Iran signs $20billion deal wh Boeing . Thanks Obama!

Bad source

I'm sorry, where is your source that Norway depends on Russian Energy?
You think Norway owns all of their natural resources?… Guess again LOL

You said they depend on Russia for energy. That was a lie. Again, you fail. You seem good at that.

Maybe if you spent more time studying up on the world instead of baking, you'd be better in these discussions.
They do... coal

Oh for fuck's sake. Did you know that Norway EXPORTS more energy than Russia? Norway is 8th in world in energy EXPORTS.

Norway also possesses some of the world's largest potentially exploitable coal reserves (located under the Norwegian continental shelf) on earth.[4]

Energy in Norway - Wikipedia

Keep trying slugger. Maybe you'll hit on something in a thousand years. Maybe Norway gets all of its Solar energy from Russia? Wind turbine energy? Nope? Uhhh...hydro electric energy?
The fact remains Europe depends on Russia for fuel/energy and food more than Russia depends on them… Fact
This still may not happen. Some feel it perfectly illustrates just how disastrous Obama and Kerry's Iran Deal is. That being said, when it comes to cold hard cash, the US has proven it is willing to do business with evil. So i'm leaning toward this thing happening. But we'll see.
I asked you a simple question about whether you have any military experience because you CAN NOT understand simple military concepts.

Countries cross train military in other countries ALL the time. Right now there are military troops from around the world at various U.S. military bases in the United States. Canada and Mexico are not throwing a fit about it and threatening war.

330 Marines are training in Norway. Do you know what 330 Marines could do against Russia? Nothing. They'd get killed at the border.

Now... please explain to me why Russia is throwing a fucking hissy fit over 330 Marines training in Norway which is three countries away from Russia.
As usual you wan to argue about things on which you are woefully misinformed. Russia has a border with Norway and Norway has had a policy since 1949 that opposed having foreign troops on its soil, so your attempt to pretend there is nothing special about US troops being based in Norway is either the result of ignorance or dishonesty.

You have ignored everything I said and stuck with your, "BUT BUT BUT since 1949..."

This isn't 1949. That was a decision made oh... 67 years ago? WTF does that matter? The troops are training together. It's 330 Marines. Again... answer one of my statements or move on. You've made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Vaernes, Norway is no where near the Russian border, so as I stated, it is a whole three countries away from Russia.

They are not just training there, they are going to be based there and the US is also storing weapons and ammunition in caves in Norway according to the BBC.

So why did Norway change this longstanding policy now? According to Norway's defense minister, it was at the behest of the US.
So the question remains, why did Obama push Norway to change its policy now to allow US troops to be based in Norway and to store weapons and ammunition in Norway?

You keep trying, I'll give you that, but you haven't answered a single fucking question I asked.
In other words, you enjoy partisan bickering but you have no idea what any of this is about.

No boss, I'm calling you out because you don't get it. What threat is 330 Marines to Russia? Countries cross train troops ALL the time... there are more than a hundred times 330 foreign troops training on U.S. soil right now. It is a fucking ridiculous threat from Russia to now say Norway is a nuclear target over 330 Marines... and you fucking quit ignoring that. But go ahead and keep repeating 1949 over and over in your head... and maybe that will change things right?
I'm sorry, where is your source that Norway depends on Russian Energy?
You think Norway owns all of their natural resources?… Guess again LOL

You said they depend on Russia for energy. That was a lie. Again, you fail. You seem good at that.

Maybe if you spent more time studying up on the world instead of baking, you'd be better in these discussions.
They do... coal

Oh for fuck's sake. Did you know that Norway EXPORTS more energy than Russia? Norway is 8th in world in energy EXPORTS.

Norway also possesses some of the world's largest potentially exploitable coal reserves (located under the Norwegian continental shelf) on earth.[4]

Energy in Norway - Wikipedia

Keep trying slugger. Maybe you'll hit on something in a thousand years. Maybe Norway gets all of its Solar energy from Russia? Wind turbine energy? Nope? Uhhh...hydro electric energy?

WTF does that have to do with anything? Norway gets their natural gas out of the North Sea... not from shale.
I'm sorry, where is your source that Norway depends on Russian Energy?
You think Norway owns all of their natural resources?… Guess again LOL

You said they depend on Russia for energy. That was a lie. Again, you fail. You seem good at that.

