Iraq and the America Haters

Daft invasion of Afghanistan? All 60 countries signing on to crush AQ? Endorsed by the United Nations? And NATO?

Daft? You sure you want to stick with that assessment?

Absolutely, yes.
America led an invasion that has cost thousands of lives, destroyed much, left thousands with terrible injuries, and cost billions of dollars.


Yes, it was daft.

It was a multi national effort. More than Americans were killed in those towers that day.

Gains? Well I've been an activist for women's rights in Afghanistan since the mid 90's. Progress has been made. Human Rights have been greatly restored.

The Taliban are monsters who starved many, killed many, suppressed many, ruled by terror.

You're just talking out your ass.
so you condemn America's support of the anti-Russian "freedom fighters" who wanted to reverse the freedoms the Russian supported government was giving women?
By the way where the hell has the US Intelligence agencies been on Baghdadi? I mean Obama released him in 3009. He heads up this murderous crew that makes AQ look like boy scouts.

Surely they knew he was operating in Syria and that he was knocking off other terrorist organizations.

Surely they knew ISIS was not a rebel group but was affiliated with AQ until AQ severed ties with them earlier this year.

Surely this Administration saw the writing on the wall when they allowed the Ghostto gain power, prestige, and building an army of 12,000.

Interesting. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd swear that Obama's administration is pro Sunni and anti Shia.
you win my bloviator of the day prize.
Ps edit your mistake.

Thanks for the heads up and the prize.
Absolutely, yes.
America led an invasion that has cost thousands of lives, destroyed much, left thousands with terrible injuries, and cost billions of dollars.


Yes, it was daft.

It was a multi national effort. More than Americans were killed in those towers that day.

Gains? Well I've been an activist for women's rights in Afghanistan since the mid 90's. Progress has been made. Human Rights have been greatly restored.

The Taliban are monsters who starved many, killed many, suppressed many, ruled by terror.

You're just talking out your ass.
so you condemn America's support of the anti-Russian "freedom fighters" who wanted to reverse the freedoms the Russian supported government was giving women?

Are you talking about Svoboda? And I should tell you I'm second generation Ukrainian on my mother's side and have been monitoring the situation in the Ukraine closely since last year.
Well, I'm about to sign off for tonight but if you are talking Svoboda and the coup that took place that toppled a duly elected President and government, I've been vehemently against the coup, against American and G7 support for the coup. I have ripped some new orifices up here in my own conservative party and I am not done yet for my Prime Minister Harper's support of the illegal government.

I've been more than off the richter scale in my support for Crimea's secession battling many on the Conservative side and trying to make them understand that Russia did not invade Crimea. Check my posts and my threads. Unwavering support for the pro Russian factions and absolutely righteously pissed off that the West has supported Svoboda and the Right Sector's violent take over.
Saddam had the country of Iraq under control and wasn't a threat to anyone.

But the zionist fanatics the rule Israel wanted him gone and insisted that America take Saddam out.

9/11 provided the excuse.

And the U.S. government kowtowed to Israel's demands and invaded Iraq in order to please the ZOG. ... :cool:

Good post but I don't think it's "Zionists" at all. Some or many that supported it were, but the movement to war was based on $$$.

When Lockheed Martin gives you $300,000 in donations to run for president, it's not because they like your style. It's so you will pull the trigger quickly if war is a topic. It's the Military Industrial Complex.

It's why we went to war with Iraq based on a lie. It's why we bombed Libya based on a lie. It's why we keep using drones to kill innocent families. (and we wonder where terrorists came from. if someone killed my family, I would be out for revenge)

The president worsk for the corporations that donate to him. It's that simple.
It was a multi national effort. More than Americans were killed in those towers that day.

Gains? Well I've been an activist for women's rights in Afghanistan since the mid 90's. Progress has been made. Human Rights have been greatly restored.

The Taliban are monsters who starved many, killed many, suppressed many, ruled by terror.

You're just talking out your ass.
so you condemn America's support of the anti-Russian "freedom fighters" who wanted to reverse the freedoms the Russian supported government was giving women?

