IRAQ: Was it worth it?

We should have never went in in the first place. Bush 1 had the wisdom to know what would happen if we did. His idiot son botched it big time starting with fabricating evidence to get us in there in the first place. We should strap tactical gear on him and drop him in Mosul and let him try to fix it.

You may disagree with Bush on iraq. That's fine. What Obama did by telling the enemy when we were leaving was much worse. Iraqi vets are angry at Obama, not Bush.

Uh no, they would have figured it out regardless. This is a child like complaint you have...

But he said they where leaving...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Shut up

Make me shut up. The generals told Obama this would happen, but he's a politician and lives are meaningless to him, obviously. He's not fit to polish their boots and right now the Iraqi vets are speaking out. Why don't you tell them to shut up. Cowardly post.
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This is not a "talking point", it is the truth:

President Barack Obama did not leave a residual force of American troops in Iraq after he withdrew US troops because Maliki would not sign a Status of Forces Agreement protecting US soldiers. Though Bush also did not negotiate a long-term SOFA, prominent Republicans, including Senator John McCain and Mitt Romney, have slammed Obama for failing to obtain such an agreement. But Fareed Zakaria reports that a senior Iraqi politician told him, "Maliki cannot allow American troops to stay on. Iran has made very clear to Maliki that it's No. 1 demand is that there be no American troops remaining in Iraq. And Maliki owes them."

Obama would not accept trials for US troops, OBVIOUSLY. Had Malaki run Iraq as the Kurds have long advocated, this might be happening. Kurds are less sectarian than united.
We should have never went in in the first place. Bush 1 had the wisdom to know what would happen if we did. His idiot son botched it big time starting with fabricating evidence to get us in there in the first place. We should strap tactical gear on him and drop him in Mosul and let him try to fix it.

No, not true. His father should have finished Iraq back in 1991, that was his mistake. Bush Jr finished, what should have, and needed done a long time ago.

Yes, Iraq would be hard and difficult, but it was far better than what we had back then.

You people on the left are constantly double talking everything. How many times do you scream about the US backing brutal dictators, and the moment someone makes the hard choices, the unpopular choices, you start screaming how we should have left the brutal dictators in place to brutalize more people.

You scum sucking hypocrites are all the same. You have no honor or decency at all. I don't know how you sleep at night.
We should have never went in in the first place. Bush 1 had the wisdom to know what would happen if we did. His idiot son botched it big time starting with fabricating evidence to get us in there in the first place. We should strap tactical gear on him and drop him in Mosul and let him try to fix it.

No, not true. His father should have finished Iraq back in 1991, that was his mistake. Bush Jr finished, what should have, and needed done a long time ago.

Yes, Iraq would be hard and difficult, but it was far better than what we had back then.

You people on the left are constantly double talking everything. How many times do you scream about the US backing brutal dictators, and the moment someone makes the hard choices, the unpopular choices, you start screaming how we should have left the brutal dictators in place to brutalize more people.

You scum sucking hypocrites are all the same. You have no honor or decency at all. I don't know how you sleep at night.

It was not a mistake in 1991. The mistake was made in 2003. But we shouldn't characterize this monumental strategic blunder as a simple mistake.

Excerpt from "Why We Didn't Remove Saddam" by George Bush [Sr.] and Brent Scowcroft, Time (2 March 1998): While we hoped that popular revolt or coup would topple Saddam, neither the U.S. nor the countries of the region wished to see the breakup of the Iraqi state. We were concerned about the long-term balance of power at the head of the Gulf. Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. Apprehending him was probably impossible. We had been unable to find Noriega in Panama, which we knew intimately. We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. The coalition would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting it in anger and other allies pulling out as well. Under those circumstances, furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land....."

Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, By George Bush Sr.
We should have never went in in the first place. Bush 1 had the wisdom to know what would happen if we did. His idiot son botched it big time starting with fabricating evidence to get us in there in the first place. We should strap tactical gear on him and drop him in Mosul and let him try to fix it.

You may disagree with Bush on iraq. That's fine. What Obama did by telling the enemy when we were leaving was much worse. Iraqi vets are angry at Obama, not Bush.

Uh no, they would have figured it out regardless. This is a child like complaint you have...

But he said they where leaving...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Shut up

True. We also spent BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of taxpayer $$$ to train & equip them. Its their fault if they can't stand up & fight for their country.

the United States spent about $20.2 billion to train and equip Iraqi security forces

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You may disagree with Bush on iraq. That's fine. What Obama did by telling the enemy when we were leaving was much worse. Iraqi vets are angry at Obama, not Bush.