Maybe if you spent more time studying up on the world instead of baking, you'd be better in these discussions.
They do... coal

Oh for fuck's sake. Did you know that Norway EXPORTS more energy than Russia? Norway is 8th in world in energy EXPORTS.

Norway also possesses some of the world's largest potentially exploitable coal reserves (located under the Norwegian continental shelf) on earth.[4]

Energy in Norway - Wikipedia

Keep trying slugger. Maybe you'll hit on something in a thousand years. Maybe Norway gets all of its Solar energy from Russia? Wind turbine energy? Nope? Uhhh...hydro electric energy?
The fact remains Europe depends on Russia for fuel/energy and food more than Russia depends on them… Fact

You said Norway... And the UN sanctions on Russia has hurt them tremendously. But hey, don't let a simple thing like facts get in your way.
Look, you are only look at this from one side, the Russian side, which I think is a bit odd. How is it the right of the United States to negotiate a deal about the ability for a sovereign nation to make it's own decisions? I'm still trying to comprehend how you can even come up with that.

Russia has steadfastly fought against forcing Assad to leave. At one point they said that it would be possible, but only after the country was made stable and then fair elections were done where Assad could still run for President. Well, when do you foresee Syria being stable in the near future when Russia is attacking not only ISIS by the Syrian rebels?

Lastly, Russia made threats against Norway recently with nuclear war over the fact they allowed 330 U.S. Marines to come there and train. Do you think you are dealing with a rational nation when they do something like that?
Russia's interest in Syria is keeping its bases on the Mediterranean and so far the only way it can do that is to support Assad, but this conflict is expensive for the suffering Russian economy and Russia is starting to take casualties, so if Russia had a chance to secure its interests with paying so much in blood and treasure, it is reasonable to think it would take it, but Obama has offered nothing but political slogans calculated to play well in the US but without relevance to ending the conflict in Syria.

Russia has every reason to distrust the US and especially the Obama administration and that means they have to wonder why Obama sent Marines to train in Norway. The same conditions could have been found in Alaska so why Norway? Was this intended as a provocation or was it just another example of Obama cluelessness?

How is helping ISIS accomplish one of the two stated goals in it's name a good thing again?

Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer. Say how you believe the ensuing government will be better
First, most of the death and destruction is the result of indiscreminate bombing by Assad and Russia of all of Assad's enemies, so a US-Russia deal that would end indicreminate bombing would save lives and infrastructure. ISIS is steadily losing territory, so I don't believe it will be a major obstacle to establishing a new government. So right off the top we have a great improvement over the present situation.

I gave you a three sentence question and you couldn't read it.

kaz: "Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer"

Just saying the governments sucks so "right off the top we have a great improvement" is bull shit in the Middle East. There is no reason the ensuing government would be better just because the current one sucks.

So try again, and this time answer the question
Actually it is an answer to your question. You asked how the next government would be better than the present one, and I answered they wouldn't kill as many people.

That's OBVIOUSLY not the question. The question is HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?

This is the Middle East, there is no history of government overthrows leading to more benevolent governments. You're just pulling it out of your ass. So based on blind faith, you want to help ISIS overthrow the government.

Right now you have a Shiite government and a Sunni people. They are a house divided, and it keeps them largely out of their neighbors shit. If you think helping Sunni ISIS overthrow the Shiite government and you have a terrorist Sunni group running a Sunni country and you think they are not going to "kill as many people" you're fucking halucinating. You know nothing about the Middle East. Leave the discussion to grown ups

If you were looking for a debate over whether it would be a democracy or another dictatorship or if it would end the sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia, why not ask the question directly?

I did, you just needed it explained to you because you don't have enough knowledge to understand the question much less provide the answer
Russia's interest in Syria is keeping its bases on the Mediterranean and so far the only way it can do that is to support Assad, but this conflict is expensive for the suffering Russian economy and Russia is starting to take casualties, so if Russia had a chance to secure its interests with paying so much in blood and treasure, it is reasonable to think it would take it, but Obama has offered nothing but political slogans calculated to play well in the US but without relevance to ending the conflict in Syria.

Russia has every reason to distrust the US and especially the Obama administration and that means they have to wonder why Obama sent Marines to train in Norway. The same conditions could have been found in Alaska so why Norway? Was this intended as a provocation or was it just another example of Obama cluelessness?

