Iraq and Syria: is it the same?

The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.

I have allways thought part of the reason we needed Iraq was a base to keep an eye on Iran while we took footing in Afgahn.
This also was a place in which Al Qaeda could run too to escape the wrath of Kahn, some did as we now know
They died there many years later
The country was in shambles. there was no doubt chemical weapons and chemical(s) if combined to make weapons there
the country was sos un stable
Your thread is spot on. A rareity here

So we took over Iraq to keep an eye on Iran? Saddam would not have let Iran get a nuclear bomb. We could have done nothing and let saddam take care of Iran.
Your asking about the tought process of a man who used chemical weapons on his own people, killing 100s of thousands
by some reports over 1 milllion people
Saddam until the end thought he would survive
he knew if he got caught he was done

So you believe he had weapons and rather than use them to try and save himself shipped them off?

Saddam was a liar
look what shipping them off as well as probably burying some did to our country (thanks to the dems starvation for power and the main stream medias hate of GWB)
That lie changed the power structure so far in this great nation we now have Obamacare
SOme parts good
Some parts harming the poor as we speak (with shortened work weeks becoming the norm)

We have more UE than ever

Our yearly defict(s) went from 162 billion in 07 to 1.4 trillion in 09
and still over 1 trillion each year

That is a direct result of the 2006 elections in which the lie being re peated about the WMDs as there where never there and that the GOP had lied (the UN maintained there are still 6000 WMDs miising)
You tell me?
How much more harm could have he done?

I think the harm was done when bush attacked a country that was no threat to us.
That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.

I have allways thought part of the reason we needed Iraq was a base to keep an eye on Iran while we took footing in Afgahn.
This also was a place in which Al Qaeda could run too to escape the wrath of Kahn, some did as we now know
They died there many years later
The country was in shambles. there was no doubt chemical weapons and chemical(s) if combined to make weapons there
the country was sos un stable
Your thread is spot on. A rareity here

So we took over Iraq to keep an eye on Iran? Saddam would not have let Iran get a nuclear bomb. We could have done nothing and let saddam take care of Iran.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Iran probably wanted Saddam gone as bad (or worse) than we did
Iran wants us gone worse
with all the events post 9-11 that we could no longer allow to happen, having a military base in the middle of it is not a bad idea
So you believe he had weapons and rather than use them to try and save himself shipped them off?

Saddam was a liar
look what shipping them off as well as probably burying some did to our country (thanks to the dems starvation for power and the main stream medias hate of GWB)
That lie changed the power structure so far in this great nation we now have Obamacare
SOme parts good
Some parts harming the poor as we speak (with shortened work weeks becoming the norm)

We have more UE than ever

Our yearly defict(s) went from 162 billion in 07 to 1.4 trillion in 09
and still over 1 trillion each year

That is a direct result of the 2006 elections in which the lie being re peated about the WMDs as there where never there and that the GOP had lied (the UN maintained there are still 6000 WMDs miising)
You tell me?
How much more harm could have he done?

I think the harm was done when bush attacked a country that was no threat to us.

How do you know that they were no harm to us?
Saddam is gone
He was paying kids 100,000s of thousands of $ to blow them selves up
Saddam Pays 25K for Palestinian Bombers | Fox News
Saddam Rewards Suicide Bombers' Families - ABC News

Actually, Saddam Hussein knew plenty about terrorism. In essence, he owned and operated a full-service general store for global terrorists, complete with cash, diplomatic aid, safe haven, training, and even medical attention. Such assistance violated United Nations Security Council Resolution 687. The results not only broke international law, but also were deadly, as this chart demonstrates:7

look at the chart. harming people for no reason and ignoring UN sanctions after 9-11 with this regime had to be stopped and a clear message sent
Saddam Hussein's Philanthropy of Terror
I have allways thought part of the reason we needed Iraq was a base to keep an eye on Iran while we took footing in Afgahn.
This also was a place in which Al Qaeda could run too to escape the wrath of Kahn, some did as we now know
They died there many years later
The country was in shambles. there was no doubt chemical weapons and chemical(s) if combined to make weapons there
the country was sos un stable
Your thread is spot on. A rareity here

