Iron Dome to Guard Sharon Burial from Gaza Rockets

The Iron Dome only launches if it detects the incoming missile to be a threat, or in other words, land in the city, rather then in open land in the outskirts.
It would be ridiculous for to shoots down missiles that are landing in open space where there are no civilians

So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?

They took out a military compound and a terror infrastructure site.

No civilians. Military targets.

Right. Considering the hundreds, maybe thousands of missile strikes from Ozrealean F 15s hitting military compounds (homes) and "terror infrastructures" (police stations and hospitals) since Cast Lead you'd think there wouldn't be any gazans left.
The Iron Dome only launches if it detects the incoming missile to be a threat, or in other words, land in the city, rather then in open land in the outskirts.
It would be ridiculous for to shoots down missiles that are landing in open space where there are no civilians

So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Ozreal.

I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?
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So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Ozreal.

I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?

would it be ok if those "kids" came 'round to your fence and threw a few bottle
rockets into your yard?-------the "IRON DOME" apparatus works at GREAT
EXPENSE------thus it has to be limited-----any bomb---launched into Israel can
be lethal to a person who just happens to be passing thru------a few bottle rockets
into your backyard may not hit anyone------so its ok RIGHT?
Sorry, I'm not familiar with Ozreal.

I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?

would it be ok if those "kids" came 'round to your fence and threw a few bottle
rockets into your yard?-------the "IRON DOME" apparatus works at GREAT
EXPENSE------thus it has to be limited-----any bomb---launched into Israel can
be lethal to a person who just happens to be passing thru------a few bottle rockets
into your backyard may not hit anyone------so its ok RIGHT?

Too late Rosie, the damage has already been done by your court jester Toast Gump.
So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Ozreal.

I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?

Yes, I explained to you how the Iron Dome works. What did I say that makes me stupid exactly ?
I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?

would it be ok if those "kids" came 'round to your fence and threw a few bottle
rockets into your yard?-------the "IRON DOME" apparatus works at GREAT
EXPENSE------thus it has to be limited-----any bomb---launched into Israel can
be lethal to a person who just happens to be passing thru------a few bottle rockets
into your backyard may not hit anyone------so its ok RIGHT?

Too late Rosie, the damage has already been done by your court jester Toast Gump.

LOL just ignore Alfie boy. He always accuses me of saying things that I didn't and he always tries to analyze my posts the way he wants to.
All I did was answer his question about the Iron Dome, and he goes took the whole thing out of context.

He also stalks me in every thread I post. What a loser. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Sorry, I'm not familiar with Ozreal.

I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?

Yes, I explained to you how the Iron Dome works. What did I say that makes me stupid exactly ?

You admitted the unadmitable...that Ozreal manufactures and creates fake security crises in order to launch missiles attacks on Gazan neighborhoods from IDF F 15s.

Thank you in advance for more hasbara blunders.
I noticed you avoided the punch line in the carefully laid line of bread crumbs I left out for you.

You just admitted the bottle rockets or M80s lit off by some kids at the border fence didn't rise to a level of concern to even initiate Iron Dome much less spend the money on ID rockets yet Ozreal, again, uses it as an excuse to send in some F15s and lay some firepower missiles on a couple gazan neighborhoods full of women and children.

Are you always this stoopid?

Yes, I explained to you how the Iron Dome works. What did I say that makes me stupid exactly ?

You admitted the unadmitable...that Ozreal manufactures and creates fake security crises in order to launch missiles attacks on Gazan neighborhoods from IDF F 15s.

Thank you in advance for more hasbara blunders.

No I didn't. YOU said that.

It's not my fault you interpeted my post the way you did lol.

This has got to be the tenth time you accuse me of saying something that I didn't.
You truly are a pathetic little child.
would it be ok if those "kids" came 'round to your fence and threw a few bottle
rockets into your yard?-------the "IRON DOME" apparatus works at GREAT
EXPENSE------thus it has to be limited-----any bomb---launched into Israel can
be lethal to a person who just happens to be passing thru------a few bottle rockets
into your backyard may not hit anyone------so its ok RIGHT?

Too late Rosie, the damage has already been done by your court jester Toast Gump.

LOL just ignore Alfie boy. He always accuses me of saying things that I didn't and he always tries to analyze my posts the way he wants to.
All I did was answer his question about the Iron Dome, and he goes took the whole thing out of context.