Uh no, they would have figured it out regardless. This is a child like complaint you have...

But he said they where leaving...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Shut up

True. We also spent BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of taxpayer $$$ to train & equip them. Its their fault if they can't stand up & fight for their country.

the United States spent about $20.2 billion to train and equip Iraqi security forces

It's proof we didn't kill enough of the bad guys to stop them thoroughly.
You may disagree with Bush on iraq. That's fine. What Obama did by telling the enemy when we were leaving was much worse. Iraqi vets are angry at Obama, not Bush.

Uh no, they would have figured it out regardless. This is a child like complaint you have...

But he said they where leaving...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Shut up

Make me shut up. The generals told Obama this would happen, but he's a politician and lives are meaningless to him, obviously. He's not fit to polish their boots and right now the Iraqi vets are speaking out. Why don't you tell them to shut up. Cowardly post.

You're an idiot!!! :thup: getting them out of a 110 degree sand box lined w/ IED's IS saving their lives you 'tard. Do you even have a clue why OBL claimed he planned 9/11? :eusa_eh: Placing 100's of 1000's of armed infidels into a Muslim country doesn't enamor them to us shit for brains.

BTW- you ever serve pot head?
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When we invaded Iraq, George W. Bush did not know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Thank God, we have a smart president now.
Why is that? He kept Iran and terrorists in check.

And President George H.W. Bush pushed him back into Iraq, and freed Kuwait.

Utilizing a UN Mandate and the best and toughest most inclusive coalition that the world has seen since the 1940s.

What his son George W. Bush did in Iraq, however, is quite another matter, and entirely unncessary.

I supported our assault on Iraq in 1991.

I did not support our assault on Iraq in 2003.

Although, once we went in there, I kept my mouth shut, to avoid giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and supported our boys and girls there, until they came home.

And have pretty much been out of the Iraq conversation ever since, now that we no longer have boots on the ground.

But now that it's back on our scopes again...

I feel the need to speak-out against further intervention, at this late date.

If we DO decide to go back in there, I will, once again, shut my mouth, and support our kids, as they engage.

But I reserve the right to counsel against it, before they go in, and, of course, once they're out and clear again, I reserve the right to throw rocks at the idea, keeping in-mind and being respectful-of and grateful-for the sacrifice of anyone stuck following orders in such an ill-advised revisiting of an ill-advised and costly and tragic adventure.

Saddam was still a problem after the 1991 war which is why the United States bombed Iraq every single year from 1992 through 2002. Saddam was in violation of 17 different UN Security Council Resolutions passed under Chapter VII rules of the United Nations which allow for the use of force in enforcing the resolutions. Resolution 678 from 1990, Resolution 687 from 1991, and Resolution 1441 from 2003 all authorized the use of military force by the Bush administration in 2003, just as the 678 and 687 had authorized military action against Iraq for its violations and non-compliance every year from 1992 through 2002.

While the Bush coalition in 2003 was not as large as the one in 1991, there were several countries involved in the invasion and several dozen involved in the occupation. Hell, Japan never sent troops in 1991, but they did send troops during the occupation of Iraq from 2003 to 2011. So did South Korea.
Just because Obama fucked up what the US military accomplished doesn't make the Iraq War a failure.

Obama fucked it all up when he left zero US combat forces there to kill off any terrorists that came back.

This is what you get with liberals in charge.

How long would you have stayed in Iraq? I mean YOU, personally? How long would you want to make OTHER people's sons and daughters and spouses stay in Iraq?

Forever? Because the Middle East has been fucked up for 5,000 years.

We didn't "accomplish" peace or an entire culture change.

We accomplished winning the military conflict, and then flooding it with enough troops/police to keep it stable.......until we left.

It was inevitable that when the US left, havoc would ensue. Now or 2016 or 2020.

1776 this is exactly why it is a hack thread. No matter what you say he is going to argue.
We have the Bushes to thank for the Iraq clusterfuck.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait, then Bush 41 invaded Iraq. Saddam had legitimate grievances against Kuwait. April Glaspie

Bush 43 manufactured lies to invade Iraq again.

Colin Powell told Bush 41: You break it, you own it. Bush 43 broke it.

HELL NO Iraq wasn't worth it. Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool of tribal lunatics.

Excellent factual Historical background.

Any time you have the chance to kill jihadist/radical Muslims, take it. So Saddam was a peace loving liberal...yeah...sorry about that...

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