Iraq and Syria: is it the same?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)
were very controversial, leading some to claim President Bush lied about Iraq’s WMDs. Bush had argued Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction might end up in the hands of terrorist groups. Reports from the CIA concluded they found Iraq’s WMD development programs and an unexpected air force buried in the sand, but no large stockpiles of chemical weapons or other WMDs.

At one point, retired Russian spies who had defected to the United States claimed Russian special forces had removed some of Iraq’s WMDs out of the nation before the Coalition invasion. Wikileaks revealed in 2010 that during the occupation of Iraq the military discovered many small caches of chemical weapons. Georges Sada, a former general of Saddam’s air force, claimed Saddam Hussein had secretly moved Iraq’s WMDs over to Syria in three sites. These facilities are now said to be the locations that will be attacked by a US air strike.

Scud missiles are ground-to-ground missiles with a potential range of hundreds of miles. Back in March of 2013, reports from Israel claimed terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra, or al Qaeda in Iraq, were some of the Syrian rebels who seized scud missiles claimed to be manufactured in Iraq:

“What you see here are Syrian long-range missiles that were manufactured in Iraq and brought to Syria. Happily, they are now in our hands.”

Read more at Scud Missiles, Chemical Weapons In Syria Are Saddam?s Missing WMDs From Iraq?
no, even the Clinton administration said Saddam was a clear threat in that he could use weapons of mass destruction on us or give them to someone who would..Bush went with that information

Syria has not done anything to show it is a THREAT to us...but seeing this pos President and Democrats who went after bush now calling for sick and disgusting
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so.

Then you are a fool. Not even sarin's precursors have that long a shelf life. Their shelf life is five years, at best. Your desperation is showing.
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Syria has its own chemical warfare manufacturing infrastructure.

Let that settle into your willfully blind minds for a moment, and read it again: Syria has its own chemical warfare manufacturing infrastructure.
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

1. You think the WMD's came from Iraq? Why do you so 'think'? Do you have any real evidence? ( Weasel Zippers, lol)

2. If our forces strike the Command & Control of the Syrian Force it will not put our troops in harms way. Of course no one can predict what happens next, which is why I don't support our nation taking it to Assad unilaterally. The 21 nations of the Arab League and our NATO Allies need to put skin into the game.

3. You sure do ramble.
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1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

1. You think the WMD's came from Iraq? Why do you so 'think'? Do you have any real evidence? ( Weasel Zippers, lol)

2. If our forces strike the Command & Control of the Syrian Force it will not put our troops in harms way. Of course no one can predict what happens next, which is why I don't support our nation taking it to Assad unilaterally. The 21 nations of the Arab League and our NATO Allies need to put skin into the game.

3. You sure do ramble.

There where many people who made claims that the weapons in Iraq did end up in Syria. thos people not agreeing with you, you ignore them
I just thought it amazing that these events are so similar and the press is going out of there way to ignore that fact
Saddam was a mad man who HAD WMDS
he used them to kill thousands of his own people. we took the SOB out
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so.

Then you are a fool. Not even sarin's precursors have that long a shelf life. Their shelf life is five years, at best. Your desperation is showing.

Mustard gas found by Iraq weapon hunters | World news | The Observer
desperate for what?
world peace?
I agree with that
So what your saying is that you would eat this stuff after 5 years?

The most important chemical reactions of phosphoryl halides is the hydrolysis of the bond between phosphorus and the fluoride. This P-F bond is easily broken by nucleophilic agents, such as water and hydroxide. At high pH, sarin decomposes rapidly to nontoxic phosphonic acid derivatives.[11][12]

Sarin degrades after a period of several weeks to several months. The shelf life can be shortened by impurities in precursor materials. According to the CIA, some Iraqi sarin had a shelf life of only a few weeks, owing mostly to impure precursors.[13]

Its otherwise short shelf life can be extended by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediates and incorporating stabilizers such as tributylamine. In some formulations, tributylamine is replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), allowing sarin to be stored in aluminium casings. In binary chemical weapons, the two precursors are stored separately in the same shell and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of solving the stability issue and increasing the safety of sarin munitions.
Sarin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iraqi Chemical Stash Uncovered
The suspected chemical weapons lab was the biggest found so far in Iraq, Boylan said. A lab discovered last year in the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah contained a how-to book on chemical weapons and an unspecified amount of chemicals.