So we took over Iraq to keep an eye on Iran? Saddam would not have let Iran get a nuclear bomb. We could have done nothing and let saddam take care of Iran.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Iran probably wanted Saddam gone as bad (or worse) than we did
Iran wants us gone worse
with all the events post 9-11 that we could no longer allow to happen, having a military base in the middle of it is not a bad idea

Yes it was an aweful idea. A complete disaster really.
Saddam was a liar
look what shipping them off as well as probably burying some did to our country (thanks to the dems starvation for power and the main stream medias hate of GWB)
That lie changed the power structure so far in this great nation we now have Obamacare
SOme parts good
Some parts harming the poor as we speak (with shortened work weeks becoming the norm)

We have more UE than ever

Our yearly defict(s) went from 162 billion in 07 to 1.4 trillion in 09
and still over 1 trillion each year

That is a direct result of the 2006 elections in which the lie being re peated about the WMDs as there where never there and that the GOP had lied (the UN maintained there are still 6000 WMDs miising)
You tell me?
How much more harm could have he done?

I think the harm was done when bush attacked a country that was no threat to us.

How do you know that they were no harm to us?
Saddam is gone
He was paying kids 100,000s of thousands of $ to blow them selves up
Saddam Pays 25K for Palestinian Bombers | Fox News
Saddam Rewards Suicide Bombers' Families - ABC News

Actually, Saddam Hussein knew plenty about terrorism. In essence, he owned and operated a full-service general store for global terrorists, complete with cash, diplomatic aid, safe haven, training, and even medical attention. Such assistance violated United Nations Security Council Resolution 687. The results not only broke international law, but also were deadly, as this chart demonstrates:7

look at the chart. harming people for no reason and ignoring UN sanctions after 9-11 with this regime had to be stopped and a clear message sent
Saddam Hussein's Philanthropy of Terror

Isn't that all old news that has long been debunked? That sounds like the false pre war propaganda.
The Iraq war has gone down in history as one of the most brilliantly prosecuted wars that was ever fought. Never before were objectives achieved so quickly with such little loss of life. The greatest loss of life occurred after obama was elected and changed the rules allowing the enemy to reconstitute.

The real difference between Iraq is Syria, is that there were clear objectives in Iraq. There were plans for after the war ended. There is no plan in Syria for anything.
The Iraq war has gone down in history as one of the most brilliantly prosecuted wars that was ever fought. Never before were objectives achieved so quickly with such little loss of life.


The greatest loss of life occurred after obama was elected and changed the rules allowing the enemy to reconstitute.

The real difference between Iraq is Syria, is that there were clear objectives in Iraq.

False. 2004-2007 were the most violent years of the Iraq occupation. The occupation itself was poorly planned and an unmitigated disaster.
Iraq------world wide concensus to intervene. UN resolutions to remove Saddam

Syria---------Obama, McCain, and Kerry-----and maybe the french. UN says stay out.
The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.

Shouldn't they have known during planning the Turks would do that. Or guess they might and plan for it? Seems like bad planning to me.

In a way, yes.

But Erdogan wasn't a well-known person at the time. He was newly elected. We had assurances from our Turkish sources that the 4th ID would be allowed to go through Turkey but Erdogan Double-Crossed us and he and his Parliament sided with the Islamists in a surprise refusal to allow the 4TH ID to enter their territory.

Turkey was, and still is, a NATO member and should have allowed us to move through their territory under the terms of the NATO Treaty.

IMO, Turkey should be booted from NATO.

Turkey has not been a 'Friend' since then. Not to America. To obama, yes.

But that's not the same thing.
The Iraq war has gone down in history as one of the most brilliantly prosecuted wars that was ever fought. Never before were objectives achieved so quickly with such little loss of life.


The greatest loss of life occurred after obama was elected and changed the rules allowing the enemy to reconstitute.

The real difference between Iraq is Syria, is that there were clear objectives in Iraq.

False. 2004-2007 were the most violent years of the Iraq occupation. The occupation itself was poorly planned and an unmitigated disaster.

