IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row

What I find amazing.

That the very groups that denounce the government as evil and hate the IRS are wondering why the IRS wasn't bending over backwards to accept their application for tax exempt status.

It's like going to a restaurant, complaining about how the waitress is fat and the food is awful and wondering why you don't get good service.

That has to be the worst analogy I've ever seen.

It's like going to a restaurant with a few buddies of yours, you hear that this restaurant is known for its good food. But suddenly as you wait in line ahead of some women, you are told to move to the back of the line so these women can be served first. Miffed at that fact, you and your buddies move to avoid causing a scene. Still hungry, you and the guys place your order and insist that the restaurant explain themselves for their sexist behavior. You get no response from the waiter. You are seated and told to wait for your food, you look around and the women who were moved ahead of you have already been served. A hour later, after these women have eaten their fill and departed; you are finally given what you ordered. You ask the waiter as you give your check, "Why were were moved behind those women earlier? And why were those women served before us? I demand to see your manager!"

The manager arrives and bluntly says, "You are men, and you smell bad, you deserve to wait while more desirable customers are served."

Hmmm.... why do I get the feeling that you were kept waiting in line at a hot club while some hot babes were moved to the front of the line because they were like, hot.

I think your misogyny is coming into clearer focus.

It should be pointed out that when a group calls itself "Taxed Enough Already" insists that IT deserves a tax exemption, that really ought to be looked at.

Calling me a misogynist has nothing to do with the thread. It was a fictitious analogy.

Joe, your hatred altogether has come into clearer focus now more than ever. And as an aside, you proved me right in my Real Racism thread. You people are plainly intolerant. Why is it you encourage such blatant discrimination against one group and not the other? Your hypocrisy and obvious double standards are clear for all to see.
The only people to benefit from a Teabagger organization not gaining tax free status is the GOP. After all, it is the GOP that suffered from the insanity the Teabaggers spouted during the last election cycle. For the Dems, having the Teabagges front and center for the GOP is a gift from God.
The only people to benefit from a Teabagger organization not gaining tax free status is the GOP. After all, it is the GOP that suffered from the insanity the Teabaggers spouted during the last election cycle. For the Dems, having the Teabagges front and center for the GOP is a gift from God.

You going to REPEAT this in every thread? and you expect people to BUY IT too

Do you hate all your fellow Americans or just the ones who don't buy into Obama?
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The only people to benefit from a Teabagger organization not gaining tax free status is the GOP. After all, it is the GOP that suffered from the insanity the Teabaggers spouted during the last election cycle. For the Dems, having the Teabagges front and center for the GOP is a gift from God.

That's absolutely true. The establishment GOP despises the Tea Party. The Tea Party has cost the GOP at least 6 Senate elections so far. The Democrats love to run against Tea Party candidates.
Liberal 501 (c) (4) applications were expedited. You have hundreds of conservative groups complaining that they received unusual scrutiny. You don't hear many Democrats up in arms, now do you?

Maybe because they recognize that these applications SHOULD be scrutinized.

Getting a tax exemption SHOULD be a difficult process for an organization. It's only fair to those of us who do pay our taxes and have to fill out sixteen forms on our income.

Uh no. Not when Liberal groups got through just fine. What you encourage is political and religious discrimination. Don't try to justify this. You will fail.

You haven't presented any evidence that there was discrimination.

There was scrutiny. There was scrutiny of left wing groups, too.

frankly, it's like if a bug hairy guy hands a credit card to a Cashier that says "Mary Smith", it isn't discrimination for the resturant to scrutinize that he might not be who he says he is...

When organizations that scream LET THEM DIE! about poor people who don't have health insurance try to claim tax exemptions for being a "social welfare agency", it isn't discrimination to try to determine if they aren't really a political organization.

It's kind of a simple thing, really.
The only people to benefit from a Teabagger organization not gaining tax free status is the GOP. After all, it is the GOP that suffered from the insanity the Teabaggers spouted during the last election cycle. For the Dems, having the Teabagges front and center for the GOP is a gift from God.

That's absolutely true. The establishment GOP despises the Tea Party. The Tea Party has cost the GOP at least 6 Senate elections so far. The Democrats love to run against Tea Party candidates.

LOl, funny how they didn't cost them the one Important position, THE HOUSE..

but you people keep telling yourself this stupid line if IT HELPS..

now I go laugh my ass off at you all
None of these political groups posing as non-political groups should be getting 501c status. Period.

YOU mean like NAACP that endorses and donates to 99% Democrats?
The NAACP enjoys non-profit status, and is thus bound by tax law to remain nonpartisan. That means it cannot have a party affiliation, bias or designation.
However, the NAACP's new legislative report card indicates a decidedly pro-Democrat and anti-Republican bent.

What bills best represented the NAACP? Among the selected votes were opposition to ending taxpayer funding of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood, opposing a balanced budget amendment, protecting discriminatory Davis-Bacon Act union preferences and supporting EPA rules that will raise energy prices. This is a civil rights agenda? What happened to the NAACP of yesteryear?

