Irrefutable legal arguments supporting the right of secession

A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing is one definition of a cult

It's incredible to me how Democrats unable to question or criticize the Democratic party would say something like this without getting an intense flaming feeling in your ass over the overt hypocrisy of the statement. Wow, you really have no self actualization at all

Thanks once again for the ad hominem. Calling others names, demeaning their character or intelligence is an example of someone thoughtless; suggesting I have not achieved "self actualization" is ridiculous, I suggest you read Maslow's Hiearchy of Needs before continuing to embarrass yourself by trying and failing to convince anyone you're educated.

Every time you say that, I only have to go back to your last post:

You and a few others see it is a document to be used to justify an ideology that contradicts the Mission Statement itself. For this reason alone you have no right to call yourself a patriot.

Look bitch, if you write serious posts to me then I write serious posts back, but you're a butt hurt hypocrite, it cracks me up how you constantly insult people then whine when you get insulted. And that is the correct use of whine, you are whining. Be serious and you'll get serious back, at least with me. But wow, your self actualization is non-existent. Amazing
It responds to violence with violence. If you are given a legal command and you refuse you will be arrested and jailed until charges can be investigated and brought.

It responds to people who refuse to comply with government orders by shooting them.

You're an idiot if you don't know that.
Well that's the chance you will take isn't it?

Thanks for admitting that you endorse sending federal troops in to kill people who want to secede.

I support that fully.
You morons killed 600 thousand the last time around. I'll be damned if I let you fools make the same dumbassed mistake at the expense of millions of lives this time. We'll cut you down before you even start.
You're just another bloodthirsty cult member who admires a mass murdering dictator.

Lincoln started the war, asshole.

If you don't like it here then leave. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us.
Go found your own country where you can do what you like. Call it, The libertarian Republic of Jesus dumbfuckgunistan.
It responds to people who refuse to comply with government orders by shooting them.

You're an idiot if you don't know that.
Well that's the chance you will take isn't it?

Thanks for admitting that you endorse sending federal troops in to kill people who want to secede.

I support that fully.
You morons killed 600 thousand the last time around. I'll be damned if I let you fools make the same dumbassed mistake at the expense of millions of lives this time. We'll cut you down before you even start.
You're just another bloodthirsty cult member who admires a mass murdering dictator.

Lincoln started the war, asshole.

If you don't like it here then leave. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us.
Go found your own country where you can do what you like. Call it, The libertarian Republic of Jesus dumbfuckgunistan.

You leeches have a good thing going and don't want anything to screw that up, huh?
Jesus Christ -- this is so fucking stupid the lengths these Lost Causers will go.

Right from the words of Madison himself when asked if a State could secede:
To Alexander Hamilton

[July 20, 1788]

N. York Sunday Evening

Yours of yesterday is this instant come to hand & I have but a few minutes

to answer it. I am sorry that your situation obliges you to listen to

propositions of the nature you describe. My opinion is that a reservation of

a right to withdraw if amendments be not decided on under the form of the

Constitution within a certain time, is a conditional ratification, that it

does not make N. York a member of the New Union, and consequently that she

could not be received on that plan. Compacts must be reciprocal, this

principle would not in such a case be preserved. The Constitution requires

an adoption in toto, and for ever. It has been so adopted by the other

States. An adoption for a limited time would be as defective as an adoption

of some of the articles only.
In short any condition whatever must viciate

the ratification. What the New Congress by virtue of the power to admit new

States, may be able & disposed to do in such case, I do not enquire as I

suppose that is not the material point at present. I have not a moment to

add more than my fervent wishes for your success & happiness.

This idea of reserving right to withdraw was started at Richmd. & considered

as a conditional ratification which was itself considered as worse than a


Madison and Secession Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Madison, in his advocacy for ratification of the Constitution and later in his objection to Alexander Hamilton’s Bank Bill, stated that understanding the Constitution required reliance on what the states understood it to mean when they ratified it. This is interesting because Madison’s home state of Virginia stated that the powers that the states delegated “may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression.” New York and Rhode Island expressed similar sentiment. So, the ratification convention which Madison participated in clearly expressed its right to secession, and Madison repeatedly affirmed this understanding of the Constitution.
Do States Have a Right of Secession - Capitalism Magazine

Jefferson said, “If any state in the Union will declare that it prefers separation … to a continuance in the union …. I have no hesitation in saying, ‘Let us separate.'”
The opinion of one man isn't sufficient to carry the day on an issue that involved thousands of people. At most, it's just his opinion. Plenty of people held the opposite opinion. They certainly weren't willing to go to war over it.​

No, all that matters is what rule of law was established by the Constitution. The Supremacy Clause in the Constitution is the rule of law, and it made secession illegal.

