IRS also targetted pro Israel - Jewish groups for audits


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Any questions that Hussein Obama's Democrat cronies in the govt. weren't behind this? Let's wait until the other shoe (or shoes) drops.

IRS May Also Have Targeted Pro-Israel Groups
Monday, 13 May 2013 09:44 A

Jewish groups may be receiving additional scrutiny from the Internal Revenue Service for having views on Israel that are contrary to those of the Obama administration and for possible connections to Israel, according to The Jewish Press.

The pro-Israel group Z STREET filed a lawsuit in 2010, claiming one of its representatives was told by an IRS agent that their tax exempt status application was receiving additional scrutiny since their organization was "connected to Israel." The representative was also told that some groups supportive of the Jewish state were assigned to "a special unit in the D.C. office to determine whether the organization's activities contradict the Administration's public policies," The Jewish Press reports.

Z-street filed a lawsuit against the IRS two-and-a-half years ago. They said that an IRS agent told them they were targeted because they were “connected to Israel.”

The Jewish Press reported that in addition, the IRS agent told a Z STREET representative that the applications of some of those Israel-related organizations have been assigned to “a special unit in the D.C. office to determine whether the organization’s activities contradict the Administration’s public policies.”

The Jewish Press » » IRS Punished Conservative Non-Profits, Perhaps Also Pro-Israel Groups

IRS Targeted Pro-Israel Group | Independent Sentinel

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