Irony Alert! Fox News’ Stossel Says “Dumb People” Shouldn’t Vote

Is it a proven scientific fact that there is no such thing as man made global warming?


Has anyone else noticed that it's the rightwing nuts who want to deprive voters of their rights,

but only in a manner that favors the Right?

Could you idiots be any more transparent?
Is it a proven scientific fact that there is no such thing as man made global warming?

Nor has it been PROVEN to exist either. Causation/Corellation is still yet to be determined, but the amount of fraud used to prove causation has been quite high.

By the standards of proof applied by AGW skeptics, science has never proven anything.

Disallowing fraud means nothing has ever been proven? You're funny! :lol:
And the people who believe in man-made global warming?

Yes, we should definitely eliminate the 92% of scientists that believe in man made global warming. That will enable the Glenn Beck viewers to decide

We'd have to see which ones believe it, which ones are afraid to disagree from fear of retribution and which ones just go along for the money.

And which ones believe there is overwhelming evidence to support manmade global warming

But better yet, we can just listen to the scientific opinions of rightwing talk show hosts....they are pretty much unanimous
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Nor has it been PROVEN to exist either. Causation/Corellation is still yet to be determined, but the amount of fraud used to prove causation has been quite high.

By the standards of proof applied by AGW skeptics, science has never proven anything.

Disallowing fraud means nothing has ever been proven? You're funny! :lol:

Most would be very surprised at just how much Science hasn't actually been proven. There are many many hypotheses on many many issues. Much of Scientific discovery is never actually proven. In most cases there are only hypotheses and theories. Most people think that all Science has to be taken as Gospel. But that shouldn't be the case.

Scientific discovery is always evolving and changing. What we perceive as fact today,may be proven to be false in the future. People should always keep an open mind when it comes to science and not be so quick to inject political agendas into it. So much is still unknown. And even things we do know,could still be wrong.
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Yes, we should definitely eliminate the 92% of scientists that believe in man made global warming. That will enable the Glenn Beck viewers to decide

We'd have to see which ones believe it, which ones are afraid to disagree from fear of retribution and which ones just go along for the money.

And which ones believe there is overwhelming evidence to support manmade global warming

But better yet, we can just listen to the scientific opinions of rightwing talk show hosts....they are pretty much unanimous

All that overwhelming evidence makes me question why they need to lie.
I'm all for you reducing your carbon footprint, without giving Gore and Obama more control over our economy.
The Global Warming scam is a World Socialist Globalist movement. Just look at who's behind all the hysterical fear mongering. And there is where you'll find all your answers. They've used the scam to push their political agenda. More people need to read up on what former Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore had to say about how Anti-Capitalist Communists hijacked the environmental movement.

Most of these people were firm supporters of the Soviet Union. But when the Soviet Union collapsed many of these people shifted over to the environmental movement. And they've used it to promote Anti-Capitalist policies ever since. That's why Patrick Moore left the Greenpeace organization. Check him out. It's very interesting reading.
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The Global Warming scam is World Socialist Globalist movement. Just look at who's behind all the hysterical fear mongering. And there is where you'll find all your answers. They've used the scam to push their political agenda. More people need to read up on what former Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore had to say about how Anti-Capitalist Communists hijacked the environmental movement.

Most of these people were firm supporters of the Soviet Union. But when the Soviet Union collapsed many of these people shifted over to the environmental movement. And they've used it to promote Anti-Capitalist policies ever since. That's why Patrick Moore left the Greenpeace organization. Check him out. It's very interesting reading.

You should have put 'sarcasm' in brackets. People will take this post seriously..
The Global Warming scam is World Socialist Globalist movement. Just look at who's behind all the hysterical fear mongering. And there is where you'll find all your answers. They've used the scam to push their political agenda. More people need to read up on what former Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore had to say about how Anti-Capitalist Communists hijacked the environmental movement.

Most of these people were firm supporters of the Soviet Union. But when the Soviet Union collapsed many of these people shifted over to the environmental movement. And they've used it to promote Anti-Capitalist policies ever since. That's why Patrick Moore left the Greenpeace organization. Check him out. It's very interesting reading.

You should have put 'sarcasm' in brackets. People will take this post seriously..

Patrick Moore was a co-founder of Greenpeace. I think he knows much more about this issue than you do. He has said that Communists infested the Environmental Movement after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Movement then began to rapidly change. It became fervently Anti-Capitalist. Check him out. It is very interesting.

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