I agree.

The Big Generals refused to acknowledge what was apparent from the outset of the fall of Saddam.... That the War had turned into an Insurgency.

Big Generals of Big Units don't like Insurgencies. Because their Big Units with their Big Guns and Big Tanks and Big Artillery and Big Airplanes and Big Ships are nothing more than Big Targets.

The 'Surge' worked but it wouldn't have been necessary if the Big Generals hadn't fucked everything up from the get-go.

I called that one from the very beginning.

At any rate, we still won and we handed the Stuttering Clusterfukk of a cowardly piece of Anti-American shit a hard-won victory when he stole office in '09.

He purposefully fucked up the Status of Forces agreement so he could hand Iraq over to Iran.

We've lost Iraq to Iran. Game over. And the Stuttering Clusterfukk did it on purpose.

Anybody that doesn't realize that is an idiot or a traitor. Period. No gray area in that one.
The Iraq war has gone down in history as one of the most brilliantly prosecuted wars that was ever fought. Never before were objectives achieved so quickly with such little loss of life.


The greatest loss of life occurred after obama was elected and changed the rules allowing the enemy to reconstitute.

The real difference between Iraq is Syria, is that there were clear objectives in Iraq.

False. 2004-2007 were the most violent years of the Iraq occupation. The occupation itself was poorly planned and an unmitigated disaster.

It should have been finished before Obama.
I would make this comparison. When the Iraq/Iran war was going on, the U.S. hated Iran more than it hated Saddam killing his own people, and we did nothing about it back then. Why, because we turn the other cheek toward our "allies" of the moment. Way after the fact, we start a campaign against them. Here we have Assad basically doing the same thing. Guess what, we should not get involved. Leave countries to their own problems, especially in the middle east.

I think the harm was done when bush attacked a country that was no threat to us.

How do you know that they were no harm to us?
Saddam is gone
He was paying kids 100,000s of thousands of $ to blow them selves up
Saddam Pays 25K for Palestinian Bombers | Fox News
Saddam Rewards Suicide Bombers' Families - ABC News

Actually, Saddam Hussein knew plenty about terrorism. In essence, he owned and operated a full-service general store for global terrorists, complete with cash, diplomatic aid, safe haven, training, and even medical attention. Such assistance violated United Nations Security Council Resolution 687. The results not only broke international law, but also were deadly, as this chart demonstrates:7

look at the chart. harming people for no reason and ignoring UN sanctions after 9-11 with this regime had to be stopped and a clear message sent
Saddam Hussein's Philanthropy of Terror

Isn't that all old news that has long been debunked? That sounds like the false pre war propaganda.