The fact is that WMDs where sent to Syria. This has been confirmed by many people including russians as well as Iraqis
I survived cancer bud, I have seen desperation in the eyes of people with just days to live

Exactly the same? Of course not. But there are sure as hell a lot of similarities, especially the way Obama and Kerry sound like Dubya in pushing for military action against a country that has obviously not attacked us. Wow, deja vu.

The main similarity is that we're once again going to narcissistically kick a Middle East hornet's nest and then act shocked when the inevitable unintended consequences bite us square in the ass. Hey, why not? We're "exceptional", right?

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The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

Why would Saddam ship off his most dangerous weapons to another country rather than use them? He had to know it was going to be the end of him if he lost.

If the rebels win will that be putting WMD's in the hands of terrorists?

Why would the Syrian president use WMD's and risk US involvement? Seems fishy to me.
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

Why would Saddam ship off his most dangerous weapons to another country rather than use them? He had to know it was going to be the end of him if he lost.

If the rebels win will that be putting WMD's in the hands of terrorists?

Why would the Syrian president use WMD's and risk US involvement? Seems fishy to me.

Intelligence reports from multiple sources have stated Saddam moved WMD's to Syria is widely known now. Is it 100% true? Who knows, but it is highly suspected based on intelligence including satellite images and intelligence on the ground.
The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

We gave Saddam 18 months to prepare
for gods sake he buried his damn air force in the desert
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

Why would Saddam ship off his most dangerous weapons to another country rather than use them? He had to know it was going to be the end of him if he lost.

If the rebels win will that be putting WMD's in the hands of terrorists?

Why would the Syrian president use WMD's and risk US involvement? Seems fishy to me.

Your asking about the tought process of a man who used chemical weapons on his own people, killing 100s of thousands
by some reports over 1 milllion people
Saddam until the end thought he would survive
he knew if he got caught he was done
The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

Why would Saddam ship off his most dangerous weapons to another country rather than use them? He had to know it was going to be the end of him if he lost.

If the rebels win will that be putting WMD's in the hands of terrorists?

Why would the Syrian president use WMD's and risk US involvement? Seems fishy to me.

Your asking about the tought process of a man who used chemical weapons on his own people, killing 100s of thousands
by some reports over 1 milllion people
Saddam until the end thought he would survive
he knew if he got caught he was done

So you believe he had weapons and rather than use them to try and save himself shipped them off?
The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.

I have allways thought part of the reason we needed Iraq was a base to keep an eye on Iran while we took footing in Afgahn.
This also was a place in which Al Qaeda could run too to escape the wrath of Kahn, some did as we now know
They died there many years later
The country was in shambles. there was no doubt chemical weapons and chemical(s) if combined to make weapons there
the country was sos un stable
Your thread is spot on. A rareity here
The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.

Shouldn't they have known during planning the Turks would do that. Or guess they might and plan for it? Seems like bad planning to me.
Why would Saddam ship off his most dangerous weapons to another country rather than use them? He had to know it was going to be the end of him if he lost.

If the rebels win will that be putting WMD's in the hands of terrorists?

Why would the Syrian president use WMD's and risk US involvement? Seems fishy to me.

Your asking about the tought process of a man who used chemical weapons on his own people, killing 100s of thousands
by some reports over 1 milllion people
Saddam until the end thought he would survive
he knew if he got caught he was done

So you believe he had weapons and rather than use them to try and save himself shipped them off?

Saddam was a liar
look what shipping them off as well as probably burying some did to our country (thanks to the dems starvation for power and the main stream medias hate of GWB)
That lie changed the power structure so far in this great nation we now have Obamacare
SOme parts good
Some parts harming the poor as we speak (with shortened work weeks becoming the norm)

We have more UE than ever

Our yearly defict(s) went from 162 billion in 07 to 1.4 trillion in 09
and still over 1 trillion each year

That is a direct result of the 2006 elections in which the lie being re peated about the WMDs as there where never there and that the GOP had lied (the UN maintained there are still 6000 WMDs miising)
You tell me?
How much more harm could have he done?

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