IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Aren't people sick of Big Brother yet? Thought your Dear Leader was giving you a choice on Healthcare? Well, think again. You better do it...or else. The Mandate is just wrong. I've said that from the beginning. Shame on all who have supported it.

Agency employs Orwellian term “Shared Responsibility Payment” to describe Obamacare individual mandate tax.

President Obama’s Internal Revenue Service today quietly released a series of Obamacare “Health Care Tax Tips” warning Americans that they must obtain “qualifying” health insurance – as defined by the federal government – or face a “shared responsibility payment” when filing their tax returns in 2015. The term “shared responsibility payment” refers to the Obamacare individual mandate tax, one of at least seven tax hikes in the healthcare law that directly hit families making less than $250,000 per year.

In “Four Tax Facts about the Health Care Law for Individuals” the agency writes:

Your 2014 tax return will ask if you had insurance coverage or qualified for an exemption. If not, you may owe a shared responsibility payment when you file in 2015.

In “The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment- An Overview” the agency warns Americans they must prove they were covered each and every month of the year:
For any month in 2014 that you or any of your dependents don’t maintain coverage and don’t qualify for an exemption, you will need to make an individual shared responsibility payment with your 2014 tax return filed in 2015.

In “IRS Reminds Individuals of Health Care Choices for 2014”the agency details the calculations Americans can look forward to if they are liable for the tax:

If you (or any of your dependents) do not maintain coverage and do not qualify for an exemption, you will need to make an individual shared responsibility payment with your return. In general, the payment amount is either a percentage of your household income or a flat dollar amount, whichever is greater. You will owe 1/12th of the annual payment for each month you (or your dependents) do not have coverage and are not exempt. The annual payment amount for 2014 is the greater of:

1 percent of your household income that is above the tax return filing threshold for your filing status, such as Married Filing Jointly or single, or

Your family’s flat dollar amount, which is $95 per adult and $47.50 per child, limited to a maximum of $285.

As confirmed by previous IRS testimony to the tax-writing House Committee on Ways and Means, “taxpayers will file their tax returns reporting their health insurance coverage, and/or making a payment”.

Once fully phased in, the Obamacare individual mandate tax will rise steeply, to a maximum of 2.5 percent of Adjusted Gross Income or $2,085 – whichever is higher

Americans for Tax Reform : IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return
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“Shared Responsibility Payment”


That's like

Voluntary mandate. You have to give these Statists credit. The Orwelien doublespeak is impressive. One has to wonder how many hours of mental masterbation must go into thinking this shit up.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

I do not support forcing this on Citizens. Threatening fines or even imprisonment over Healthcare, is Un-American. The Mandate has to go. Period, end of story.
“Shared Responsibility Payment”


That's like

Voluntary mandate. You have to give these Statists credit. The Orwelien doublespeak is impressive. One has to wonder how many hours of mental masterbation must go into thinking this shit up.

Sadly, most of his loyal Obamabots are completely ignorant of reality. But i have a feeling they'll be snapped back to reality when his IRS Henchmen come calling. They really are clueless people. They have absolutely no idea what they've supported.
Paulitician - Tell us why you are choosing not to purchase health insurance. I'd like to hear your reasons why.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

Please explain point 1.

If you haven't been around, let me help you.

Obamacare is raising health care premiums on most. So "free" ?

Don't think so.

Unless you plan to sponge.
How long before they force us, all under "shared responsibility" umbrella to pay for someone else credit card debt, car or mortgage payment? According to libs mindset, it would be fair...
Ame®icano;8689066 said:
How long before they force us, all under "shared responsibility" umbrella to pay for someone else credit card debt, car or mortgage payment? According to libs mindset, it would be fair...

Think about the minimum wage argument.

Just who decides what is "fair". Them ? Good grief !!!
The Dear Leader says..."Get that Insurance...Or Else!!"

Amazing so many loyal Obamabots supported this travesty of Justice. But like i said, the IRS will be sure to snap them back to reality. They truly believed they had a choice in this. They believed everything their Dear leader told them. Except the part where he said, 'Do as i say, or you'll pay the price."
The Dear Leader says..."Get that Insurance...Or Else!!"

Amazing so many loyal Obamabots supported this travesty of Justice. But like i said, the IRS will be sure to snap them back to reality. They truly believed they had a choice in this. They believed everything their Dear leader told them. Except the part where he said, 'Do as i say, or you'll pay the price."

Don't worry, they'll find someone else to pay the price for them.

They complain about paying to get an ID, imagine outcry over this...
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

I'll choose #3) False Premise

The only way it is a false premise is if we don't admit people to the ER or turn hospitals into collection agencies.

Feel free to argue those points.

I prefer my tax dollars being used to support those that use the ER, than for the government to decide that I have insurance for things I do not need.

I accept my responsibility as an American citizen to have my tax dollars help those in need.

And I will go one step farther...I do not recall ANYONE campaigning to have "free ER care" eliminated.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

No indignation over people using the ER for free, because that wasn't Obama's brainchild.

$450 billion dollars worth of write-offs per year is OK with republicans - If It wasn't, it would have been front and center.

They didn't address it, so it got addressed by dems.
I really do think the Obamabots thought they had a choice. Most didn't understand what their Dear Leader was doing. He wasn't asking them to get insured. He was mandating they get insured. And he's using intimidation & force to make sure that happens. It's as Un-American as it gets. So many just didn't understand what they were supporting. I guess we can blame our failing Public Schools for that somewhat. Much of his base is ignorant & uninformed. They just went along because Obama said it. It's very sad.
People who cannot provide means of payment up front should receive only the treatment needed to stabilize their emergency. However, hospital should be using all legal means available to receive payment for their services.

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