In 2002, a resolution sponsored by the European Union was adopted by the Commission for Human Rights, which stated that there had been no improvement in the human rights crisis in Iraq. The statement condemned President Saddam Hussein's government for its "systematic, widespread and extremely grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law". The resolution demanded that Iraq immediately put an end to its "summary and arbitrary executions... and the use of rape as a political tool and all enforced and involuntary disappearances".[1]
Full political participation at the national level was restricted only to members of the Ba'ath Party, which constituted only 8% of the population.
Iraqi citizens were not allowed to assemble legally unless it was to express support for the government. The Iraqi government controlled the establishment of political parties, regulated their internal affairs and monitored their activities.
Police checkpoints on Iraq's roads and highways prevented ordinary citizens from traveling across country without government permission and expensive exit visas prevented Iraqi citizens from traveling abroad. Before traveling, an Iraqi citizen had to post collateral. Iraqi females could not travel outside of the country without the escort of a male relative.[2]
The activities of citizens living inside Iraq who received money from relatives abroad were closely monitored[citation needed].
Halabja poison gas attack:The Halabja poison gas attack occurred in the period 15–19 March 1988 during the Iran–Iraq War when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces and thousands of civilians in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja were killed.[3]
Al-Anfal Campaign: In 1988, the Hussein regime began a campaign of extermination against the Kurdish people living in Northern Iraq. This is known as the Anfal campaign. The campaign was mostly directed at Shiite Kurds (Faili Kurds) who sided with Iranians during the Iraq-Iran War. The attacks resulted in the death of at least 50,000 (some reports estimate as many as 182,000) people, many of them women and children. A team of Human Rights Watch investigators determined, after analyzing eighteen tons of captured Iraqi documents, testing soil samples and carrying out interviews with more than 350 witnesses, that the attacks on the Kurdish people were characterized by gross violations of human rights, including mass executions and disappearances of many tens of thousands of noncombatants, widespread use of chemical weapons including Sarin, mustard gas and nerve agents that killed thousands, the arbitrary imprisoning of tens of thousands of women, children, and elderly people for months in conditions of extreme deprivation, forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of villagers after the demolition of their homes, and the wholesale destruction of nearly two thousand villages along with their schools, mosques, farms and power stations.[3][4]
In April 1991, after Saddam lost control of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War, he cracked down ruthlessly against several uprisings in the Kurdish north and the Shia south. His forces committed wholesale massacres and other gross human rights violations against both groups similar to the violations mentioned before. Estimates of deaths during that time range from 20,000 to 100,000 for Kurds, and 60,000 to 130,000 for Shi'ites.[5]
In June 1994, the Hussein regime in Iraq established severe penalties, including amputation, branding and the death penalty for criminal offenses such as theft, corruption, currency speculation and military desertion, while government members and Saddam's family members were immune from punishments ranging around these crimes.[6]
On March 23, 2003, during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Iraqi television presented and interviewed prisoners of war on TV, violating the Geneva Convention.
Also in April 2003, CNN revealed that it had withheld information about Iraq torturing journalists and Iraqi citizens in the 1990s. According to CNN's chief news executive, the channel had been concerned for the safety not only of its own staff, but also of Iraqi sources and informants, who could expect punishment for speaking freely to reporters. Also according to the executive, "other news organizations were in the same bind."[7]
After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, several mass graves were found in Iraq containing several thousand bodies total and more are being uncovered to this day.[8] While most of the dead in the graves were believed to have died in the 1991 uprising against Saddam Hussein, some of them appeared to have died due to executions or died at times other than the 1991 rebellion.
Also after the invasion, numerous torture centers were found in security offices and police stations throughout Iraq. The equipment found at these centers typically included hooks for hanging people by the hands for beatings, devices for electric shock and other equipment often found in nations with harsh security services and other authoritarian nations.
According to The New York Times, "he [Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead. His seizure of Kuwait threw the Middle East into crisis. More insidious, arguably, was the psychological damage he inflicted on his own land. Hussein created a nation of informants — friends on friends, circles within circles — making an entire population complicit in his rule".[9] Other estimates as to the number of Iraqis killed by Saddam's regime vary from roughly a quarter to half a million,[10][11] including 50,000 to 182,000 Kurds and 25,000 to 280,000 killed during the repression of the 1991 rebellion.[12][13] Estimates for the number of dead in the Iran-Iraq war range upwards from 300,000.[14]

Human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
1) are the WMDs used in Syria left-overs from Saddam? I think so. The truth will allways find a way to cone out
2) GWB got approval from congress and waited 18 months after telling Saddam in front of millions on TV it was coming if he did not comply with UN inspectors before invading and removing Saddam. What is the difference now except far more will be killed before the war will end
If we remove the Govt air force that fight is over and the rebels will win over time

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
It is amazing that all the lies about GWB now are coming full circle. take a look at the pictures of trucks leaving WMD sites and headed for Syria
I was a simple truth that now BHO has to face
You Libs have to be asking your selves how can this be happening? from no jobs, to record deficts to this (and BTW Obamacare is hurting the poor)

1. No. Officials: No signs WMD moved from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

2. What did the weapon inspectors find. What was in Hans Blix's final report to the UN?

President Bush's snow job was all about frightening the sheep. Took him 18 months to lie his way into the greatest military strategic blunder in our countries history.

