IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row

Maybe because they recognize that these applications SHOULD be scrutinized.

Getting a tax exemption SHOULD be a difficult process for an organization. It's only fair to those of us who do pay our taxes and have to fill out sixteen forms on our income.

Uh no. Not when Liberal groups got through just fine. What you encourage is political and religious discrimination. Don't try to justify this. You will fail.

You haven't presented any evidence that there was discrimination.

There was scrutiny. There was scrutiny of left wing groups, too.

frankly, it's like if a bug hairy guy hands a credit card to a Cashier that says "Mary Smith", it isn't discrimination for the resturant to scrutinize that he might not be who he says he is...

When organizations that scream LET THEM DIE! about poor people who don't have health insurance try to claim tax exemptions for being a "social welfare agency", it isn't discrimination to try to determine if they aren't really a political organization.

It's kind of a simple thing, really.

Really, can you prove to me that the scrutiny was the same with liberal groups as with conservative? I mean listen to yourself. The IRS FLATLY ADMITTED LAST FRIDAY to targeting religious/conservative groups for extra scrutiny! It can't get any clearer than that!! Whether or not they did it to Liberals IS BESIDE THE POINT!

Look at my recent posts. I just proved it. Lerner even misled Congress about it. We aren't talking about misogyny or class warfare here. We are discussing why our government is so willing to target its political opponents. This is wrong, I don't care who or what does it. When your government is so eager to commit such treachery against it's own people, you should be worried; not spewing this meaningless liberal social justice garbage.

This rant is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the pertinent subject matter. Rant to someone who might be more gullible than I.
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Sounds to me like the liberal groups you cited actually filed the correct paperwork and were actually entitled to the exemption.

Here's the point. If you call yourself "The TEA PARTY", you are a poltiical group, not a social welfare agency...

Therefore- not entitled to tax exempt status.

Pretty simple, no?

Then why were most applications approved, just delayed long enough to miss one or two election cycles?

orrect concerns we
raised in the report, and corrective actions have not been fully implemented. Further, as our report notes, a substantial number of applications have been under review, some for more than three years and through two election cycles, and remain open. Until these cases are closed by the IRS and our recommendations are fully implemented, we do not consider the concerns in this report to be resolved.

As of December 17, 2012, many organizations had
not received an approval or denial letter for more than two years after they submitted their
applications. Some cases have been open during two election cycles (2010 and 2012). The
IRS Strategic Plan 2009–2013 has several goals and objectives that involve timely interacting with taxpayers, including enforcement of the tax law in a timely manner while minimizing taxpayer burden.

How is it a tell? Your ethnic hatred is plainly evident.

You spew irrelevance. And are a textbook narcissist to boot. Instead of debating me, you attack me. Saul Alinsky would probably get a woody over you. You are barbarous and uncivil. When you lack intelligent counterpoints, you gloat over you so-called "pragmatism" while attempting to shame and overwhelm your opponent with willpower alone.

Get over yourself Joe.

Guy, I'm making a monkey out of you, leaving you a sputtering mess.. but fortunately, it's off to work, so you can get a little bit of relief..

Religious Rubes, they'd be fun to beat on if they weren't so fuckin' sad.

No, you are the one acting like the monkey. Going apeshit when someone doesn't agree with you. No. It's off to work because you have no more viable points to argue. Run away you coward.

And was that a threat? Are you suggesting that people should be violent towards others of faith? You are a sick individual.
The only people to benefit from a Teabagger organization not gaining tax free status is the GOP. After all, it is the GOP that suffered from the insanity the Teabaggers spouted during the last election cycle. For the Dems, having the Teabagges front and center for the GOP is a gift from God.

That's absolutely true. The establishment GOP despises the Tea Party. The Tea Party has cost the GOP at least 6 Senate elections so far. The Democrats love to run against Tea Party candidates.

LOl, funny how they didn't cost them the one Important position, THE HOUSE..

but you people keep telling yourself this stupid line if IT HELPS..

now I go laugh my ass off at you all

Really? The GOP lost eight House seats in 2012.

Seats in Congress Gained or Lost by the President's Party in Presidential Election Years
It's amazing to witness the progressives on this board argue against the findings of Obama's Inspector General.

Man we have some bona fide looney tune lefties on USMB.

The IG for the Treasury Department uncovers a scandal. And that scandal goes high up. Obama finds this situation with the IRS "outrageous".

AG Holder orders the FBI to carry out a criminal investigation.

But in liberal la la land this is all just right wing propaganda.

Truly proving themselves to be knee pad wearing clowns on this one.
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That's absolutely true. The establishment GOP despises the Tea Party. The Tea Party has cost the GOP at least 6 Senate elections so far. The Democrats love to run against Tea Party candidates.