Inalienable rights are those God gave to man. This fundamental truth is laid out in the Declaration of Independence, and is protected by the Constitution. Government is solely designed to uphold those rights.

While the NAACP's report card essentially skewers Republicans for opposing what they deem to be civil rights, closer examination of their legislative preferences reveals that the NAACP's agenda is the one working against freedom and liberty.
NAACP: Now a Partisan Tool?

Oh did I as Obama states all the time "mention the above was written by a black man"???
The only people to benefit from a Teabagger organization not gaining tax free status is the GOP. After all, it is the GOP that suffered from the insanity the Teabaggers spouted during the last election cycle. For the Dems, having the Teabagges front and center for the GOP is a gift from God.

You going to REPEAT this in every thread? and you expect people to BUY IT too

Do you hate all your fellow Americans or just the ones who don't buy into Obama?

What, only right wingnuts get to repeat talking points over and over?
None of these political groups posing as non-political groups should be getting 501c status. Period.

YOU mean like NAACP that endorses and donates to 99% Democrats?
The NAACP enjoys non-profit status, and is thus bound by tax law to remain nonpartisan. That means it cannot have a party affiliation, bias or designation.
However, the NAACP's new legislative report card indicates a decidedly pro-Democrat and anti-Republican bent.

What bills best represented the NAACP? Among the selected votes were opposition to ending taxpayer funding of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood, opposing a balanced budget amendment, protecting discriminatory Davis-Bacon Act union preferences and supporting EPA rules that will raise energy prices. This is a civil rights agenda? What happened to the NAACP of yesteryear?

Inalienable rights are those God gave to man. This fundamental truth is laid out in the Declaration of Independence, and is protected by the Constitution. Government is solely designed to uphold those rights.

While the NAACP's report card essentially skewers Republicans for opposing what they deem to be civil rights, closer examination of their legislative preferences reveals that the NAACP's agenda is the one working against freedom and liberty.
NAACP: Now a Partisan Tool?

Oh did I as Obama states all the time "mention the above was written by a black man"???
View attachment 25952

Ah, so IRS harrassment of groups you don't like is good..but when it's a group you like it's bad.

That's not way..

That has to be the worst analogy I've ever seen.

It's like going to a restaurant with a few buddies of yours, you hear that this restaurant is known for its good food. But suddenly as you wait in line ahead of some women, you are told to move to the back of the line so these women can be served first. Miffed at that fact, you and your buddies move to avoid causing a scene. Still hungry, you and the guys place your order and insist that the restaurant explain themselves for their sexist behavior. You get no response from the waiter. You are seated and told to wait for your food, you look around and the women who were moved ahead of you have already been served. A hour later, after these women have eaten their fill and departed; you are finally given what you ordered. You ask the waiter as you give your check, "Why were were moved behind those women earlier? And why were those women served before us? I demand to see your manager!"

The manager arrives and bluntly says, "You are men, and you smell bad, you deserve to wait while more desirable customers are served."

Hmmm.... why do I get the feeling that you were kept waiting in line at a hot club while some hot babes were moved to the front of the line because they were like, hot.

I think your misogyny is coming into clearer focus.

It should be pointed out that when a group calls itself "Taxed Enough Already" insists that IT deserves a tax exemption, that really ought to be looked at.

Calling me a misogynist has nothing to do with the thread. It was a fictitious analogy.

Joe, your hatred altogether has come into clearer focus now more than ever. And as an aside, you proved me right in my Real Racism thread. You people are plainly intolerant. Why is it you encourage such blatant discrimination against one group and not the other? Your hypocrisy and obvious double standards are clear for all to see.

The analogy you picked was kind of a tell... you must be an awful poker player.

I'm a pragmatist. Elections have consequences. It's not discrimination to actually apply the law.
Liberal 501 (c) (4) applications were expedited. You have hundreds of conservative groups complaining that they received unusual scrutiny. You don't hear many Democrats up in arms, now do you?

Do you have proof that liberal groups' applications were 'expedited'. I haven't seen that.

IRS gave liberal groups a pass as it targeted conservatives: report - Political Watch - MarketWatch

Evidence is mounting that the Internal Revenue Service gave far better treatment to left-wing groups than those on the right, with data showing the agency approved dozens of liberal and progressive organizations as tax-exempt while leaving conservative groups hanging.

No tea party applications were approved in a 27-month period beginning February 2010. But numerous applications from liberal and progressive groups were given tax-exempt status during the same period, USA Today reported.

Some of those approved:

-Bus for Progress, New Jersey nonprofit organization whose mission is to support "progressive politicians with the courage to serve the people's interests and make tough choices." The group, which uses a red, white and blue bus to "drive the progressive change," was approved as a social-welfare group in April 2011.
-Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, approved in September 2011. The group says it fights against corporate welfare and toward increasing the minimum wage.
-Progress Florida, which lobbies the Sunshine State's legislature to expand Medicaid under the provisions of Obamacare, and was approved in January 2011.

The groups, like the tea party organizations, sought tax reductions as social-welfare groups.

