Irony-the MSM telling us to follow the science and data kills people by doing neither


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The way MSM reported the halt of the ASTRAZENICA TRIALS was "almost criminal" and the way both MSM and Dem politicians used it scare people from getting their vaccine shots will delay our ability to get over this pandemic.
Well their scare tactic is proven unwarranted, the safety measure was nothing to be concerned with as they now resume their trials.

The patient involved in the study had been reportedly suffering from neurological symptoms not by the vaccine, but because it's associated with a rare spinal inflammatory disorder called transverse myelitis.

When MSM selectively uses one case issue to blame a remedy drug or vaccine and doing so for political tactical weaponization then they are literally killing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people just to make the handling of the pandemic look failed for political posteuring.

Another example of this is the sick way Bloomberg news does this exact hit piece of Hydroxychlorochine. Bloomberg just this week did a "SELECTIVE" report of one person who happened to have a heart attack when taking Hydroxychlorochine for his Covid-19.
Bloomberg news doesn't report the sucess rate data nor science nor facts that covid causes the heart atrack due to clotting, no they assume or want people to think it's the drug the President taunted as the culprit just for political manipulation even though this bashing of a solution kills lives.
Israeli Dr's /researchers found that certain people
have excess alpha defensin protein in the blood that causes the clotting that causes severe issues with the virus like heart attacks, so to jump to conclusions on one mere case by blaming the drug instead of the data and science is irresponsible and almost Criminal of Bloomberg news, especially since this misrepresentation is done on purpose as revenge on Trump and the American people who didn't vote for their boss.

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