How is helping ISIS accomplish one of the two stated goals in it's name a good thing again?

Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer. Say how you believe the ensuing government will be better
First, most of the death and destruction is the result of indiscreminate bombing by Assad and Russia of all of Assad's enemies, so a US-Russia deal that would end indicreminate bombing would save lives and infrastructure. ISIS is steadily losing territory, so I don't believe it will be a major obstacle to establishing a new government. So right off the top we have a great improvement over the present situation.

I gave you a three sentence question and you couldn't read it.

kaz: "Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer"

Just saying the governments sucks so "right off the top we have a great improvement" is bull shit in the Middle East. There is no reason the ensuing government would be better just because the current one sucks.

So try again, and this time answer the question
Actually it is an answer to your question. You asked how the next government would be better than the present one, and I answered they wouldn't kill as many people.

If you were looking for a debate over whether it would be a democracy or another dictatorship or if it would end the sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia, why not ask the question directly?

...and what if, say Syria does finally get to the point where they are no longer fighting ISIS and the rebels and Assad agrees to the terms of an election, and the Russians help Assad get re-elected? And things go right back to where they are today?

That would never happen. A majority Sunni country would never in a million years elect a Shiite president. Sunnis consider Shiites to be "dogs" and worse than the Jews
How is helping ISIS accomplish one of the two stated goals in it's name a good thing again?

Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer. Say how you believe the ensuing government will be better
First, most of the death and destruction is the result of indiscreminate bombing by Assad and Russia of all of Assad's enemies, so a US-Russia deal that would end indicreminate bombing would save lives and infrastructure. ISIS is steadily losing territory, so I don't believe it will be a major obstacle to establishing a new government. So right off the top we have a great improvement over the present situation.

I gave you a three sentence question and you couldn't read it.

kaz: "Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer"

Just saying the governments sucks so "right off the top we have a great improvement" is bull shit in the Middle East. There is no reason the ensuing government would be better just because the current one sucks.

So try again, and this time answer the question
Actually it is an answer to your question. You asked how the next government would be better than the present one, and I answered they wouldn't kill as many people.

If you were looking for a debate over whether it would be a democracy or another dictatorship or if it would end the sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia, why not ask the question directly?

...and what if, say Syria does finally get to the point where they are no longer fighting ISIS and the rebels and Assad agrees to the terms of an election, and the Russians help Assad get re-elected? And things go right back to where they are today?

That would never happen. A majority Sunni country would never in a million years elect a Shiite president. Sunnis consider Shiites to be "dogs" and worse than the Jews

That's if it REALLY is a fair election. :)
How is helping ISIS accomplish one of the two stated goals in it's name a good thing again?

Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer. Say how you believe the ensuing government will be better
First, most of the death and destruction is the result of indiscreminate bombing by Assad and Russia of all of Assad's enemies, so a US-Russia deal that would end indicreminate bombing would save lives and infrastructure. ISIS is steadily losing territory, so I don't believe it will be a major obstacle to establishing a new government. So right off the top we have a great improvement over the present situation.

I gave you a three sentence question and you couldn't read it.

kaz: "Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer"

Just saying the governments sucks so "right off the top we have a great improvement" is bull shit in the Middle East. There is no reason the ensuing government would be better just because the current one sucks.

So try again, and this time answer the question
Actually it is an answer to your question. You asked how the next government would be better than the present one, and I answered they wouldn't kill as many people.

If you were looking for a debate over whether it would be a democracy or another dictatorship or if it would end the sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia, why not ask the question directly?

...and what if, say Syria does finally get to the point where they are no longer fighting ISIS and the rebels and Assad agrees to the terms of an election, and the Russians help Assad get re-elected? And things go right back to where they are today?
There have not been honest elections in Syria ever since Assad's father overthrew the democratically elected government nearly a half century ago and established his dynasty, so holding honest elections now would be quite an amazing feat, and since this is basically a sectarian struggling between the Alawites, a Shia sect, and the Sunni and the Sunni make up the majority of the population, it would be nothing short of a miracle if Assad won.

You say that and don't grasp the significance of Sunni ISIS overthrowing the government and our helping them do that??? Seriously???
When did Iran get off the terrorist list?
Oh yeah, never.

Terrorism against Israel . And they return in kind .