He also stalks me in every thread I post. What a loser. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

When I asked why Iron Dome didn't intercept the so called rocket attack from gaza (rockets that barely cleared the border fence) you said the attack didn't rise to a minimum level security concern and therefore it would be wasting resources.

Of course later the IDF launched a missile attack on a couple of Gazan communities from F15s in order to neutralize the non security concern.
Too late Rosie, the damage has already been done by your court jester Toast Gump.

LOL just ignore Alfie boy. He always accuses me of saying things that I didn't and he always tries to analyze my posts the way he wants to.
All I did was answer his question about the Iron Dome, and he goes took the whole thing out of context.

He also stalks me in every thread I post. What a loser. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

When I asked why Iron Dome didn't intercept the so called rocket attack from gaza (rockets that barely cleared the border fence) you said the attack didn't rise to a minimum level security concern and therefore it would be wasting resources.

Of course later the IDF launched a missile attack on a couple of Gazan communities from F15s in order to neutralize the non security concern.

The IDF attacks Hamas in retaliation for the rockets, regardless if they harm anyone or not.
The rockets are only a security concern when they land in civilian areas.

This is something that an 8 years would be able to understand, yet you can't comprehend SIMPLE things like this.
LOL just ignore Alfie boy. He always accuses me of saying things that I didn't and he always tries to analyze my posts the way he wants to.
All I did was answer his question about the Iron Dome, and he goes took the whole thing out of context.

He also stalks me in every thread I post. What a loser. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

When I asked why Iron Dome didn't intercept the so called rocket attack from gaza (rockets that barely cleared the border fence) you said the attack didn't rise to a minimum level security concern and therefore it would be wasting resources.

Of course later the IDF launched a missile attack on a couple of Gazan communities from F15s in order to neutralize the non security concern.

The IDF attacks Hamas in retaliation for the rockets, regardless if they harm anyone or not.
The rockets are only a security concern when they land in civilian areas.

This is something that an 8 years would be able to understand, yet you can't comprehend SIMPLE things like this.

You just did it again. You admitted Israel bombs gaza neighborhoods with missiles from F15s out of spite, hate and vindictiveness even if Gazan bottle rockets fall harmlessly in the desert.

You're a one man hasbara wrecking machine...
When I asked why Iron Dome didn't intercept the so called rocket attack from gaza (rockets that barely cleared the border fence) you said the attack didn't rise to a minimum level security concern and therefore it would be wasting resources.

Of course later the IDF launched a missile attack on a couple of Gazan communities from F15s in order to neutralize the non security concern.

The IDF attacks Hamas in retaliation for the rockets, regardless if they harm anyone or not.
The rockets are only a security concern when they land in civilian areas.

This is something that an 8 years would be able to understand, yet you can't comprehend SIMPLE things like this.

You just did it again. You admitted Israel bombs gaza neighborhoods with missiles from F15s out of spite, hate and vindictiveness even if Gazan bottle rockets fall harmlessly in the desert.

You're a one man hasbara wrecking machine...

Interesting, can you show me where I used ANY of these words? Where did I say they bomb neighborhoods ?
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Funny enough, the reason Hamas launches rockets is out of spite, hate and vindictiveness lol !
When I asked why Iron Dome didn't intercept the so called rocket attack from gaza (rockets that barely cleared the border fence) you said the attack didn't rise to a minimum level security concern and therefore it would be wasting resources.

Of course later the IDF launched a missile attack on a couple of Gazan communities from F15s in order to neutralize the non security concern.

The IDF attacks Hamas in retaliation for the rockets, regardless if they harm anyone or not.
The rockets are only a security concern when they land in civilian areas.

This is something that an 8 years would be able to understand, yet you can't comprehend SIMPLE things like this.

You just did it again. You admitted Israel bombs gaza neighborhoods with missiles from F15s out of spite, hate and vindictiveness even if Gazan bottle rockets fall harmlessly in the desert.

You're a one man hasbara wrecking machine...
Would those be the same "neighborhoods" the Hamas animals shoot their rockets at Israeli civiliansl from? I thought.
Funny enough, the reason Hamas launches rockets is out of spite, hate and vindictiveness lol !
Hamas remind me Gods description about a certain biblical character whom Moooslims believe they are related to....WILD JACKASSES! Ha ha ha.

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