Are you talking about Svoboda? And I should tell you I'm second generation Ukrainian on my mother's side and have been monitoring the situation in the Ukraine closely since last year.
nice try now condemn Reagan and the US for supporting the Afghan mujahideen, a group notorious for their feminist views.:badgrin:
I should also note - I seriously dislike Galloway.
He's a corrupt bastard with the morals of a dog, and has no clue what truth is when it doesn't suit his needs.
He converted to Islam but hides the fact.
The action of a coward and a bastard.
:lol: he is a politician, between these two who would you trust more?[ame=]George Galloway vs American Israeli Leader on Iran & Iraq - MUST WATCH - 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Edit - By the way, in this case, Galloway is pretty much right ... but that doesn't indicate I have the slightest support for the bastard.
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I should also note - I seriously dislike Galloway.
He's a corrupt bastard with the morals of a dog, and has no clue what truth is when it doesn't suit his needs.
He converted to Islam but hides the fact.
The action of a coward and a bastard.
:lol: he is a politician, between these two who would you trust more?[ame=]George Galloway vs American Israeli Leader on Iran & Iraq - MUST WATCH - 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Edit - By the way, in this case, Galloway is pretty much right ... but that doesn't indicate I have the slightest support for the bastard.
Fred I'm sure Gorgeous George will be bereft, he is a politician and reality means we have to fight fire with fire.

Ps what evidence do you have that he converted to Islam? the accusation is viewed over here rather like the Obama birth certificate nonsense.

Edit - By the way, in this case, Galloway is pretty much right ... but that doesn't indicate I have the slightest support for the bastard.
Fred I'm sure Gorgeous George will be bereft, he is a politician and reality means we have to fight fire with fire.

Ps what evidence do you have that he converted to Islam? the accusation is viewed over here rather like the Obama birth certificate nonsense.

In a Muslim wedding, you have to say the Muslim declaration of faith.
There also has to be two Muslim male witnesses.
If you FREELY say this declaration in front of two Muslim males, you are a Muslim. - Muslim convert George Galloway marries his third wife after election

Muslim convert George Galloway has married his third consecutive muslim wife in a Islamic ceremony shortly after his electoral victory in Bradford

No one, including Galloway, disputes he was married in a Muslim marriage.
He has said the declaration of faith, thus he's a Muslim.
Edit - By the way, in this case, Galloway is pretty much right ... but that doesn't indicate I have the slightest support for the bastard.
Fred I'm sure Gorgeous George will be bereft, he is a politician and reality means we have to fight fire with fire.

Ps what evidence do you have that he converted to Islam? the accusation is viewed over here rather like the Obama birth certificate nonsense.

In a Muslim wedding, you have to say the Muslim declaration of faith.
There also has to be two Muslim male witnesses.
If you FREELY say this declaration in front of two Muslim males, you are a Muslim. - Muslim convert George Galloway marries his third wife after election

Muslim convert George Galloway has married his third consecutive muslim wife in a Islamic ceremony shortly after his electoral victory in Bradford

No one, including Galloway, disputes he was married in a Muslim marriage.
He has said the declaration of faith, thus he's a Muslim.
ok so he is not legally married in the UK.

Ps can he "divorce" her by saying I divorce you three times?
Fred I'm sure Gorgeous George will be bereft, he is a politician and reality means we have to fight fire with fire.

Ps what evidence do you have that he converted to Islam? the accusation is viewed over here rather like the Obama birth certificate nonsense.

In a Muslim wedding, you have to say the Muslim declaration of faith.
There also has to be two Muslim male witnesses.
If you FREELY say this declaration in front of two Muslim males, you are a Muslim. - Muslim convert George Galloway marries his third wife after election

Muslim convert George Galloway has married his third consecutive muslim wife in a Islamic ceremony shortly after his electoral victory in Bradford

No one, including Galloway, disputes he was married in a Muslim marriage.
He has said the declaration of faith, thus he's a Muslim.
ok so he is not legally married in the UK.

Ps can he "divorce" her by saying I divorce you three times?

One marriage, the fourth and still active until he shags around again, seems to have been backed up by a legal, civil service.
The third was just a Muslim ceremony with no legal back up.
As far as Muslims are concerned, he was married and still is.

As you may be aware, in Islamic law, a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non Muslim man.
His last three wives have all been Muslims, at least two married in Muslim ceremonies.

