Iranian Woman Stoned to Death For Adultry

No kidding? Hey Libs? There's your real 'War On Women'... you know? From that 'religion of peace' you keep defending as does Obama.

Name any American Liberal who supports the brutal practice of Stoning anyone for adultry or any crime for that matter.

Seems to me, we could get a lot further if the answer for everything wasn't "you're a commie" and/or agree with stoning women.
Changing it to be Islamic, thereby legalizing mass genocidal murder, rape, wife beating, severe discrimination against women, killing homosexuals, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, torture/mutilation, banning pork products, banning music, and more.
I fail to see the problem?? ....... are you jealous? . :cool:

Says the "man" who does not live with it.

Since you consistently post against freedom, why don't you go live in some backward dump?

Really, you are more than free to leave anytime. I'd bet we could take up a collection for your plane fare and believe me, you would not be missed.
Since you consistently post against freedom, why don't you go live in some backward dump?

Really, you are more than free to leave anytime. I'd bet we could take up a collection for your plane fare and believe me, you would not be missed.
Poor loony Leddly..... the most despised lame liberal on the board has spoken. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Naw......I'll just stay here and work on changing this country. . :eusa_angel:

And continue to fail more every day :cool:

By 'change this country' , he means push for Sharia Law.

Sunni Troll has , on many occasions , said he hopes that Sharia Law will be implemented in the U.S.
His future projection for the U.S is that the Muslim population will grow rapidly and they will start to take over the government and eventually implement Sharia Law. He's a disgusting human being.
Sharia Law could not be implemented in the US without a radical change in how our government works. Although the first amendment to the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, it cannot be successfully argued that this guarantee extends to the violation of other constitutional rights nor the supplanting of secular law with religious law.
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Funny how all these fake stoning stories have been popping up after bigoted anti-Islamic film stoning women. And these ignorant dolts just eat it up.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, whose death sentence for the murder of her husband sparked outrage at home and abroad, has been allowed to leave prison after almost nine years on death row, it was claimed.

Ashtiani freed after 9 years on death row | The Times
Twisted truths, false stories, misquotes, and outright lies are so common today. Finding the real truth often requires a lot of research time. Unfortunately, it's time most of us just don't have.
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Sharia Law could not be implemented in the US without a radical change in how our government works. Although the first amendment to the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, it cannot be successfully argued that this guarantee extends to the violation of other constitutional rights nor the supplanting of secular law with religious law.
When whites are not the majority in America anymore, you can kiss your stinkin constitution goodbye
Sharia Law could not be implemented in the US without a radical change in how our government works. Although the first amendment to the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, it cannot be successfully argued that this guarantee extends to the violation of other constitutional rights nor the supplanting of secular law with religious law.
When whites are not the majority in America anymore, you can kiss your stinkin constitution goodbye
Oh, the constitution will still be there and due to the difficulty of amendment, it will probably be the same as it is today. What will change is the way the courts interpret it to meet the changes in society.
I think the time has come for a new "constitution", and a complete revision of the government as we know it. Who's with me...?
Sharia Law could not be implemented in the US without a radical change in how our government works. Although the first amendment to the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, it cannot be successfully argued that this guarantee extends to the violation of other constitutional rights nor the supplanting of secular law with religious law.
When whites are not the majority in America anymore, you can kiss your stinkin constitution goodbye
Oh, the constitution will still be there and due to the difficulty of amendment, it will probably be the same as it is today. What will change is the way the courts interpret it to meet the changes in society.

Absolutely correct, and it will be a fine country.

We got relatives in the Canton Flea Market on in East Texas who use the n word every chance in public and private. My cousin warned them about doing it around him public, they ignored him and did it downtown, and he pulled out a water pistol and squirted them in the face. He told them he would do it every time. The women called the police, complained, and the cop told them to go home before he ran them in for public disturbance. Good for him.
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I think the time has come for a new "constitution", and a complete revision of the government as we know it. Who's with me...?

Its true that the Constitution is and was always meant to be a living document.

But, the question is -- who gets to decide what is valid and what needs to be changed?

As long as we have one political party that wins by cheating (gerrymandering, vote theft, buying votes), it cannot be fair.
Oh, the constitution will still be there and due to the difficulty of amendment, it will probably be the same as it is today. What will change is the way the courts interpret it to meet the changes in society.
And they will tear down your Mount Rushmore too.

