Iraq, rise of Islamic State deals blow to Christian population


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Pretty soon there will be no more Christians in Iraq, which is pretty sad since their ancestors were among the very early Christians who were there before the Arabs invaded the country.

Iraq, rise of Islamic State deals blow to Christian population

The rise of the Islamic State ignites fear among Iraq's minority populationsIraq's Christian population continues to shrink as many flee Islamic State militants in MosulThe men play dominoes with a gusto that transforms the game into a virtual contact sport, lifting the pieces high in the air before smacking them down in a percussive staccato that provides a back beat to the buzz of their conversations.

The easy camaraderie in the ramshackle cafe in this largely Christian town barely distracts from the main topic of discussion: the dramatic takeover last month of Mosul, about 10 miles to the west, by the Al Qaeda renegade faction now known as the Islamic State

The ascendance of the Islamic State — a Sunni Muslim faction that embraces an intolerant strain of fundamentalist Islam — has generated alarm among the region's diverse minority populations, including those here in the sprawling flatlands known as the Nineveh plains.

The area is home to historical settlements of Assyrian Christians, Shabaks (a mostly Shiite Muslim ethnic group with Persian origins), Shiite Turkmens and Yazidis, with roots in Zoroastrianism.

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Sally----there is so little -----two little old ladies like us can do. -------my teensy contribution is
to throw ideas out into the VAST OCEAN of cyberspace-------RESCUE THEM........ All the
civilized nations of the world think!!! RESCUE!!!!!!!!!

the gates of civilized nations must be opened to all those Christians who are refugees from shariah
cesspits. Some brave persons ----who have the capacity-----GO AND DO AIRLIFTS bring them
here. I live in what is essentially a city "efficiency" but I can accommodate a few-------let us ---
who live with the legacy of ancestors lost because there was NO PLACE TO GO------rescue them
All the Christian's need to do is pay the Jizya tax to ISIS and they will be able to live peacefully in Iraq. .. :cool:
All the Christian's need to do is pay the Jizya tax to ISIS and they will be able to live peacefully in Iraq. .. :cool:

ROFLMAO the fantasy of the dogs and pigs of mecca------ "pay me, kiss my ass---or I will kill you
and rape your daughters" it is the real reason that marginal jerks convert to the filth.

A very sad phenomenon in the 60s was that there were many black americans-----demoralized
by the trials and tribulations inflicted upon them by white supremacist pigs-----who got attracted
to this filth------in order to become "KING OF THE UNIVERSE"" I saw it happen-----they
even named their children silly names like "malik" (king) and "malika" (queen) -----before
realizing that the pig of mecca would not sit at the same table with a black man and eat lunch

An even more macabre reality is that the same white supremacists SUPPORTED the idea----it helped
out with their Nazi agenda----the ISLAMO NAZI AGENDA. I did not know anything about
"islam" virtually never heard of it until -------as a child ----I read the Nazi literature that was
elaborated way back in the 1930s and embellished upon by Nazi war criminals after world war II.

For those who do not know------adolf was INSPIRED by pig muhummad
if i'm not mistaken the tax / jizyah just the way of doing things in some Muslim lands . I think its been going on in iran for a long time with irans Jewish quarter . Paying the tax is a way to make people subservientand fearful . Paying the jizyah tax makes a person a Dhimmi . As far as hitler goes , there are photos of hitler having a meeting with an important Muslim ally .
if i'm not mistaken the tax / jizyah just the way of doing things in some Muslim lands . I think its been going on in iran for a long time with irans Jewish quarter . Paying the tax is a way to make people subservientand fearful . Paying the jizyah tax makes a person a Dhimmi . As far as hitler goes , there are photos of hitler having a meeting with an important Muslim ally .

Pismoe-----shariah law is easy----because it is logical like high school plane geometry----you
do not have to know much to get thru the first six months-----just about all you need is
a triangle has 180 degrees and vertical angles are =. Islamic law in reference to non-muslims
is----"you can live as separate and defeated tributary peoples---subservient to muslims" The system
is caste like and somewhat like serfdom. Non muslims end up under the rule of the local chieftain--
assigned to live ---on the edges of the city---identified by prescribed dress and obligated to
adhere to a whole weird mess of social behaviors. An example is that besides being obligated
to give right of way to muslims on the streets----non muslim must PASS on the left---as a sign
inferiority. Non muslims cannot ride horses or camels. only donkeys and only side saddle---
using only wooden saddles--(not leather or cloth) ---there is a lot more just as
idiotic. JIZYA is a head tax Each non muslim must pay for the right to live. The
Jizya tax cannot be used for the welfare of non muslims. It is a fixed amount unrelated
either to assets or income and ends up really being a kind of tribute from the
community since even absolutely destitute people are required to come up with it.
Non muslims are responsible for their own welfare----like schools, wells etc
Ask anything else you want to know---my husband was born a dhimmi-----Think of dhimmis
as defeated people whose function in the society is to be exploited as much as possible.
In return ---they get to very privately follow their own religious rites so long as that is
done completely out of sight and hearing
hey thanks ROSIE , whats the deal in IRAN with special tax [JIZYAH] on the Jewish people that live there [if you know] ??
well Iran for example and most other Arab countries Jews and Christians are minorities and have been minorities throughout history I think . My thoughts are that its hard to fight millions when your numbers are in the thousands .
well Iran for example and most other Arab countries Jews and Christians are minorities and have been minorities throughout history I think . My thoughts are that its hard to fight millions when your numbers are in the thousands .

It's been done either die fighting for what you believe or you submit, if you submit don't expect to many hands to help you when you cry victim...
no matter what is done it is a numbers thing . As an example , Why don't illegal immigrants fix their home lands rather than break USA laws as they illegally immigrate to the USA ??
All the Christian's need to do is pay the Jizya tax to ISIS and they will be able to live peacefully in Iraq. .. :cool:
Aha, isn't ISLAMIC APARTHEID great?


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