Every one of your arguments boils down to saying you're right and I'm wrong. You have nothing to back up your claims other than yourself.

As I pointed out numerous times, there is no federal law against secession. So exactly which fedreal law is supposed to be supreme that prevents secession?
You're fucking baked.

Article I, Section 10.

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit;

“There is absolutely no federal law that states can't secede, so the supremacy clause simply doesn't apply to this situation.”

Ignorant nonsense.

The Supremacy Clause clearly states that Federal law, the rulings of Federal courts, the Constitution, and its case law are the supreme law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, where Constitutional case law clearly prohibits one or more states from leaving the Union absent the consent of all the other states.

What you fail to understand is that the Union is an agreement between and among all citizens of the United States, not an agreement among the states (US Term Limits v. Thornton), where the states are prohibited from interfering with the relationship between the people and their National government, as indeed 'secession' would manifest as such unwarranted and unauthorized interference by the states.

“There is absolutely no federal law that states can't secede, so the supremacy clause simply doesn't apply to this situation.”

Ignorant nonsense.

The Supremacy Clause clearly states that Federal law, the rulings of Federal courts, the Constitution, and its case law are the supreme law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, where Constitutional case law clearly prohibits one or more states from leaving the Union absent the consent of all the other states.

What you fail to understand is that the Union is an agreement between and among all citizens of the United States, not an agreement among the states (US Term Limits v. Thornton), where the states are prohibited from interfering with the relationship between the people and their National government, as indeed 'secession' would manifest as such unwarranted and unauthorized interference by the states.

The 10th amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Where does the Constitution say that "case law" replaced the Constitution again?
Well that's the chance you will take isn't it?

Thanks for admitting that you endorse sending federal troops in to kill people who want to secede.

I support that fully.
You morons killed 600 thousand the last time around. I'll be damned if I let you fools make the same dumbassed mistake at the expense of millions of lives this time. We'll cut you down before you even start.
You're just another bloodthirsty cult member who admires a mass murdering dictator.

Lincoln started the war, asshole.

If you don't like it here then leave. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us.
Go found your own country where you can do what you like. Call it, The libertarian Republic of Jesus dumbfuckgunistan.

You leeches have a good thing going and don't want anything to screw that up, huh?

You morons don't get your way so you feel compelled to blow it all up. I would say your position is far more dangerous and idiotic especially since this has already been done. The lesson was already learned at a great cost but you all are just dumb enough not to have learned it.
A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing is one definition of a cult

It's incredible to me how Democrats unable to question or criticize the Democratic party would say something like this without getting an intense flaming feeling in your ass over the overt hypocrisy of the statement. Wow, you really have no self actualization at all

Thanks once again for the ad hominem. Calling others names, demeaning their character or intelligence is an example of someone thoughtless; suggesting I have not achieved "self actualization" is ridiculous, I suggest you read Maslow's Hiearchy of Needs before continuing to embarrass yourself by trying and failing to convince anyone you're educated.

Every time you say that, I only have to go back to your last post:

You and a few others see it is a document to be used to justify an ideology that contradicts the Mission Statement itself. For this reason alone you have no right to call yourself a patriot.

Look bitch, if you write serious posts to me then I write serious posts back, but you're a butt hurt hypocrite, it cracks me up how you constantly insult people then whine when you get insulted. And that is the correct use of whine, you are whining. Be serious and you'll get serious back, at least with me. But wow, your self actualization is non-existent. Amazing

"Look bitch"? How old are you?

You're an ideologue devoid of pragmatic & common sense.

If I insult people (oh, poor boy do you need a tissue?) maybe you and the other cry babies need to go somewhere where no one calls people libtards, dimocrats, or uses other chilldish slurs.

Maybe you ought to grow up and actually consider my comments/opinions. Most of the time I get a non substantive response plus an idiot -gram from those who don't read my words, and if they do they do not test them intellectually - their response is rote when anyone disagrees with the conservative or libertarian meme.
If I insult people (oh, poor boy do you need a tissue?


You: You insult people
Me: Here is your last post in this thread where you insulted bripat, that obviously isn't a standard for you
You: Oh, you need a tissue?

