Iraq and the America Haters

I was a very bad amateur boxer because I never ducked a fight.
The establishments hatred of Galloway is huge. The Mail and Telegraph would pay you or anyone else a fortune for damming evidence. :eusa_angel:

I was well into Korean martial arts, and very much like you, I suffered a few beatings because I never backed off.
However, as my skills increased, I gave a good few back.

As for the Mail, probably, and as a capitalist, I could go with the idea. :D
About five years ago Tom Hayden wrote in the Nation about how the term the "Long War" was coined:

"The concept of the 'Long War' is attributed to former CENTCOM Commander Gen. John Abizaid, speaking in 2004.

"Leading counterinsurgency theorist John Nagl, an Iraq combat veteran and now the head of the Center for a New American Security, writes that 'there is a growing realization that the most likely conflicts of the next fifty years will be irregular warfare in an "Arc of Instability" that encompasses much of the greater Middle East and parts of Africa and Central and South Asia.'

"The Pentagon's official Quadrennial Defense Review (2005) commits the United States to a greater emphasis on fighting terrorism and insurgencies in this 'arc of instability.'

"The Center for American Progress repeats the formulation in arguing for a troop escalation and ten-year commitment in Afghanistan, saying that the 'infrastructure of jihad' must be destroyed in 'the center of an 'arc of instability' through South and Central Asia and the greater Middle East.'"

Irregular warfare ranging from Ukraine to Iraq to Congo between now at 2054 might be the only way capitalists can maintain their current bar-arm chokehold on 90% of humanity.

Capitalism concentrates more and more of the world's wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation. War and debt are its principal tools. Breaking the capitalist chokehold in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is where for-profit war and debt ends or where humanity ends.

Understanding the Long War | The Nation
Capitalism concentrates more and more of the world's wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation. [/B]

The top 1% were not as well off from the 1930's - 2000s because of the very high tax rates on the super rich. These worked exceptionally well for the economy. It is only
with the latest crop or Republicans owned by Grover Norquist that the tax rates to the super rich have been very difficult to raise even when the super rich begin to expand their percentage of wealth compared to the rest of the country.

War and debt are its principal tools. Breaking the capitalist chokehold in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is where for-profit war and debt ends or where humanity ends.

This sounds like straight up marxist propaganda. First off the anarchy and chaos the majority of the world is suffering from right now is religious, sectarian, tribalistic violence. Not the battle between capitalism and communism. Secondly, capitalism has expanded the wealth of the world exponentially. I don't think communists have a good grasp of human nature. Democratic capitalism has its faults, but it has proven without a doubt to be the most effective economic/political system by far.
Capitalism concentrates more and more of the world's wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation. [/B]

The top 1% were not as well off from the 1930's - 2000s because of the very high tax rates on the super rich. These worked exceptionally well for the economy. It is only
with the latest crop or Republicans owned by Grover Norquist that the tax rates to the super rich have been very difficult to raise even when the super rich begin to expand their percentage of wealth compared to the rest of the country.

War and debt are its principal tools. Breaking the capitalist chokehold in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is where for-profit war and debt ends or where humanity ends.

This sounds like straight up marxist propaganda. First off the anarchy and chaos the majority of the world is suffering from right now is religious, sectarian, tribalistic violence. Not the battle between capitalism and communism. Secondly, capitalism has expanded the wealth of the world exponentially. I don't think communists have a good grasp of human nature. Democratic capitalism has its faults, but it has proven without a doubt to be the most effective economic/political system by far.
Do you blame the anarchy and chaos we see in Iraq on sectarian violence or capitalistic corruption?

"Soon after capturing Baghdad, US commanders and political leaders announced a massive reconstruction program to restore Iraq and bring the country to a new level of prosperity. President Bush even compared the effort to the Marshall Plan in Europe after the Second World War.

"Washington spent billions of dollars of Iraqi oil revenue – and billions in US aid grants – to finance thousands of projects. But fraud, corruption, and theft wrecked these programs and money was increasingly diverted into shadowy 'security' operations.

"Malfeasance began in the earliest days under the US-run Coalition Provisional Authority.

"It has continued ever since, while US officials and advisors have looked the other way.

"Corruption has revealed the greed of the occupiers and the deeply flawed governing system they put in place.

"Few wrongdoers have been held accountable, corruption appears to grow constantly, and Iraqi citizens suffer the consequences."

War and Occupation in Iraq - Chapter 9 English
Meanwhile, some warmongering GOP senators are falling over themselves to urge us to return to Iraq: GOP: senators call for Iraq air strikes -
Iraq was worse than the Vietnam war, both in casualties and due to the anarchy and chaos that resulted from removing Saddam and crippling the Iraqi military to do so. Let Iraq deal with itself, as we have caused enough damage in the Middle East already.
Saddam was a murderer, a bastard and generally bloody terrible.
However, he held the country together.
America invaded on lies, hints of 9/11 and WMD, allowing the more extreme groups to gain power where they had none.
American politicians' stupidity know no bounds.

What does that have to do with ISIS, Senator Norris?
Tuesday 17 June 2014:

"The aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush and five other warships are now in the Persian Gulf.

"More than 500 Marines and dozens of helicopters are on standby.

"A top priority: evacuate all Americans at the embassy if it comes to that.

"Meanwhile, the violence continued unabated, as militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, battled to gain control the city of Baquba, only about 37 miles (60 kilometers) north of Baghdad.

"According to one Baquba police official and an official in the Baquba governor's office, ISIS has 'made a great advance on Baquba' and is pushing very hard to take it, but the city has not fallen to the militants.

"Eyewitnesses also told CNN of clashes there between fighters and Iraqi government forces."

Iraq crisis: ISIS advances on Baquba as U.S. moves firepower to region -

Time for a US War Crimes Tribunal?

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