That leaves a few possibilities:
He lied when he said the declaration of faith. That means his last three wives (as far as Islam is concerned) are whores, committing adultery.
He didn't lie when saying the declaration, thus he's a Muslim, but lies about being a Catholic.
There is video of him praying in the Muslim manner when he entered Gaza.
yep I read the English version of the Koran 20 yrs ago.
A an atheist I was impressed by some of the sensible advice MO gave like if you live in a non Islamic country and you don't like the laws you have two choices leave or accept the laws as if the were the word of Allah.
I love this clip as it shows George tear Norm Coleman a second anus for accusing him of corruption.
Ps every newspaper that accused him of corruption was sued and they had to pay damages:eusa_angel:
[ame=]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]
The American left has always been about lawlessness. These fuckers are rooting for the guys who cut off heads!!!
are you referring to me and Indofred?

I don't believe you have ever actively supported murder, by Muslims extremists or anyone else.
I do not.
That isn't to say I don't agree with some causes/groups that are given the terrorist label.

I don't see an Afghan fighting Americans as a terrorist - he's in his own counttry, fighting an invading force.
I don't see a Palestinian who shoots an Israeli soldier as a terrorist - he's attacking a member of an invading army.
Rocket attacks into Israeli towns, aimed at civilians, are terrorist attacks, as are Israeli bombing raids into Gaza that kill civilians and, some won't like this, US drone attacks that land on innocent civilian weddings.
yep I read the English version of the Koran 20 yrs ago.
A an atheist I was impressed by some of the sensible advice MO gave like if you live in a non Islamic country and you don't like the laws you have two choices leave or accept the laws as if the were the word of Allah.
I love this clip as it shows George tear Norm Coleman a second anus for accusing him of corruption.
Ps every newspaper that accused him of corruption was sued and they had to pay damages:eusa_angel:
George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube

Galloway, the deep red socialist with a million pound house in London, is good at putting people down.
However, when he comes up against someone he can't beat, he simply walks out of refuses to answer their questions.
His business activities are dodgy at best.
I did a pile of research some while ago but the forum I published it on was hacked and destroyed.
Sadly, it was all lost.
The American left has always been about lawlessness. These fuckers are rooting for the guys who cut off heads!!!
are you referring to me and Indofred?

I don't believe you have ever actively supported murder, by Muslims extremists or anyone else.
I do not.
That isn't to say I don't agree with some causes/groups that are given the terrorist label.

I don't see an Afghan fighting Americans as a terrorist - he's in his own counttry, fighting an invading force.
I don't see a Palestinian who shoots an Israeli soldier as a terrorist - he's attacking a member of an invading army.
Rocket attacks into Israeli towns, aimed at civilians, are terrorist attacks, as are Israeli bombing raids into Gaza that kill civilians and, some won't like this, US drone attacks that land on innocent civilian weddings.
isn't it funny that a Jew and a Muslim have common grounds for agreement.
I of course would return again to fight for Israels right to exist.
yep I read the English version of the Koran 20 yrs ago.
A an atheist I was impressed by some of the sensible advice MO gave like if you live in a non Islamic country and you don't like the laws you have two choices leave or accept the laws as if the were the word of Allah.
I love this clip as it shows George tear Norm Coleman a second anus for accusing him of corruption.
Ps every newspaper that accused him of corruption was sued and they had to pay damages:eusa_angel:
George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube

Galloway, the deep red socialist with a million pound house in London, is good at putting people down.
However, when he comes up against someone he can't beat, he simply walks out of refuses to answer their questions.
His business activities are dodgy at best.
I did a pile of research some while ago but the forum I published it on was hacked and destroyed.
Sadly, it was all lost.
I was a very bad amateur boxer because I never ducked a fight.
The establishments hatred of Galloway is huge. The Mail and Telegraph would pay you or anyone else a fortune for damming evidence. :eusa_angel:
Iran and the US allied against ISIL in Iraq?
Maybe so...

"Isis 'could pose a threat eventually to American interests as well', Obama said in a televised address.

"He vowed not to be 'dragged back into a situation in which, while we're there keeping a lid on things, and after enormous sacrifices by us, as soon as we're not there, people end up acting in ways that are not conducive to the long-term stability and prosperity of the country'.

"Officials told the Guardian that options under discussion include an air campaign, using either air force or navy warplanes or both.

"The duration of such a campaign has yet to be determined. Drone strikes remain under consideration, but manned aircraft are said to the preferred option, owing to their superiority against moving and manoeuvrable targets.

"Two officials said that a strike at Isis in Iraq and Syria was under consideration. Isis 'is now across the border', said a Pentagon official, who requested anonymity. 'It is possible to take out the head. You've got to take out the heart … Everything is being looked at.'"

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

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