Whatever race of people are the majority next in America, will bring their own laws and values
Oh, the constitution will still be there and due to the difficulty of amendment, it will probably be the same as it is today. What will change is the way the courts interpret it to meet the changes in society.
And they will tear down your Mount Rushmore too.

Whatever race of people are the majority next in America, will bring their own laws and values

I think you post silly garbage like that because you want a reaction.

But, if you knew Mexicans, you would realize that their values are probably better/higher than your own.
Oh, the constitution will still be there and due to the difficulty of amendment, it will probably be the same as it is today. What will change is the way the courts interpret it to meet the changes in society.
And they will tear down your Mount Rushmore too.

Whatever race of people are the majority next in America, will bring their own laws and values

I think you post silly garbage like that because you want a reaction.

But, if you knew Mexicans, you would realize that their values are probably better/higher than your own.
Why are you trying to get personal with me, you homo.

Point is are Mexico's values better/higher than Americas?
I think the time has come for a new "constitution", and a complete revision of the government as we know it. Who's with me...?
It can take 10 years just to add an amendment. It could take forever for a constitutional convention to produce a new constitution since 38 of the 50 states would have to ratify it.
Oh, the constitution will still be there and due to the difficulty of amendment, it will probably be the same as it is today. What will change is the way the courts interpret it to meet the changes in society.
And they will tear down your Mount Rushmore too.

Whatever race of people are the majority next in America, will bring their own laws and values

I think you post silly garbage like that because you want a reaction.

But, if you knew Mexicans, you would realize that their values are probably better/higher than your own.

If their "values" were higher than mine - they would be in Mexico making THEIR country better. Not in MY country bringing it DOWN.

Full of crap, aren't you...... :cuckoo:
I think the time has come for a new "constitution", and a complete revision of the government as we know it. Who's with me...?

Its true that the Constitution is and was always meant to be a living document.

But, the question is -- who gets to decide what is valid and what needs to be changed?

As long as we have one political party that wins by cheating (gerrymandering, vote theft, buying votes), it cannot be fair.

Again - full of crap.

The Constitution was NEVER meant to be a "living document". NEVER. Your Nazism is beginning to show.....
I think the time has come for a new "constitution", and a complete revision of the government as we know it. Who's with me...?

Its true that the Constitution is and was always meant to be a living document.

But, the question is -- who gets to decide what is valid and what needs to be changed?

As long as we have one political party that wins by cheating (gerrymandering, vote theft, buying votes), it cannot be fair.

It was not meant to be a "living document" where anything can be read into it if we squint just right and get a couple of judges to go along with it. It's a contract, complete with ways to amend said contract when it is deficient in areas.

Don't like a provision of the Constitution? fine. Then change it. But stop pretending it doesn't say X when you really want it to say Y.
Everyday I thank God that I am nearly 70 years of age and here's why:

City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law - National Report | National Report

You are all missing the long-term point here. No one is talking about bombing Iran, or kicking anyone's ass. That's NOT the way the Nazi left in this country works. They work quietly, behind the scenes - passing laws to destroy America.

Whether it's a Blitzkrieg or not is unimportant. Force, with these pussy Nazi's isn't an option - they run from a fight. However, they have learned to be patient, to go to law school and kill the US from within by passing laws that undermine traditional America. And what are we left with? Sharia law in Michigan. First steps. Baby Steps.

So what do these Nazi women do when Sharia FINALLY takes hold in the US? Bitch and moan and scream about inhuman it is. You want liberalism? Well, get ready - it's getting ready to hit you in the damn face......

I think your problem should be with the ACLU and Supreme court who make the laws and push for all these freedoms. Not Nazis , but Zionist.
And they will tear down your Mount Rushmore too.

Whatever race of people are the majority next in America, will bring their own laws and values

I think you post silly garbage like that because you want a reaction.

But, if you knew Mexicans, you would realize that their values are probably better/higher than your own.
Why are you trying to get personal with me, you homo.

Point is are Mexico's values better/higher than Americas?

Point is that Mexicans and African Americans and East Asians' values are higher than the white supremacist crowd.

The overwhelming number of us who are white, Tank, will always take people of color over your sort. Any right minded person would not want their children corrupted by you.

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