So you get to whine I insult you, and if I point out back you insult people, you say it's whining that you insulted me. That's hilarious, you are one stupid mother fucker.
The civil war was the evil south throwing a treasonous hissy fit over the erosion of their capacity to maintain the institution of slavery.

Myth is myth even when you repeat it a thousand times. If you care about fact, you might be interested to know that by early 1865 the Confederacy began the process of gradual emancipation, but Lee surrendered a few weeks later and so the process never had a chance to play out. But in February and March 1865 the Confederate Congress passed, and Jefferson Davis signed, a bill that opened the door for the emancipation of slaves who volunteered to serve as soldiers in the Confederate army. And, by the way, some slaves, even at that late hour, *did* volunteer, and thousands were already serving as combat soldiers even though the national government did not allow for or recognize their service.

Finally, which government, the U.S. or the CSA, *added* a slave state during the war--and after the Emancipation Proclamation was announced? Guess. You ready? The U.S.! The U.S. Congress and Lincoln allowed the newly created (stolen) "state" of West Virginia to join the Union--as a slave state. And that was after the Emancipation Proclamation had been announced!

Nothing you said contradicts what I said. Learn to use logic please.
The civil war was the evil south throwing a treasonous hissy fit over the erosion of their capacity to maintain the institution of slavery.

Myth is myth even when you repeat it a thousand times. If you care about fact, you might be interested to know that by early 1865 the Confederacy began the process of gradual emancipation, but Lee surrendered a few weeks later and so the process never had a chance to play out. But in February and March 1865 the Confederate Congress passed, and Jefferson Davis signed, a bill that opened the door for the emancipation of slaves who volunteered to serve as soldiers in the Confederate army. And, by the way, some slaves, even at that late hour, *did* volunteer, and thousands were already serving as combat soldiers even though the national government did not allow for or recognize their service.

Finally, which government, the U.S. or the CSA, *added* a slave state during the war--and after the Emancipation Proclamation was announced? Guess. You ready? The U.S.! The U.S. Congress and Lincoln allowed the newly created (stolen) "state" of West Virginia to join the Union--as a slave state. And that was after the Emancipation Proclamation had been announced!

Nothing you said contradicts what I said. Learn to use logic please.


That's funny!
If I insult people (oh, poor boy do you need a tissue?


You: You insult people
Me: Here is your last post in this thread where you insulted bripat, that obviously isn't a standard for you
You: Oh, you need a tissue?

So you get to whine I insult you, and if I point out back you insult people, you say it's whining that you insulted me. That's hilarious, you are one stupid mother fucker.

"Mother fucker"? The only people - I use the word people loosely - to call me that were in a cage. Safe and secure, known as punks. You hide behind a keyboard, safe and secure - thus you too are a punk.

Calling me stupid is one more example that you are thoughtless. But maybe that's to harsh, post something which suggests you are sagacious and panoptic - two measures of someone who is thoughtful.

Don't sweat it, I'll wait while you use Dictionary.Com.
"The doctrine of secession is a doctrine of treason, and practical secession is practical treason, seeking to give itself triumph by revolutionary violence." [80 U.S. 646, 650]
If I insult people (oh, poor boy do you need a tissue?


You: You insult people
Me: Here is your last post in this thread where you insulted bripat, that obviously isn't a standard for you
You: Oh, you need a tissue?

So you get to whine I insult you, and if I point out back you insult people, you say it's whining that you insulted me. That's hilarious, you are one stupid mother fucker.

"Mother fucker"? The only people - I use the word people loosely - to call me that were in a cage. Safe and secure, known as punks. You hide behind a keyboard, safe and secure - thus you too are a punk.

Calling me stupid is one more example that you are thoughtless. But maybe that's to harsh, post something which suggests you are sagacious and panoptic - two measures of someone who is thoughtful.

Don't sweat it, I'll wait while you use Dictionary.Com.

From the guy who likes to insult people and whine about being insulted. Look simpleton, I have two modes. Serious and fun. I don't mix them. You get to choose, but you must choose. You want serious, write serious posts. Else you get fun. That's how it works. You may now recommence whining that people you insult keep insulting you back...
There is no law against secession, so how can it be illegal?
Texas v White.

That's not a law. That's a bogus claim with no visible means of support issue by a gang of Lincoln selected hacks.
It's case law, you fucknut.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not valid.

In other words, it's nothing but the opinions of a bunch of political hacks put on the court specifically to make the decisions their benefactors wanted them to make.

Case Law is mostly a collection of lies and fairy tails.

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