IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid...

Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

How about this?

Where are the 48 million people that Obama said over and over did not have coverage.
Aren't they the reason we are where we are today?

How about they get off their asses and buy into this shitty law. :eek:

They'll be shocked when the IRS comes calling. This is not about choice. Their Dear Leader is Mandating it. Most of his followers are just too ignorant to understand what they've supported.
My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!

For decades now, the Democrats have been saying loud and clear what they would do about healthcare if they were given a chance. And with this knowledge fully in the minds of the GOP, what did the GOP do to fix a broken healthcare system when ALL the reins of power were in their hands?


The GOP completely capitulated on the issue. They left it for the Democrats to solve.

We were sold down the river.

Just tattoo it on your forehead. Thank God you own it.
Hey dumbshit. I own nothing. I am merely pointing out this giant steaming pile of rancid shit that is ObamaCare is just as much the GOP's creation as the Democrats.

The GOP consented to this by their silence and inaction.

All this screaming and renting of their clothes after the fact is theater for you rubes.

List one Republican that voted for it. It ain't law til you vote for it and the asswipe in the wh signs it. So go ahead list ONE Republican who voted for it. If you can't you own it dumbs hit. Go ahead. Do it.
Hey old dumb shit g5000 why you run from obamacare? Ain't that your shining achievement? Stand fucking proud. Not one Republican voted for it. Not a damn one. :eusa_angel:
I'm curious as to how they are going to enforce this. When I filled out my tax return there was a box that simply asked whether or not you had health insurance. It was just a yes or no. There was no policy validation question to follow it up with, so as far as I can tell, you can just lie and say you do. I don't think they're really going to know unless you happen to get audited.
I'm curious as to how they are going to enforce this. When I filled out my tax return there was a box that simply asked whether or not you had health insurance. It was just a yes or no. There was no policy validation question to follow it up with, so as far as I can tell, you can just lie and say you do. I don't think they're really going to know unless you happen to get audited.

They have 1600 new irs agents to do just that!
I'll choose #3) False Premise

The only way it is a false premise is if we don't admit people to the ER or turn hospitals into collection agencies.

Feel free to argue those points.

I prefer my tax dollars being used to support those that use the ER, than for the government to decide that I have insurance for things I do not need.

I accept my responsibility as an American citizen to have my tax dollars help those in need.

And I will go one step farther...I do not recall ANYONE campaigning to have "free ER care" eliminated.
Sorry you are in error Obamacare eliminates the federal ER subsidy that avoids a taking clause lawsuit over free ER care. Obama did campaign on this act as written in 2012. So, you are in error even though the lawsuits and/or hospital closures have not yet happened.
Aren't people sick of Big Brother yet? Thought your Dear Leader was giving you a choice on Healthcare? Well, think again. You better do it...or else. The Mandate is just wrong. I've said that from the beginning. Shame on all who have supported it.

That would be the rightwing

Heritage Foundation

(the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not

once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

So? whats your point?

You missed...

This bill was introduced on February 5, 2009
third- bipartisan


This bill was introduced on March 5, 2009

So no, it's not 'right wing', especially when Romney had a D controlled state.
They worked together!

I know, strange idea, ain't it?
Getting past the talking points which some are exaggerations, others not so much, the mandate part is un-American. Also supporting the current status quo prior to Obamacare is also un-American and just plain stupid.
I bet no one can find an economist (who isn't an ideologue), that doesn't fear that the status quo US healthcare system won't cause cause a huge downturn in the US economy if it continues is unbridled pace. The US pays way, way too much for what it gets. The US does not have the best healthcare in the world, only the very gullible fall for that line of BS. The US is by far #1 in the world as far as cost goes. That economically kills businesses, families and individuals economically and is eating up this country's GDP.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