Report: IRS Rushed Through Obama Charity Tax Exemptions
Hmmm.... why do I get the feeling that you were kept waiting in line at a hot club while some hot babes were moved to the front of the line because they were like, hot.

I think your misogyny is coming into clearer focus.

It should be pointed out that when a group calls itself "Taxed Enough Already" insists that IT deserves a tax exemption, that really ought to be looked at.

Calling me a misogynist has nothing to do with the thread. It was a fictitious analogy.

Joe, your hatred altogether has come into clearer focus now more than ever. And as an aside, you proved me right in my Real Racism thread. You people are plainly intolerant. Why is it you encourage such blatant discrimination against one group and not the other? Your hypocrisy and obvious double standards are clear for all to see.

The analogy you picked was kind of a tell... you must be an awful poker player.

I'm a pragmatist. Elections have consequences. It's not discrimination to actually apply the law.

How is it a tell? Your ethnic hatred is plainly evident.

You spew irrelevance. And are a textbook narcissist to boot. Instead of debating me, you attack me. Saul Alinsky would probably get a woody over you. You are barbarous and uncivil. When you lack intelligent counterpoints, you gloat over you so-called "pragmatism" while attempting to shame and overwhelm your opponent with willpower alone.

Get over yourself Joe.
Sounds to me like the liberal groups you cited actually filed the correct paperwork and were actually entitled to the exemption.

Here's the point. If you call yourself "The TEA PARTY", you are a poltiical group, not a social welfare agency...

Therefore- not entitled to tax exempt status.

Pretty simple, no?

How is it a tell? Your ethnic hatred is plainly evident.

You spew irrelevance. And are a textbook narcissist to boot. Instead of debating me, you attack me. Saul Alinsky would probably get a woody over you. You are barbarous and uncivil. When you lack intelligent counterpoints, you gloat over you so-called "pragmatism" while attempting to shame and overwhelm your opponent with willpower alone.

Get over yourself Joe.

Guy, I'm making a monkey out of you, leaving you a sputtering mess.. but fortunately, it's off to work, so you can get a little bit of relief..

Religious Rubes, they'd be fun to beat on if they weren't so fuckin' sad.
None of these political groups posing as non-political groups should be getting 501c status. Period.

YOU mean like NAACP that endorses and donates to 99% Democrats?
The NAACP enjoys non-profit status, and is thus bound by tax law to remain nonpartisan. That means it cannot have a party affiliation, bias or designation.
However, the NAACP's new legislative report card indicates a decidedly pro-Democrat and anti-Republican bent.

What bills best represented the NAACP? Among the selected votes were opposition to ending taxpayer funding of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood, opposing a balanced budget amendment, protecting discriminatory Davis-Bacon Act union preferences and supporting EPA rules that will raise energy prices. This is a civil rights agenda? What happened to the NAACP of yesteryear?

Inalienable rights are those God gave to man. This fundamental truth is laid out in the Declaration of Independence, and is protected by the Constitution. Government is solely designed to uphold those rights.

While the NAACP's report card essentially skewers Republicans for opposing what they deem to be civil rights, closer examination of their legislative preferences reveals that the NAACP's agenda is the one working against freedom and liberty.
NAACP: Now a Partisan Tool?

Oh did I as Obama states all the time "mention the above was written by a black man"???
View attachment 25952

Ah, so IRS harrassment of groups you don't like is good..but when it's a group you like it's bad.

That's not way..


IRS is questioned why a supposedly "non-partisan" is given 501c status that donates 99% of time and money to democrats.
That's not hypocrisy.. that's fairness I thought?
Liberal 501 (c) (4) applications were expedited. You have hundreds of conservative groups complaining that they received unusual scrutiny. You don't hear many Democrats up in arms, now do you?

Do you have proof that liberal groups' applications were 'expedited'. I haven't seen that.

As applications from conservative groups sat in limbo, groups with liberal-sounding names had their applications approved in as little as nine months. With names including words like "Progress" or "Progressive," the liberal groups applied for the same tax status and were engaged in the same kinds of activities as the conservative groups. They included:

• Bus for Progress, a New Jersey non-profit that uses a red, white and blue bus to "drive the progressive change." According to its website, its mission includes "support (for) progressive politicians with the courage to serve the people's interests and make tough choices." It got an IRS approval as a social welfare group in April 2011.

• Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment says it fights against corporate welfare and for increasing the minimum wage. "It would be fair to say we're on the progressive end of the spectrum," said executive director Jeff Ordower. He said the group got tax-exempt status in September 2011 in just nine months after "a pretty simple, straightforward process."

• Progress Florida, granted tax-exempt status in January 2011, is lobbying the Florida Legislature to expand Medicaid under a provision of the Affordable Care Act, one of President Obama's signature accomplishments. The group did not return phone calls. "We're busy fighting to build a more progressive Florida and cannot take your call right now," the group's voice mail said.

Like the Tea Party groups, the liberal groups sought recognition as social welfare groups under Section 501(c)(4) of the tax code, based on activities like "citizen participation" or "voter education and registration."

IRS approved liberal groups while Tea Party in limbo
IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row?

Sure they did. :cuckoo:

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