They do? When was that? Being a victim of terrorism, fighting against terrorists, same thing, right wheelchair boy? Damn you're a dumb ass.

If only the Jews would do the decent thing and die like the dogs they are, ay Adolph?
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

It's ironic we ever sanctioned Iran in the first place being that we're the reason Khomeini came to power in the first place.
Wonder what percentage of the benefits Iran gets from this deal will go to funding islamic fundamentalist terror across the Middle East and regimes that murder their own citizens?

Explain your schizophrenia, please.

Iran Seeks Russian Fire Power

After decades of isolation from the international arms market, Iran is gearing up for a military shopping spree. Lagging behind U.S.-equipped regional rivals, it has turned to Russia for assistance.

On Feb. 15, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan landed in Moscow for a two-day visit. According to media reports, Tehran came with a $8 billion shopping list that included the high-end Su-30 warplane, Yak-30 training aircraft, military helicopters such as the Mi-8 and Mi-17, K-300 Bastion coastal defense systems, new surface ships, and even new diesel-electric submarines.

The Iranians are said to be most interested in the Su-30 multirole fighter, which would drastically outperform anything else in their arsenal. Under sanctions since 1979, Tehran's air force is currently an eclectic mix of Vietnam-era U.S. warplanes — such as the iconic F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat — as well as old Russian and Chinese jets.

Russia is a good place to go for military equipment, especially for those who need hardware comparable to Western kit, but without the cash or wherewithal to purchase and maintain it.

It is a market in which Moscow flourishes.

Russian and Chinese Support for Tehran

Russian commentator Andrei Volnov has called the de facto Moscow-Beijing-Tehran alignment "a new geostrategic axis."[5] While such a characterization is more metaphor than reality, a trilateral combination, based on the common goals of promoting economic self-interest and reducing U.S. influence, certainly has been built on the foundations of fairly recent but significant bilateral ties between the two countries and Tehran.

Russian-Iranian relations just got $40 billion stronger

Iran and Russia have initialed contracts worth around $40 billion, including for power-engineering and railway projects, Russian news agencies quoted Ali Akbar Velayati, top adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as saying on Thursday.

Velayati, who is wrapping up a visit to Moscow, said he had discussed some of the projects with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said Tehran was interested in obtaining a loan from Russia for Iran's railways and nuclear power engineering.

Russia Plans to Sell Iran Up to $8B of Weapons: Reports
i wonder what people think of this ? Thanks to the Iran deal sanctions are lifted and we can sell them shit like jumbo jets. Good for the us and good for biz . Usually the righties are happy with that .

But , considering Trumps lies and misinformation in the Iran deal, it appears the whole thing may be ruined .

What say you ?

Boeing's $16B aircraft deal with Iran Air faces challenges

Have they said which of our sky scrapers they are planning to fly it into, yet? :dunno:
First, most of the death and destruction is the result of indiscreminate bombing by Assad and Russia of all of Assad's enemies, so a US-Russia deal that would end indicreminate bombing would save lives and infrastructure. ISIS is steadily losing territory, so I don't believe it will be a major obstacle to establishing a new government. So right off the top we have a great improvement over the present situation.

I gave you a three sentence question and you couldn't read it.

kaz: "Don't say how much Syria sucks, that isn't an answer"

Just saying the governments sucks so "right off the top we have a great improvement" is bull shit in the Middle East. There is no reason the ensuing government would be better just because the current one sucks.

So try again, and this time answer the question
Actually it is an answer to your question. You asked how the next government would be better than the present one, and I answered they wouldn't kill as many people.

If you were looking for a debate over whether it would be a democracy or another dictatorship or if it would end the sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia, why not ask the question directly?

...and what if, say Syria does finally get to the point where they are no longer fighting ISIS and the rebels and Assad agrees to the terms of an election, and the Russians help Assad get re-elected? And things go right back to where they are today?

That would never happen. A majority Sunni country would never in a million years elect a Shiite president. Sunnis consider Shiites to be "dogs" and worse than the Jews

That's if it REALLY is a fair election. :)

True, but no one would believe it was for the reason I said
Yeah Iran, good idea maybe they can fly some planes into.our buildings.

Id rather Boeing makes money off people who dont hate us.

"Siam is friendly, I'm told, your Excellency."

(A reply to Kaiser Wilhelm when he once lamented that Germany seemed to have no friends...)

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