelled Nagasaki used 6.2 kg of plutonium with a yield of slightly more than 20 kt according to a Department of Energy assessment.

Therefore a weapon of this magnitude can be produced with far less plutonium 239 although it takes much longer to produce.

Plutonium is an element created as a by product of uranium powered reactors. It must be extracted from irradiated reactor fuel. Much like the Dimona reactor in Israel, with some differences, North Korea’s graphite moderated reactor is likely a plutonium source.

Obtaining plutonium is possible through a variety of reactor designs and processes. Most reactors produce plutonium, including Iran’s Bushehr. However it is impure; the isotope Pu239 that is necessary for a weapon and to obtain high percentages of that is more likely from a heavy water moderated reactor – like that proposed in Arak, Iran....the same type of weapon the Germans were working on at the end of WW2.

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What this allows is for Iran to continue to enrich Uranium, while bringing in all kinds of $$$ to continue to work at killing our troops. Furthermore, it opens the door for China and Russia to continue to help Iran obtain Nukes.

What could go wrong?

Odumbo and Herman Munster Kerry are fools


The Bushtarded years is when Iran really made progress.
They admit they have a program, but they swear it's peaceful.

Cross your fingers, double-stamp, no erasies.

They claim it's a nuclear power program.
Iran's nuclear programs dates back to 1957.




Aug. 26 – IAEA inspectors found traces of highly enriched uranium at Iran's Natanz nuclear plant. Iran claimed the traces came from equipment imported from another country.

Sept. 19 – President Khatami said, "We don't need atomic bombs, and based on our religious teaching, we will not pursue them...but at the same time, we want to be strong, and being strong means having knowledge and technology."

Sept. 25 – U.N. weapons inspectors found traces of highly enriched weapons-grade uranium at a second site near the capital city of Tehran. The IAEA set a deadline of Oct. 31 for Iran to prove it was not making nuclear weapons.

you know who was the Iranian Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council during this stretch?

Kim Il Jong bilked clinton suckered bush and ..? now? don't we ever learn?:doubt:

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