Ramble on
The 2nd Iraq war was beyond a doubt the single greatest military FUBAR in history.
The fact that our military sat in the freaking desert for months allowing Iraqi officials to escape and their military to disperse equipment is so incredibly stupid that it boggles the mind.
So...Obama is of course getting ready to do the same thing. It is obvious that Syria has moved critical systems elsewhere by now...including Chem weapons.

That wasn't the fault of the Commanders or of Bush.

It was the Turks who refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division, the US Military's most powerful Division, to move through their Territory in order to Invade Iraq from the North.

It fucked everything up.

At the time, I was screaming for Schwartzkopf to drop Airborne Troops North of Baghdad so we could cut Saddam's troops off and prevent an Insurgency.

But there is a VERY big anti-Airborne sentiment in the Regular Army. Has been since WWII.

At the outset, I believe they dropped elements of the 173rd into Kurdish Territory but I wanted the entire 82nd dropped strategically to cut off what was left of Saddam's Army.

To our resident leftard scum:
As to Sarin Gas having a short shelf. No shit.

What Saddam did was ship the means to make Sarin and many other deadly gases to Syria.

Fucking idiots.

As to Saddam not having any Nuclear WMDs? One of the great ruses of all time.

He wanted the world to think he did. He was more afraid of Iran than he was the US. He wanted them to think he had Nukes because they knew goddam well that he'd just as soon Nuke Persians as look at them.

During WWII we did something similar. Germany had Chemical Weapons that were far superior to ours but we had a fake stockpile of Chemical Weapons that convinced Hitler to never use his far superior Chemicals.

We faked Hitler out on where we would land on June 6, 1944. Well, actually Rommel. Hitler though it would be Normandy all along.

But lefturds, being incapable of original thought just take whatever pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM feeds them and regurgitates it.

Stupidest people to ever live. Too stupid to breathe my air.

AS CoC the fault lies with President Bush, plain and simple.

THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ - PLANNING - State Dept. Study Foresaw Trouble Now Plaguing Iraq -

Turns out President Bush was the worst modern day president.
Saddam was a liar
look what shipping them off as well as probably burying some did to our country (thanks to the dems starvation for power and the main stream medias hate of GWB)
That lie changed the power structure so far in this great nation we now have Obamacare
SOme parts good
Some parts harming the poor as we speak (with shortened work weeks becoming the norm)

We have more UE than ever

Our yearly defict(s) went from 162 billion in 07 to 1.4 trillion in 09
and still over 1 trillion each year

That is a direct result of the 2006 elections in which the lie being re peated about the WMDs as there where never there and that the GOP had lied (the UN maintained there are still 6000 WMDs miising)
You tell me?
How much more harm could have he done?

I think the harm was done when bush attacked a country that was no threat to us.

How do you know that they were no harm to us?
Saddam is gone
He was paying kids 100,000s of thousands of $ to blow them selves up
Saddam Pays 25K for Palestinian Bombers | Fox News
Saddam Rewards Suicide Bombers' Families - ABC News

Actually, Saddam Hussein knew plenty about terrorism. In essence, he owned and operated a full-service general store for global terrorists, complete with cash, diplomatic aid, safe haven, training, and even medical attention. Such assistance violated United Nations Security Council Resolution 687. The results not only broke international law, but also were deadly, as this chart demonstrates:7

look at the chart. harming people for no reason and ignoring UN sanctions after 9-11 with this regime had to be stopped and a clear message sent
Saddam Hussein's Philanthropy of Terror

It is well known that many Arab countries pay into the Palestinian fund. That fund pays the families of Palestinian's killed in their conflict with Israel. The fund pay 25 grand to families that lost their main bread winner and 10 grand for others. They do not exclude families with SBers. Those families make up a small % of the families that receive the money. Saddam supported some groups fighting in Palestine and in Iran. Nothing with a world wide scope like al Qaeda.

Iraq never recovered from the Iran war, much less the drumming it took in the first Gulf War and subsequent sanctions. They never could rebuild their conventional army nor their WMD programs. They simply were not a threat to the worlds remaining superpower and they were not involved in 9-11.

You're trying to re-write history again Jr., oh wait, you never stopped did you?

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