Iran throws Hamas under the bus


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Iran has said, although they provide Hamas with hundreds of millions of dollars a year to destroy Israel, they will not intervene in the conflict because they said Hamas did not tell them about the attack beforehand.


Translation, Iran is not ready to directly take on Israel and the US without a WMD, in addition to Russia and China ready to do the same.

Just give them a little more time.

The article then goes on to say that a 2 state solution is now more likely. Really? What would that look like? It would look like the people of Gaza re-electing another terrorist group to represent them that is also funded by Iran to destroy Israel.

This is one of the main reasons.I didn't believe Iran was behind this attack, or at least may not have known the extent of the brutality planned; Israeli intelligence almost certainly has contacts in Iran and they probably relied on them for such alerts. Then again,.Irans public response would be just the type expected if one were behind it, no?
This is one of the main reasons.I didn't believe Iran was behind this attack, or at least may not have known the extent of the brutality planned; Israeli intelligence almost certainly has contacts in Iran and they probably relied on them for such alerts. Then again,.Irans public response would be just the type expected if one were behind it, no?
It does not mean that at all.

All this means is that publicly, Iran can save face for creating a war machine to destroy Israel, and then not going in to back them up.

They could easily be lying about it.

Trust me, they enjoyed the slaughter.

They will all be celebrated as martyrs for their little cause.

Iran has said, although they provide Hamas with hundreds of millions of dollars a year to destroy Israel, they will not intervene in the conflict because they said Hamas did not tell them about the attack beforehand.


Translation, Iran is not ready to directly take on Israel and the US without a WMD, in addition to Russia and China ready to do the same.

Just give them a little more time.

The article then goes on to say that a 2 state solution is now more likely. Really? What would that look like? It would look like the people of Gaza re-electing another terrorist group to represent them that is also funded by Iran to destroy Israel.

Iran is full of shit. They backed Hamas, who is on the verge of getting wiped out by Israel, so now they realize they need a new surrogate to fight their battle, maybe Hezbollah. Go Israel. MAGA
It does not mean that at all.

All this means is that publicly, Iran can save face for creating a war machine to destroy Israel, and then not going in to back them up.

They could easily be lying about it.

Trust me, they enjoyed the slaughter.

They will all be celebrated as martyrs for their little cause.

Yes, Iran didn't back them up, which supports my assertion that they probably couldn't have known the extent of this attack. They would have predicted Israels response and known that they would then lose face by not backing Hamas.

At best, Iran may have thought this was to be a hostage swap operation which became a killing spree.. I just can't see Iran approving this unless in consultation with its Big Brothers in Russia and China which would have assured this operation was caught by allies and leaked to Israel. This attack was so successful it almost had to have avoided sharing with Nation-States who are highly susceptible to spies in their ranks.

This was a major attack against a major regional power in a hostile region and it was clearly very compartmentalized. So, if Iran loses face over this, so does China and Russia by extension. They would then be asked by the U.S, "What, you can't keep your dog (Iran) on a leash? Who is the boss here?"

It is possible that perhaps China alone was in the dark, which would only divide their axis further. I doubt China would allow such an attack unless they were planning an attack soon on Taiwan. Russia definitely benefits by putting U.S focus elsewhere. Also, there are reports some of the guns the terrorists used were from Ukraine.

In the end, I believe this attack was too barbaric and indiscriminate for any serious state to support in my opinion. Probably a bunch of drugged up, radicalized youth were directed by savage, committed leaders to go wild and now they will all perish for their sins.
they will not intervene in the conflict because they said Hamas did not tell them about the attack beforehand.
What other Fairy stories have you got?

Whatever reasons Iran may, or , may not have had , you have picked the most unbelievable and absurd
This is one of the main reasons.I didn't believe Iran was behind this attack, or at least may not have known the extent of the brutality planned; Israeli intelligence almost certainly has contacts in Iran and they probably relied on them for such alerts. Then again,.Irans public response would be just the type expected if one were behind it, no?
Riiigght....Iran just funds Hamas, the same way we fund Iran.....then we both shake our heads and say "we didn't know"
It does not mean that at all.

