Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police


As another Vet, I find it typical of the media to always find some so-called Vet (many times they're liars) caught up in some left-wing cause. Meanwhile thousands of real Vets that would kick his teeth in aren't asked a peep from the media on their beliefs.

I have found that if you are not doing stupid shit, and are obeying the law, and are not hanging around morons who are not obeying the law, the police will not throw flashbangs at you. The fact that the left used only a veteran in this article is proof of how much bullshit propaganda they spread on a daily basis. I am a veteran and could give two shits less about this vet getting fucked up by the police, if he was breaking the law he needed fucked up.
Scott Olsen lcpl USMC

Service regulation permit the government to administratively separate service members whose performance, conduct, or physical and mental conditions indicate a lack of ability to continue to serve. Some of the grounds include misconduct due to drug abuse, minor disciplinary infractions, commission of a serious civilian offense or a pattern of misconduct; presence of a pre-existing physical or mental condition that limits the ability to continue to serve; failure to meet weight or physical fitness standards; failure of an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program; hardship; and for “the good of the service.”

These proceedings include procedures for characterization of service, allow the following potential outcomes:
1.Honorable Characterization of service: this would allow retain many rights administered by the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Defense, and would normally not act as a bar for any future employment. There may, however, be administrative reenlistment codes attached to the characterization that would preclude reentry into another branch of the Armed Forces;
2.General Under Honorable Conditions: this type of discharge is awarded where a service member’s is overall honorable, but certain negative aspects cause it to receive a lower categorization than a honorable discharge. This discharge does act as a negative mark on a service record, and may be viewed as future employers as less valuable than job applicants with no military service, or with an honorable discharge from the service.
3.Under Other than Honorable Conditions (OTH): this type of discharge deprives one of substantially all rights administered by the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Defense. It would have a negative impact on the ability of an individual to obtain future employment, and may act as a bar on obtaining jobs in federal, state and local government.

Scott Olsen received an Administrative Discharge from the Marine Corps in late 2009, and served two tours of duty in combat in Iraq. So to suggest that Mr. Olsen was not a service member when it's pretty clear he was, and not only that, one that served in combat is untrue. Having said that however, Mr. Olsen's discharge was as a result of an Administrative procedure so given that the circumstances of his discharge are not known the only thing that can be said from that is that his seperation from the Marine Corps is still somewhat cloudy. What is known is that Mr. Olsen created a website called " I hate the Marine Corps" and was quickly taken down to express his problems with the Corps. In short Mr. Olsen is and should be as all "vets" should be thank for their sacrifice for this great nation in which we live, however no one other than Mr. Olsen compelled him to be in Oakland and as a result his service and his injury are two very seperate things and should be kept that way.
Scott Olsen lcpl USMC

Service regulation permit the government to administratively separate service members whose performance, conduct, or physical and mental conditions indicate a lack of ability to continue to serve. Some of the grounds include misconduct due to drug abuse, minor disciplinary infractions, commission of a serious civilian offense or a pattern of misconduct; presence of a pre-existing physical or mental condition that limits the ability to continue to serve; failure to meet weight or physical fitness standards; failure of an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program; hardship; and for “the good of the service.”

These proceedings include procedures for characterization of service, allow the following potential outcomes:
1.Honorable Characterization of service: this would allow retain many rights administered by the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Defense, and would normally not act as a bar for any future employment. There may, however, be administrative reenlistment codes attached to the characterization that would preclude reentry into another branch of the Armed Forces;
2.General Under Honorable Conditions: this type of discharge is awarded where a service member’s is overall honorable, but certain negative aspects cause it to receive a lower categorization than a honorable discharge. This discharge does act as a negative mark on a service record, and may be viewed as future employers as less valuable than job applicants with no military service, or with an honorable discharge from the service.
3.Under Other than Honorable Conditions (OTH): this type of discharge deprives one of substantially all rights administered by the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Defense. It would have a negative impact on the ability of an individual to obtain future employment, and may act as a bar on obtaining jobs in federal, state and local government.

Scott Olsen received an Administrative Discharge from the Marine Corps in late 2009, and served two tours of duty in combat in Iraq. So to suggest that Mr. Olsen was not a service member when it's pretty clear he was, and not only that, one that served in combat is untrue. Having said that however, Mr. Olsen's discharge was as a result of an Administrative procedure so given that the circumstances of his discharge are not known the only thing that can be said from that is that his seperation from the Marine Corps is still somewhat cloudy. What is known is that Mr. Olsen created a website called " I hate the Marine Corps" and was quickly taken down to express his problems with the Corps. In short Mr. Olsen is and should be as all "vets" should be thank for their sacrifice for this great nation in which we live, however no one other than Mr. Olsen compelled him to be in Oakland and as a result his service and his injury are two very seperate things and should be kept that way.

