Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This reminds me of when the Black Muslim women of Darfur were taken by the Arab Muslims as slaves during the fighting in that area.

Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State


Posted: 08/08/2014

BAGHDAD (AP) — Hundreds of women from the Yazidi religious minority have been taken captive by Sunni militants with "vicious plans," an Iraqi official said Friday, further underscoring the dire plight of Iraq's minorities at the hands of the Islamic State group.

Kamil Amin, the spokesman for Iraq's Human Rights Ministry, said hundreds of Yazidi women below the age of 35 are being held in schools in Iraq's second largest city, Mosul. He said the ministry learned of the captives from their families.

"We think that the terrorists by now consider them slaves and they have vicious plans for them," Amin told The Associated Press. "We think that these women are going to be used in demeaning ways by those terrorists to satisfy their animalistic urges in a way that contradicts all the human and Islamic values."

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Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State
for discussion (an issue related to the OP)


historically people used to do it------does anyone know of any group other
than muslims (not ALL muslims, of course) that still engages in this practice?---
it was-----historically-----a tool of genocide. The dhimmi orphan law is an
example of confiscation of women (and also boy children)----it remains on the
shariah books.. Khartoum used it on the southern Sudanese ----tens of thousands
or people were confiscated. ----of course that stuff going on in Nigeria---by the
Boko H. guys is a similar phenomenon. I wonder if ISIS is going to go full
STEAM------in boko mode. Getting back to ISIS/boko and shariah-----if those
ladies who were confiscated-------were "free" in the sense of being both un-
married or widowed. and orphaned-------I believe that their "confiscation" would pass
muster in a shariah court------IN THE GREAT CALIPHATE
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Get a pic of Mooochelle holding a sign with a hashtag. That should free these women in no time!
for discussion (an issue related to the OP)


historically people used to do it------does anyone know of any group other
than muslims (not ALL muslims, of course) that still engages in this practice?---
it was-----historically-----a tool of genocide. The dhimmi orphan law is an
example of confiscation of women (and also boy children)----it remains on the
shariah books Khartoum used it on the southern Sudanese ----tens of thousands
or people were confiscated. ----of course that stuff going on in Nigeria---by the
Boko H. guys is a similar phenomenon. I wonder if ISIS is going to go full
STEAM------in boko mode. Getting back to ISIS/boko and shariah-----if those
ladies who were confiscated-------were "free" in the sense of being both un-
married or widowed. and orphaned-------I believe that their "confiscation" would pass
muster in a shariah court------IN THE GREAT CALIPHATE

Can we use the proper civilized term, enslaved instead of "confiscated".
for discussion (an issue related to the OP)


historically people used to do it------does anyone know of any group other
than muslims (not ALL muslims, of course) that still engages in this practice?---
it was-----historically-----a tool of genocide. The dhimmi orphan law is an
example of confiscation of women (and also boy children)----it remains on the
shariah books Khartoum used it on the southern Sudanese ----tens of thousands
or people were confiscated. ----of course that stuff going on in Nigeria---by the
Boko H. guys is a similar phenomenon. I wonder if ISIS is going to go full
STEAM------in boko mode. Getting back to ISIS/boko and shariah-----if those
ladies who were confiscated-------were "free" in the sense of being both un-
married or widowed. and orphaned-------I believe that their "confiscation" would pass
muster in a shariah court------IN THE GREAT CALIPHATE

In the US there is a sex slave operation..
for discussion (an issue related to the OP)


historically people used to do it------does anyone know of any group other
than muslims (not ALL muslims, of course) that still engages in this practice?---
it was-----historically-----a tool of genocide. The dhimmi orphan law is an
example of confiscation of women (and also boy children)----it remains on the
shariah books Khartoum used it on the southern Sudanese ----tens of thousands
or people were confiscated. ----of course that stuff going on in Nigeria---by the
Boko H. guys is a similar phenomenon. I wonder if ISIS is going to go full
STEAM------in boko mode. Getting back to ISIS/boko and shariah-----if those
ladies who were confiscated-------were "free" in the sense of being both un-
married or widowed. and orphaned-------I believe that their "confiscation" would pass
muster in a shariah court------IN THE GREAT CALIPHATE

In the US there is a sex slave operation..

Yes---but it is illegal ... In sharia law----confiscated women (and even boys) -----are legally
the property of the confiscator. ------their progeny are muslim by law-----in the Islamic hotel---
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this is how war was fought a long time ago and isis is just bringing back the way war was done . The [boys] [aka] hordes rode in and killed everyone that fought them and killed those that weren't useful . Women were useful to the boys at least for awhile . I said it before , say it again , these isis guys are having a good time .
this is how war was fought a long time ago and isis is just bringing back the way war was done . The [boys] [aka] hordes rode in and killed everyone that fought them and killed those that weren't useful . Women were useful to the boys at least for awhile . I said it before , say it again , these isis guys are having a good time .

PIS-----they are doing more than that----they are giving us a HISTORY lesson---because
they are doing it the old fashioned Islamic way----the way it has been done CLASSICALLY
for the past 1400 years. Baghdad is BAGHDAD again-----yemen stayed yemen---but
BAGHDAD----somehow changed over the years to something else----NOW IT IS CLASSIC
SHEHERAZAD BAGHDAD (and jinni in the magic lamp) Would you believe that some
people do not like the fact that I mention this phenomenon? The mujahadeen are
fulfilling the dreams and ideals of their youths. I predict that millions will join the party
not even a war to the fighters [maybe] just raiding and booty , rape , pillage like pirates . What , they now have money , women , power of life and death . I remember reading years ago about the Golden Hordes . They'd show up at the gates of a city and give an ultimatum . It went as [roughly] , don't fight us or we'll kill everyone . Just let us in and we'll go easy on you as we have a party and do some plundering . Course in this situation , the higher up leaders might have some kind of plan but I'm talking about the actual fighters that do the fighting and killing .
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I mean , what did these guys have before they started fighting for the CALIPHATE and its glory . Normally they'd be chasing goats as poor young men in a hot dusty villiage .
I mean , what did these guys have before they started fighting for the CALIPHATE and its glory . Normally they'd be chasing goats as poor young men in a hot dusty villiage .

I can answer that ----really I can-----because I know. I have known---lots of muslims in the USA---
from all over the world. I am what has been described to me as "non-threatening"----really----
I am short---dark haired and tend to listen to what people want to tell me-------and even encourage
them with questions. Muslims from all over the world------seem to see THE CALIPHATE---
something like jews saw ZION for the past 3000 years WE IS GONNA GO BACK THERE.

If you are asking how these guys SUDDENLY start fighting-----you can say the same for
MOST OF THE JEWS of British mandate Palestine in the 1940s------most never fought
or even held a gun before in their lives,, for the jews actually BATTLING is a bit more
astonishing than the muslims doing so-----because the ethos of the Islamic culture includes
a glorification of BATTLE------jews got battle bred out of them over the course of thousands
of years.------both imposed and inherent

I will make that idea a bit more concrete for you-------jews grow up with the notion---

and muslims with

and communists

THE CALIPHATE is so much a part of the Islamic ethos---that I predict that the ISIS movement---
will attract tens of millions-----either to itself in Iraq-----or there will be little auxiliaries in other parts
of the world

the difference between ZION and the CALIPHATE----is that the caliphate can include any
and all parts of the world ------ZION is Jerusalem and its precincts
I can see it Rosie and thanks for the information . Worldwide caliphate , yep , I know what that means .

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