LOl, funny how they didn't cost them the one Important position, THE HOUSE..

but you people keep telling yourself this stupid line if IT HELPS..

now I go laugh my ass off at you all

Really? The GOP lost eight House seats in 2012.

Seats in Congress Gained or Lost by the President's Party in Presidential Election Years

And still hold the majority. Your point?
This isn't going to go away with the resignation of one person and a few slaps on the wrists. This went on for at least a year and a half, if not longer.

People above the "low level" employees doing it knew and allowed it to continue.

There will be jail time served.
What went on? Asking groups to prove they were non-profit?


Looks like you missed it so I'll remind you again..


If you don't believe me, here's his resignation letter:

May 15, 2013
The internal message to IRS Employees from Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller

Dear Colleagues,

It is with regret that I will be departing from the IRS as my acting assignment ends in early June. This has been an incredibly difficult time for the IRS given the events of the past few days, and there is a strong and immediate need to restore public trust in the nation's tax agency. I believe the Service will benefit from having a new Acting Commissioner in place during this challenging period. As I wrap up my time at the IRS, I will be focused on an orderly transition.

While I recognize that much work needs to be done to restore faith in the IRS, I don't want anyone to lose sight of the fact that the IRS is comprised of incredibly dedicated and hard-working public servants. During my 25-year IRS career, I am profoundly proud to have worked alongside you and to be part of an institution that has worked hard to support the nation. I have strong confidence in the IRS leadership team to continue the important work of our agency.

I want to thank everyone for all of their support and friendship during my career in government service. And I especially want to thank each and every one of you for your continued commitment to the nation's taxpayers.


Read the IRS acting commissioner?s resignation letter ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Unless the only things you consider to be "scandals" are Desperate Housewives episodes.
Of course he had to resign. Doesn't make any difference whether he was involved or had knowledge. It's politics.
What I find amazing.

That the very groups that denounce the government as evil and hate the IRS are wondering why the IRS wasn't bending over backwards to accept their application for tax exempt status.

It's like going to a resturant, complaining about how the waitress is fat and the food is awful and wondering why you don't get good service.

IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row

The Internal Revenue Service, under pressure after admitting it targeted anti-tax Tea Party groups for scrutiny in recent years, also had its eye on at least three Democratic-leaning organizations seeking nonprofit status.

One of those groups, Emerge America, saw its tax-exempt status denied, forcing it to disclose its donors and pay some taxes. None of the Republican groups have said their applications were rejected.
Progress Texas, another of the organizations, faced the same lines of questioning as the Tea Party groups from the same IRS office that issued letters to the Republican-friendly applicants. A third group, Clean Elections Texas, which supports public funding of campaigns, also received IRS inquiries.

In a statement late yesterday, the tax agency said it had pooled together the politically active nonpartisan applicants -- including a “minority” that were identified because of their names. “It is also important to understand that the group of centralized cases included organizations of all political views,” the IRS said in its statement.

Another "scandal" blown to bits! :lol:

THREE?... 3???

298 groups for special scrutiny, according to a congressional aide with knowledge of the report.
Seventy-two had “tea party” in their title, while 13 had “patriot” and 11 had “9/12,” the aide said.
Lingering questions about the IRS targeting of conservative groups

3 versus 298???

No...3 vs. 8

Only 8 groups were denied.

But don't let honesty stop you from your poutrage.

Of course he does.

For some reason he's like Charlie Brown and conservatives are like Lucy with a football.

Works every time.

One of the best comparisons I've heard yet of Obama.

So what you're saying is that Obama isn't as smart as the media and everyone else thought he was?

Interesting to hear someone actually come out and admit that.

What I find amazing.

That the very groups that denounce the government as evil and hate the IRS are wondering why the IRS wasn't bending over backwards to accept their application for tax exempt status.

It's like going to a resturant, complaining about how the waitress is fat and the food is awful and wondering why you don't get good service.


I find it amazing that you two believe that targeting groups is the same thing as not bending over backwards. Nuts.
What I find amazing.

That the very groups that denounce the government as evil and hate the IRS are wondering why the IRS wasn't bending over backwards to accept their application for tax exempt status.

It's like going to a resturant, complaining about how the waitress is fat and the food is awful and wondering why you don't get good service.


I find it amazing that you two believe that targeting groups is the same thing as not bending over backwards. Nuts.
Define 'targeting'.

I find it amazing that you two believe that targeting groups is the same thing as not bending over backwards. Nuts.
Define 'targeting'.

Define "define."

Let's just play semantics all day and try to get people running in circles, because that's good debate right there. (sarcasm off)

Do you really need that defined or are you just trying to deflect? Nevermind, I know the answer.

Rick is pretty testy for just returning to the board. What gives ricky? Nevermind

The fact that you choose to ignore the facts laid-out in the OP tells me all I need to know.

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