True, but he is the one who made it an issue by going there as a member of veterans for peace. After, that same group continued to make it an issue by emphasizing that he was a former Marine. He threw it out there so that makes it fair game. It is odd that shortly after all that came out virtually NO news outlet will interview him. It will be interesting to see how it all comes out if it ever does.
Scott Olsen lcpl USMC

Service regulation permit the government to administratively separate service members whose performance, conduct, or physical and mental conditions indicate a lack of ability to continue to serve. Some of the grounds include misconduct due to drug abuse, minor disciplinary infractions, commission of a serious civilian offense or a pattern of misconduct; presence of a pre-existing physical or mental condition that limits the ability to continue to serve; failure to meet weight or physical fitness standards; failure of an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program; hardship; and for “the good of the service.”

These proceedings include procedures for characterization of service, allow the following potential outcomes:
1.Honorable Characterization of service: this would allow retain many rights administered by the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Defense, and would normally not act as a bar for any future employment. There may, however, be administrative reenlistment codes attached to the characterization that would preclude reentry into another branch of the Armed Forces;
2.General Under Honorable Conditions: this type of discharge is awarded where a service member’s is overall honorable, but certain negative aspects cause it to receive a lower categorization than a honorable discharge. This discharge does act as a negative mark on a service record, and may be viewed as future employers as less valuable than job applicants with no military service, or with an honorable discharge from the service.
3.Under Other than Honorable Conditions (OTH): this type of discharge deprives one of substantially all rights administered by the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Defense. It would have a negative impact on the ability of an individual to obtain future employment, and may act as a bar on obtaining jobs in federal, state and local government.

Scott Olsen received an Administrative Discharge from the Marine Corps in late 2009, and served two tours of duty in combat in Iraq. So to suggest that Mr. Olsen was not a service member when it's pretty clear he was, and not only that, one that served in combat is untrue. Having said that however, Mr. Olsen's discharge was as a result of an Administrative procedure so given that the circumstances of his discharge are not known the only thing that can be said from that is that his seperation from the Marine Corps is still somewhat cloudy. What is known is that Mr. Olsen created a website called " I hate the Marine Corps" and was quickly taken down to express his problems with the Corps. In short Mr. Olsen is and should be as all "vets" should be thank for their sacrifice for this great nation in which we live, however no one other than Mr. Olsen compelled him to be in Oakland and as a result his service and his injury are two very seperate things and should be kept that way.

True, but he is the one who made it an issue by going there as a member of veterans for peace. After, that same group continued to make it an issue by emphasizing that he was a former Marine. He threw it out there so that makes it fair game. It is odd that shortly after all that came out virtually NO news outlet will interview him. It will be interesting to see how it all comes out if it ever does.

I will say I found it somewhat troubling to learn of his Administrative discharge and then his construction of a website of the same. So while true he is the one that made it an issue my point is that his service as well as that as service members in general who choose to engage in the public debate and in turn are injured as a result have little if anything to do with his prior service and to go further on that issue, at least in my humble opinion using one's service record as a means to garner sympathy for one's cause sometimes demeans the service, when the cause the person is engaging in should be able to stand on it's own merits. Of course there are always exceptions, let's say for example Mr. Olsen was injured protesting a benefit cut for all war vets, then his service would hold more sway but still as a private citizen Mr. Olsen is the one who made that choice not the Marine Corps or Navy or anyone who served with him. Just my thoughts on the subject.
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To keep it simple, the man had no business trying to make his veteran status part of something else. Especially when his discharge status isn't much t brag about.

As another Vet, I find it typical of the media to always find some so-called Vet (many times they're liars) caught up in some left-wing cause. Meanwhile thousands of real Vets that would kick his teeth in aren't asked a peep from the media on their beliefs.

I have found that if you are not doing stupid shit, and are obeying the law, and are not hanging around morons who are not obeying the law, the police will not throw flashbangs at you. The fact that the left used only a veteran in this article is proof of how much bullshit propaganda they spread on a daily basis. I am a veteran and could give two shits less about this vet getting fucked up by the police, if he was breaking the law he needed fucked up.

myopia (m ope e)

1 an abnormal eye condition in which light rays from distant objects are focused in front of the retina instead of on it, so that the objects are not seen distinctly; nearsightedness

2 lack of understanding or foresight

myopic (-apik)

[ModL < Gr myopia < myops: see myope]
We should get rid of all police they are brutal and of no use to us, all they do is purposefully harm our returning vets.

Or, maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't try to sick the police on innocent people who are exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

But no, that would be too simple. I guess we'll have to stick with hyperbole.

We have absolutely no need for police, save us a bunch of money and will end brutality forever. get rid of em.

Or maybe when the police tell you to disperse you should do it my sympathies to the injured man but the occupy Oakland people went out of their way to force a confrontation with the police so maybe you place some of the blame on them also.

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