Iraq embassy under attack by Iran lead protests!

Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.
Real leader
America's next move in Iraq should be to exit the country.

Even the puppet government we have set up wants us to leave. .. :cool:
America's next move in Iraq should be to exit the country.

Even the puppet government we have set up wants us to leave. .. :cool:

I agree. Pull our people out and let them kill each other. We rebuilt that country and they have already lost it.

We won in Iraq. After the victory we should have pulled out and let those idiots rebuild the country.

Hearts and minds my ass.
We get the hell out of a country that doesn't want us there.

Let another nation police the world.
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.

Yeah, this is actually news! I saw it on Reuters first thing this morning. Thanx for the thread.

Can't agree it's "obvious" Iran is behind it: they probably want us out because they want us out. We do sort of bomb them a lot; I can see the problem there. Out would be great with me: Iraq doesn't matter as much as Iran. They are quite ineffective. It's like South Vietnam and North Vietnam: why do we always ally with the weaker, less popular, ineffective part of the area??

But my first thought was that Trump pulled out the ambassador and all the staff in the face of THOUSANDS in angry crowds mixed with armed militia attacking the embassy. Unlike Hillary, he is not willing to lose another ambassador. It still makes me mad, that she and that Obama character just didn't bother to defend or save the embassy personnel in Libya at all -- just let them die, despite their pleading for days for help.

Trump does better.
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I agree. We should drop a few bombs on our way out. Kill a few more of the Muslim assholes.

That's the right attitude... attacking the exceptional embassy after all you did for them...ungrateful muslim scum...


Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.
The Iranian regime is responsible for much of the bloodshed in the ME and beyond and the world would be a better place without it, but it is already under attack by large scale demonstrations in both Iran and Iraq and while the US cannot allow attacks on Americans stand without a response, it is impossible to justify the massive expenditure of blood and treasure it would take for us to overthrow the Iranian regime by military force and then occupy Iran until a stable peaceful government could take and hold power.

We cannot withdraw without creating an even worse situation than Obama created when he withdrew US forces and we cannot allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons without endangering ourselves and our allies, but beyond that, we cannot afford to solve the problems of the ME without significantly damaging ourselves. I would say we should go as far as responding directly on targets in Iran rather than only targeting Iran's proxy forces, and inflict massive damage if necessary but stop there and let the people in Iran, Iraq and Syria work out their own problems.
Looks like the CIA has been busy, Amazing the Deep State strikes again to cover their tracks ans make America feel the need for them.
Actually, Iraq under Saddam was a stable Sunni ran country.

But the idiot Bush jr. decided to invade Iraq and set up a Shia ran government, which has close ties to the Shia country of Iran.

Now we have created an abortion that will destabilize the Middle East for decades. ... :cool:
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.

"I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway."


now that iran and russia and china have a military alliance

the time to "do something" was 10 years ago, or 20....

it's too late now.

The "time to do something" was in 1945 when the US was the only country with the bomb. (hindsight)

we have merely waited around while countries that ADMIT they hate us and can NOT live on the same planet with us just keep getting stronger and more powerful.

and now the russians are in our backyard (venezuela) ((thanks trump))

all three of those countries disrespect us, mock us and push us around (plus n. korea)

trump APPLAUDS dictators and bullies

he MOCKS and ATTACKS our allies

and I live within the blast radius of a major city

I blame CONSERVATIVES for this mess!
Yes Helicopters. You ungrateful muslim scum!

What's wrong with helicopters, how else can you leave from the roof of the embassy?

Easy. You KILL THE ATTACKERS. and make a point out of doing so....But leave we must so your people can go on killing their brothers since Shite and Sunni have been doing it for centuries....Even the Irish finally learned to mostly stop killing English!...

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