Iron Dome to Guard Sharon Burial from Gaza Rockets

There is no hell, in the fires and brimstone christian sense. Jews have a transition area between earth and heaven, a temporary way station.

Christians seem intent on hell and punishment, other faiths are not.
There is no hell, in the fires and brimstone christian sense. Jews have a transition area between earth and heaven, a temporary way station.

Christians seem intent on hell and punishment, other faiths are not.

Don't even try to tell me there ain't no hell. I was out drinkin' one night in a local bar and scarfin' down their pickled eggs for a quarter each. I found my way back to the room where I was staying above the bar and had to relieve myself pretty fiercely so I take a seat and hold on to an available towel rack that was nearby so I wouldn't fall off. I fell asleep. When I woke up, there was a very distinctive smell of sulfur emanating from the toilet. Now, the lady I was with at the time claimed it was the eggs but I know, cross my heart and hope to die, that that toilet in the room above that bar in Fergus Falls, Minnesota is the PORTAL TO HELL!!!!!!!!!

Now I know this to be true, and if I hadn't run down to the phone booth on the corner and snatched up the Jack Chick Christian mini-comic and read it all night, ol' Mr. Satan would be pokin' me with his pitch ork right now.

And I ain't even a Christian. I am a Hedonist.
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Well, Jesus spoke about hell too, for the evil ones.

The evil go to hell, just the way it is.

Thinking of Sharon burning.

Burn, baby, burn.

Such a beautiful day it is.

I'm sure Jesus is real proud of you Satanic Sherri. Can you show us the words of Jesus where he celebrated the death of a human being and thought it was funny? You fucking heretic.
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Well, Jesus spoke about hell too, for the evil ones.

The evil go to hell, just the way it is.

Thinking of Sharon burning.

Burn, baby, burn.

Such a beautiful day it is.

I'm sure Jesus is real proud of you Satanic Sherri. Can you show us the words of Jesus where he celebrated the death of a human being and thought it was funny? You fucking heretic.

Can you show us Jesus' words where he celebrated and thought it was funny the way you do?
Well, Jesus spoke about hell too, for the evil ones.

The evil go to hell, just the way it is.

Thinking of Sharon burning.

Burn, baby, burn.

Such a beautiful day it is.

I'm sure Jesus is real proud of you Satanic Sherri. Can you show us the words of Jesus where he celebrated the death of a human being and thought it was funny? You fucking heretic.

Remember, Mrs. Sherri, if you don't want to wear a bikini while helping Mr. Lucifer shoveling that coal, at least wear some lightweight cotton clothes when you take the Express Elevator down. Maybe some of those old Southerners from the KKK will be there ti greet you.
The world paying its respects to Master Satan.

Bet you won't be dancing and passing out candy when the nonexistent state of ISRAEL drops a couple daisy cutters on Gaza, will you Satan?
I say since it's okay for Pali animals to shoot rockets at a burial ceremony, with all kinds of world dignitaries present, then it should be okay for Israel to drop ten MOAB'S per rocket at the Pali animals.
Well, Jesus spoke about hell too, for the evil ones.

The evil go to hell, just the way it is.

I'm sure Jesus is real proud of you Satanic Sherri. Can you show us the words of Jesus where he celebrated the death of a human being and thought it was funny? You fucking heretic.

Remember, Mrs. Sherri, if you don't want to wear a bikini while helping Mr. Lucifer shoveling that coal, at least wear some lightweight cotton clothes when you take the Express Elevator down. Maybe some of those old Southerners from the KKK will be there ti greet you.
Thanks Sally, I was eating and you made me throw up at the thought of Jihad Sherri in a bikini. You owe me a dinner.
The world paying its respects to Master Satan.

Satan is a hebrew word ------since you do not know its meaning-----why not stick
to the general english term for your 'god' -------ie the 'god' of the red pitchfork---
"DEVIL" It not "THE WORLD" that worships that 'god'-------worship of "the devil"
is confined to isa-respecters. ------another possible term for you is "JINN"----sometimes
rendered in english letters "DJINN"-----because the "J" sound in semitic languages
is not exactly the same as it is in english-------in fact it is very related to the "G" sound
gimel/jimel. You might consider this detail to be trite----but the more you know---
the more you can UNDERSTAND
Why didn't iron dome intercept those rockets from gaza?

The Iron Dome only launches if it detects the incoming missile to be a threat, or in other words, land in the city, rather then in open land in the outskirts.
It would be ridiculous for to shoots down missiles that are landing in open space where there are no civilians
Why didn't iron dome intercept those rockets from gaza?

The Iron Dome only launches if it detects the incoming missile to be a threat, or in other words, land in the city, rather then in open land in the outskirts.
It would be ridiculous for to shoots down missiles that are landing in open space where there are no civilians

So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?
Why didn't iron dome intercept those rockets from gaza?

The Iron Dome only launches if it detects the incoming missile to be a threat, or in other words, land in the city, rather then in open land in the outskirts.
It would be ridiculous for to shoots down missiles that are landing in open space where there are no civilians

So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Ozreal.
Why didn't iron dome intercept those rockets from gaza?

The Iron Dome only launches if it detects the incoming missile to be a threat, or in other words, land in the city, rather then in open land in the outskirts.
It would be ridiculous for to shoots down missiles that are landing in open space where there are no civilians

So why did Ozreal respond by sending in jet fighter aircraft to launch missiles on gazan population centers?

They took out a military compound and a terror infrastructure site.

No civilians. Military targets.

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