IRS Chief blames "two rogue workers", says they've already been punished

Not nearly good enough.......that's absolute bullshit...that's not going to quench my thirst....keep trying
The IG report was clear that this was a systemic problem involving, or at least with the knowledge of high level IRS officials.

Let's keep in mind, that the IRS lied to Congress about this issue in 2012.
The IG report said "several" not two. This is an attempt to downplay the seriousness of this misbehavior.
no matter what Obama loves and has to have the last word in anything that's going on, except when it fucks up then he let's those who are with him to take the blame no matter who it hurts. he's a cheezy little chump --------you can tell HIM I said so too
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Just a headline on CNN's website, no link to a story yet.

"Will no one relieve me of this troublesome priest?"

Here is the story link and text....

Source: 2 'rogue' workers behind IRS targeting of conservative groups -

"The Internal Revenue Service has identified two "rogue" employees in the agency's Cincinnati office as being principally responsible for "overly aggressive" handling of requests by conservative groups for tax-exempt status, a congressional source told CNN.

In a meeting on Capitol Hill, acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller described the employees as being "off the reservation," according to the source. It was not clear precisely what the alleged behavior involved...."
Yeah right. Rogue my ass.

Not only were they hog tying conservative groups but they were fast tracking liberal groups.

I just found a link to a letter confirming tax exempt status to the Barack H Obama foundation signed by Lois Lerner, the Director of Exempt Organizations. Apparently, this organization was fast tracked in world record time.

Here's the pdf link.

So you have on one hand the IRS definitely and without a doubt slowing down to snails pace (537 days approx. was the mean average and half of the applications still not processed )and then for liberal groups fast tracking.

Anyone who attempts to say that this was not "political interference" can kiss my ass.
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