IRS "Scandal"? No Such Thing


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
There is no IRS scandal targeting conservative groups, it was justified.
Here's why:

Actually, Karl Rove’s Group Spent A Lot More On Politics Than It Said

"New tax documents, made public last Tuesday, indicate that at least $11.2 million of the grant money given to the group Americans for Tax Reform was spent on political activities expressly advocating for or against candidates. ......This means Crossroads spent at least $85.7 million on political activities in 2012, not the $74.5 million reported to the Internal Revenue Service. That’s about 45 percent of its total expenditures."""

Yet Rove claimed the money was used for "social services".

Read more: New Tax Return Shows Karl Rove?s Group Spent Even More On Politics Than It Said - ProPublica
Wow! Such crickets.....Yup, when the tax returns started being released we're seeing there was no scandal and there's NO ONE here who will defend their guy Rove? LMAO.

Crickets from the cluckers.
I have to look into this when I have a minute - promise to get back in a few.

Here is Karl Rove’s American Crossroads tax return -

I have no clue at this point why this return was a problem. Was a penalty levelled against this group?

Sorry, not seeing how any impropriety occurred, here.

Is there some kind of proof about how the money was actually spent or is that just speculation?

While Crossroads GPS does not control how that money is spent, and while those groups do engage in political activity, those groups are subject to the same stipulations over campaign-politics and issue-advocacy.

Perhaps with regards to how money is being spent by the groups that are receiving the donations from Rove?

I'll check on that next.
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Ok, I can see, perhaps, why the IRS would be looking into the activities of these groups, but did they find anything? If not, are there left-wing outfits who have done the same thing that were also targeted?
[sarcasm]There are no laws broken here... yes I robbed the bank, but it was JUSTIFIED, I needed the money.[/sarcasm]

The IDIOCY of the left has no boundaries.
IRS "Scandal"? No Such Thing

There’s also no ‘scandal’ as contrived by the right, where the president himself instructed IRS officials to ‘target’ conservative groups, or knew of Administration officials who issued such instructions, and is currently overseeing a ‘cover up’ to hide his ‘misdeed.’

The desperation of the partisan right knows no bounds.
Just trying to determine at this juncture whether or not the IRS even acted improperly.

Do I think the president gave marching orders? No - unless someone can offer up some kind of proof to indicate otherwise.
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Larry O'Donnell from the last word picked up on this.

Daily Kos: The IRS screwed up. No political group should enjoy 501(c)(4) status

The tax law requires 501(c)(4) organizations to operate exclusively to promote the "public welfare." In 1959 the IRS edited their tax codes to only require that they mostly promote the public welfare.

This loophole has allowed political activists to assume that they can spend up to 49% of their budgets on political ads, while still maintaining tax-exempt status that allows them to keep their donors secret.

This massive loophole was never authorized by Congress!

The current version of the Revenue Act of 1913 provides a tax exemption for:

Civil leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare or local associations of employees, the membership of which is limited to the employees of a designated person or persons in a particular municipality, and the net earnings of which are devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purposes.

26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(4)(A)(emphasis added)

Then in 1959 the IRS redefined the term "promotion of social welfare" to depart radically from the statute:

[a]n organization is operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare if it is primarily engaged in promoting in some way the common good and general welfare of the people of the community. An organization embraced within this section is one which is operated primarily for the purpose of bringing about civic betterments and social improvements.

Treas. Reg. § 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(i)(emphasis added)

The source for this information is the watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Here is a link to CREW's rulemaking petition to the IRS.

The LAW does not comport with IRS rules.

IRS "Scandal"? No Such Thing

There’s also no ‘scandal’ as contrived by the right, where the president himself instructed IRS officials to ‘target’ conservative groups, or knew of Administration officials who issued such instructions, and is currently overseeing a ‘cover up’ to hide his ‘misdeed.’

The desperation of the partisan right knows no bounds.

Here's the kicker.

The dustup might have provided an avenue for the President to curb the massive and aggressive legislating from the Bench conservative judges engaged in under Citizen's United.

Obama administration proposes new rule curtailing political activities by nonprofit groups

Politically active nonprofit groups such as Crossroads GPS and the League of Conservation Voters could see their influence on campaigns dramatically curbed under a proposed rule announced Tuesday by the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service.

The new guidance would amend current regulations governing groups set up as “social welfare” organizations under Section 501(c)4 of the tax code. Such groups are supposed to make social welfare their "primary" purpose under current IRS regulations, a rule that is generally interpreted to mean that 501(c)4s must spend at least 51 percent of their funds on things such as community beautification and education.

The new rule would explicitly define which kind of activities are political and fall outside of the social welfare category, forcing such groups to be more careful about how they spend their funds. Under the proposed regulation, "candidate-related political activities" would include running ads that mention candidates close to Election Day, preparing voter guides or holding voter registration drives.
obama apologizes, people got canned....yep, no scandal


Quit being a dick - stick to the issue or shut the hell up.

Any thoughts on the OP?

The issue is was there a scandal.

Obama publicly apologized for the scandal.

People were fired because of the scandal.

So, I would along with Yurt, believe their was a scandal.

Is that to tough to figure out?
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Now if Crossroads screwed up on their submissions to the IRS let them pay the price for it.

But the scandal was in the deliberate delay in awarding tax exempt status to so many conservative groups who hadn't done a damn thing wrong.
IRS "Scandal"? No Such Thing

There’s also no ‘scandal’ as contrived by the right, where the president himself instructed IRS officials to ‘target’ conservative groups, or knew of Administration officials who issued such instructions, and is currently overseeing a ‘cover up’ to hide his ‘misdeed.’

The desperation of the partisan right knows no bounds.

Of course neither Obama nor administration officials instructed IRS officials (wink and nod) to target conservative groups. Obama learned about this phony scandal while watching the news.
When these groups loose their Tax Exempt Status I'll stop laughing at Democrats and take them seriously, in the meantime they appear moronic..

S.E.I.U, AFL-CIO, Laborors Union, NAACP, Democrats Attorneys General Association, Progressive Majority, Emily's List, Acorn, get the point.
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