Iron Mike Tyson Can Fight In Confined Spaces

If you connect flush with a fast punch with your entire body behind're going to feel the difference......but I used to box. My punches didn't cause as much damage if I was throwing faster....because there's less weight behind the punch.
If you time your punch and put everything behind it....all the way from your're going to mess someone up. Speed punching isn't power punching. And of story. A fast punch will disorient someone....but you have to wind up a bit and really club someone if you want to knock them off their feet. Tyson was good at knocking people out because of his defense and his timing. But his power came from the fact that he started his punches with his entire body behind them. A jab doesn't have the power of a hook....and he threw his hooks from all angles. A jab comes from the shoulder. A hook comes from the bottom of your feet.
Speed kills...

You should ask the guy on the plane....LOL
Ask Mitch Green if we would rather be punched by Tyson bare knuckle today in his 50's, or when Tyson was in his 20's.

Neither here nor there with this argument.
Why not? If assault and battery is assault and battery, does it matter who the victim is?

But tell me….would you feel differently if CNN showed a video of Tyson pummeling a small and much weaker woman?
Tyson had given him many messages already and the guy just would not stop. Tyson used a little punctuation.

Get it? Punct-uation? Heh.

I get it with the PUNCH- uation. But how many punches did he land? it looked like a dozen. TOTAL overreaction, and unnecessary.
All I can say to all you tough guys justifying an assault, I sure hope I’m not on a plane with you and accidentally spill my Pepsi on you. I’m liable to land at my destination in need of an ambulance.

I also hope you have money! You will be sued bigtime.
Too bad Tyson wasn't sitting in front of this jerk who started punching the lady's seat in front of him when she dared to recline.

Talk about someone who needs to be clocked.
All I can say to all you tough guys justifying an assault, I sure hope I’m not on a plane with you and accidentally spill my Pepsi on you. I’m liable to land at my destination in need of an ambulance.

I also hope you have money! You will be sued bigtime.
I have an umbrella insurance plan to cover it. :auiqs.jpg:
Would you feel any differently if it were a diminutive woman who was being obnoxious, and Tyson gave her a pummeling like that? (Just think of the video…..)
Yes. It wasnt a woman though, was it.
Why not? If assault and battery is assault and battery, does it matter who the victim is?

But tell me….would you feel differently if CNN showed a video of Tyson pummeling a small and much weaker woman?
Why not make a comparison with a rude baby while youre at it? :laugh:
What's the matter with these young people? Just because Iron Mike is retired, doesn't mean he's a wuss.

Several years ago, retired heavyweight fighter Billy Conn punched out a punk in the Pittsburgh ghetto.

These boxers are tough enough
All I can say to all you tough guys justifying an assault, I sure hope I’m not on a plane with you and accidentally spill my Pepsi on you. I’m liable to land at my destination in need of an ambulance.

I also hope you have money! You will be sued bigtime.
If you accidentally spill your drink on me I would help you clean it up and laugh about it.

However, if you are an obnoxious drunk throwing stuff at me then there may be a different reaction.
Ask Mitch Green if we would rather be punched by Tyson bare knuckle today in his 50's, or when Tyson was in his 20's.


I don't think Tyson has lost a lot of his punch. The mechanics of the punch is what makes a little dude be able to drop a large opponent.

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