Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

See? I don't just blindly defend the OWA people.

When they demonstrably do wrong, and are not just exercising their 1st amendment rights, the cops have every right to react in kind.
Same as last time.

But thank you for at least admitting it this time.

Law suet ? Scathing reports of brutality against the cops ? Nope. Nothing has been reported except that Mr. Olsen was less then honorably discharged from the marines. Thats it.

Less than Honorable? Um, don't you lose most of your veteran benefits if not all of them under those circumstances?
Same as last time.

But thank you for at least admitting it this time.

Law suet ? Scathing reports of brutality against the cops ? Nope. Nothing has been reported except that Mr. Olsen was less then honorably discharged from the marines. Thats it.

Less than Honorable? Um, don't you lose most of your veteran benefits if not all of them under those circumstances?

I think you do. There was a story about it, and the nature of the discharge. It was one given to Marines who are problems to deal with. He also had a website called something like "it sucks to be in the Marines". After that, Larry O'Donnell did a sift ball interview, and conveniently, the story died, as the rest have.
Law suet ? Scathing reports of brutality against the cops ? Nope. Nothing has been reported except that Mr. Olsen was less then honorably discharged from the marines. Thats it.

Less than Honorable? Um, don't you lose most of your veteran benefits if not all of them under those circumstances?

I think you do. There was a story about it, and the nature of the discharge. It was one given to Marines who are problems to deal with. He also had a website called something like "it sucks to be in the Marines". After that, Larry O'Donnell did a sift ball interview, and conveniently, the story died, as the rest have.

So he was a slimeball wannabe anyway.......... He's dismissed.........
Less than Honorable? Um, don't you lose most of your veteran benefits if not all of them under those circumstances?

I think you do. There was a story about it, and the nature of the discharge. It was one given to Marines who are problems to deal with. He also had a website called something like "it sucks to be in the Marines". After that, Larry O'Donnell did a sift ball interview, and conveniently, the story died, as the rest have.

So he was a slimeball wannabe anyway.......... He's dismissed.........

Its a shame to because there were some good still's of Olsen and his friend standing about 10 feet away from the police line. You also see another odd thing. That would be Scot Olsen and his buddy facing the crowed behind them, and gas flying INTO the police lines. The man is truly scum on the lowest order. And that's why this thread abruptly stopped, and why he does not get anymore interviews on TV. Money has been donated in his name, and he has lied to get that money. Yet no one will go on Larry O, and clear the cops name. Not even the scumbag Mayer or that joke of a Governor Moonbat Brown. It makes me sick.
Unfortunate event, but does it really matter who was specifically injured?

No... not at all... if you think of them as less than human... fuck the damn cockroaches... right?

Not at all, the 99 are people to, but so are the police. The 99 hurt one of there own, yet they still let it stand that OPD did it when that's clearly not the case. The media has also failed the public by not clearing the cops. Its bullshit. And because of that, they are scum of the lowest order.
As a veteran, it does to me.

I feel it's particularly upsetting that someone should survive two tours in Iraq, only to be critically injured by police for exercising their constitutional rights after returning home.

I'm sorry but it was not his constitutional rights if the police were taking action against them.At least I believe they had to have done something to warrant the police actions. To be plain so that you understand me perfectly clear; what is it that you nor your video are telling us? What is it that started the actions taken by the police? If these people were told to vacate the area or had been throwing things at the police, or painting buildings, then they had crossed the line.......

As far as the Veteran, he should have known better.

What the fuck????? Really? So... the police are never wrong, never over-react and we should not question the police or any authority(unless they are Democrat/progressives?) Wow.... sounds a little like the Soviet Union or some other totalitarian shithole to me. You'd make a great KGB informant.
As a veteran, it does to me.

I feel it's particularly upsetting that someone should survive two tours in Iraq, only to be critically injured by police for exercising their constitutional rights after returning home.

I'm sorry but it was not his constitutional rights if the police were taking action against them.At least I believe they had to have done something to warrant the police actions. To be plain so that you understand me perfectly clear; what is it that you nor your video are telling us? What is it that started the actions taken by the police? If these people were told to vacate the area or had been throwing things at the police, or painting buildings, then they had crossed the line.......

As far as the Veteran, he should have known better.

What the fuck????? Really? So... the police are never wrong, never over-react and we should not question the police or any authority(unless they are Democrat/progressives?) Wow.... sounds a little like the Soviet Union or some other totalitarian shithole to me. You'd make a great KGB informant.

I've never seen that guy take the other side when cops are involved.

He's pure authoritarian.
I'm sorry but it was not his constitutional rights if the police were taking action against them.At least I believe they had to have done something to warrant the police actions. To be plain so that you understand me perfectly clear; what is it that you nor your video are telling us? What is it that started the actions taken by the police? If these people were told to vacate the area or had been throwing things at the police, or painting buildings, then they had crossed the line.......

As far as the Veteran, he should have known better.

What the fuck????? Really? So... the police are never wrong, never over-react and we should not question the police or any authority(unless they are Democrat/progressives?) Wow.... sounds a little like the Soviet Union or some other totalitarian shithole to me. You'd make a great KGB informant.

I've never seen that guy take the other side when cops are involved.

He's pure authoritarian.

There are many lawsuits now against the police and cities regarding their behavior during the protests. And the trick is..that most of these are generally successful, and the remedy is usually money.

I'd like to see the remedy be new legislation prohibiting this sort of nonsense.

Yes..people have the right to free speech. No..the government cannot continue to bust up peaceful demonstrations.
But there are a whole lot of people in this nation who think we live in a Police State. What's even more disturbing, they wouldn't have a problem with it, if we did.

I live in Oakland and more or less understand why the Mayor sent the Oakland Police mixed messages. Often peaceful demonstrations are ready made hiding places for those whose sole purpose is to commit crimes and acts of violence. The problem arises when instead of acting toward only those law breakers, the Police act against everyone treating all equally. This activity was a predominate occurrence during the Viet Nam War Protests. Of course, then it was the primary goal of the Authorities to create as much disruption as possible.

While it is our right to publicly and peacefully voice any dissent against the government, the government has the notion it has the right to tell us we are wrong for doing so. And they have the authority to act upon that unfortunately; using that as their sanction the Police far too often over-react.
Yes I take the side of the Police more often than not. Why? Because they are out there every day risking their lives so that you may sleep peacefully at night. And you assholes want to watch a handful of edited videos and use them to crucify these same police officers.

You want to say the police are always wrong...... I say show me the videos from 5 minutes before the incidents, show me what leads up to the different supposedly over reacting. We've seen some of it. Idiots were blocking the sidewalk, Officer walked up to them and told them that if they did not move they were going to be pepper sprayed, they understood and basically told the police to go ahead. But when the video was first released all you saw was the spray.....

Nice propaganda, but it just doesn't wash..........
Yes I take the side of the Police more often than not. Why? Because they are out there every day risking their lives so that you may sleep peacefully at night. And you assholes want to watch a handful of edited videos and use them to crucify these same police officers.

You want to say the police are always wrong...... I say show me the videos from 5 minutes before the incidents, show me what leads up to the different supposedly over reacting. We've seen some of it. Idiots were blocking the sidewalk, Officer walked up to them and told them that if they did not move they were going to be pepper sprayed, they understood and basically told the police to go ahead. But when the video was first released all you saw was the spray.....

Nice propaganda, but it just doesn't wash..........
Something definitely missing in the totality of the picture.

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