All this means is that publicly, Iran can save face for creating a war machine to destroy Israel, and then not going in to back them up.

They could easily be lying about it.

Trust me, they enjoyed the slaughter.

They will all be celebrated as martyrs for their little cause.

Saudi peace initiative

Complete Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in 1967, including the Golan Heights, based on United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) 242 and 338;

A just settlement of the Palestinian refugee question on the basis of UNSCR 194; and

Recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

In exchange for those measures, the member states of the Arab League would:

Declare an end to the Israeli-Arab conflict, entering into a peace agreement with Israel; and

Establish normal relations with the State of Israel.

Thus, the initiative is, in fact, a basic formula outlining principles for negotiations and a political settlement but one that leaves maneuvering room for different meanings and practical solutions. For example, it was determined that the solution to the “Palestinian refugee problem” should be “agreed upon.”

Another example is the lack of a demand for the evacuation of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which is intended to leave room for flexibility regarding arrangements for the blocks bordering Israel. Indeed, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal noted in 2007 that the member states would have “to take notice of new developments, which require additions and developments in whatever is offered.”

As only 10 of the Arab League’s member states were present at the Beirut Summit, the API was reintroduced at the 2007 Riyadh Summit and unanimously endorsed by the member states.

(Syria and Lebanon objected to some aspects of the initiative but supported the document.

The Hamas representative abstained.) It remains to this day the single peace plan agreed by all members of the Arab League.

The varied Israeli response versus support from the international community

Israeli political leaders have addressed the API in a variety of ways since it was first introduced.

Ariel Sharon, the prime minister at the time, flatly rejected the proposal on the grounds that it would require Israel to accept a large number of Palestinian refugees and that it crossed Israeli “red lines.” Nevertheless, subsequent Israeli responses have been more ambivalent.

The late Israeli President Shimon Peres welcomed the plan, and then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert termed it a “revolutionary change,” while rejecting the elements related to refugee returns.

For his part, former head of government Benjamin Netanyahu has offered a variety of opinions on the plan over the years, rejecting it in 2007, calling it as a “general idea … good” in 2015, but then rejecting it again as a basis for negotiations in 2018.


Iran has said, although they provide Hamas with hundreds of millions of dollars a year to destroy Israel, they will not intervene in the conflict because they said Hamas did not tell them about the attack beforehand.


Translation, Iran is not ready to directly take on Israel and the US without a WMD, in addition to Russia and China ready to do the same.

Just give them a little more time.

The article then goes on to say that a 2 state solution is now more likely. Really? What would that look like? It would look like the people of Gaza re-electing another terrorist group to represent them that is also funded by Iran to destroy Israel.


Iran has to worry that any attacks on its military and police personnel and infrastructure could lead to the downfall of it's government from people sick of the Mullahs.
Plus they get to support their Shia bretheren by sending money to Hezbollah.

Or sometimes more than money, men, leadership, weapons directly.
Not knowing Iran funds Hamas and is the reason they had arms and support to make the attack on Israel just shows how the loons have created their own alternate reality in which no one can reason with them on the subject.

It is akin to Holocaust deniers, only, in this case they deny the Holocaust even though the Germans openly admit to engaging in it.

Not knowing Iran funds Hamas and is the reason they had arms and support to make the attack on Israel just shows how the loons have created their own alternate reality in which no one can reason with them on the subject.

It is akin to Holocaust deniers, only, in this case they deny the Holocaust even though the Germans openly admit to engaging in it.


It's a form of the "soft racism" shown by leftists.

Leftists: "The brown people are only venting, they don't mean what they say"

Brown people: "We mean what we say. In fact after we are done slaughtering them, you are next"

Leftists: "Oh, silly silly brown people!"

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