Iraqi Troops and Peshmerga Forces Come to a Standoff Near Syrian Border


Apr 20, 2012

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – To ease Friday’s standoff between the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmerga forces near the Syrian border, the chief of staff of the ministry of Peshmerga said that American officials are talking to Iraqi and Kurdish authorities.

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Rudaw in English....The Happening: Latest News and Multimedia about Kurdistan, Iraq and the World - Iraqi Troops and Peshmerga Forces Come to a Standoff Near Syrian Border
as you can see iraqi government is doing all it can to save assad's ass by direct request of mullah regime of iran, even if it means clashing with Kurdistan government, yet iraq is sold f16s !! i wonder what Israeli's stand is on this sale !!
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please sell us some :D

[ame=]Kurdish forces prevent Iraqi troops from disputed border area - YouTube[/ame]
pressTV or Mullah regime TV of iran barking at Kurds and Kurdistan like usual

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Kurdistan is not part of Iraq, they might as well just secede just leaving things how they are you essentially have 2 Armies in Iraq, one Arab and one Kurd.
Anwar Haji Osman : If Iraqi army continues creating trouble we’ll take Kirkuk and other areas under their control


Peshmarga - Agencies

The Kurdistan Region's Deputy Peshmarga Minister has declared that all Peshmarga forces are on alert and if the Iraqi army continues its trouble making process with the region they will free Kirkuk and other kurdish isolated areas under Iraq’s control.

Anwar Haji Osman said: "The Ministry of Peshmarga prepared its forces to protect against any Iraqi army attacks and in any places."

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