You are asking a loaded question here,
like asking a prolife person would you rather:
1# fund abortions even if you are against them
2# let women suffer in back alleys with illegal abortions

who says the "only choice" is funding this through YOUR system
or else "people will die"

what about
3# credit taxpayers or collect back on tax money lost to corporate corruption or crime,
and use THAT money to pay for health care, education and other social services
on a sustainable basis, such as
* loans instead of welfare, work-study programs and restitution from convicts to cover costs to society
of prosecution and incarceration (which far exceeds the cost of health care and education)
especially for criminals who PUT someone in the hospital and racked up medical costs.

why not charge the people responsible for the costs, instead of taxing the labor
and depriving the freedom of law abiding citizens who committed no crimes
* tax breaks to reward citizens for setting up teaching hospitals,
medical internship programs, or other clinic services that combine
education and public health to reduce the cost and increase the access of both

if ACA is used as tactic like holding someone hostage until better reforms are passed,
who is taking responsibility for why this hostage tactic was used and the cost of it.
why is that being charged to the victims protesting instead of the party pushing this flawed bill?
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That would be the rightwing

Heritage Foundation

(the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not

once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

So? whats your point?

You missed...

This bill was introduced on February 5, 2009
third- bipartisan


This bill was introduced on March 5, 2009

So no, it's not 'right wing', especially when Romney had a D controlled state.
They worked together!

I know, strange idea, ain't it?

A. the fact that the previous attempts died showed there wasn't support for it
B. Romney's bill was voted on per State. this allows the people to have a more direct say per State, not imposing mandates by federal govt on the States without people voting.
Getting past the talking points which some are exaggerations, others not so much, the mandate part is un-American. Also supporting the current status quo prior to Obamacare is also un-American and just plain stupid.
I bet no one can find an economist (who isn't an ideologue), that doesn't fear that the status quo US healthcare system won't cause cause a huge downturn in the US economy if it continues is unbridled pace. The US pays way, way too much for what it gets. The US does not have the best healthcare in the world, only the very gullible fall for that line of BS. The US is by far #1 in the world as far as cost goes. That economically kills businesses, families and individuals economically and is eating up this country's GDP.

And how are you going to prove that ?

What you can say is that in the U.S. you can buy the best health care in the world. Nobody beats our top of the line medical care.

I am not going to bash anyone's system. Bashing mine gets you no points especially when you do nothing but quote the oft repeated crap that you've stated above.
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Amazing so many Americans are still living the illusion they're actually free People. Everywhere they turn, Big brother is there to bully and abuse. When are they gonna have enough?
Hi G5000
Are you taking into account the difference between States passing a mandate for their State and through their reps all representing the same State where this mandate would apply


a mandate passed for ALL STATES (without their reps specifically voting on it) on the federal level. So this NEW idea of using the IRS (not state taxes) to penalize citizens for not
buying health insurance and/or using federal govt to regulate religious exemptions

brings up new issues on a federal level that are DIFFERENT from a state level

A. on a federal level, normally a Constitutional amendment is required before
expanding the authority of federal govt to implement this "hybrid" mandate
mixing private insurance business contracts with federal taxation through the IRS.
this is not the usual format of federal govt regulation, but a new creation.
thus, such an innovation normally requires a constitutional amendment before
giving federal govt such authority to implement a reform not given in the Constitution

B. states rights vs federal rights have been brought up, especially with the religious issues at stake. with the legalization of marijuana, arguments are defending this by claiming states rights over federal laws by which marijuana is still illegal. so which way is it?

C. religious freedom issues where the federal govt is clearly mandating fines against those who chose to exercise beliefs that "health care is a choice" while forcing the taxes to go into programs that favor beliefs in "health care is a right". if the bill were equal, then there would be equal requirements to pay into the other system up front, not just one system.

furthermore the federal govt is regulating WHICH religious beliefs qualify for exemptions, again discriminating on the basis of religion or creed, which federal govt is not authorized to do but prohibited by the First Amendment. by the fourteenth amendment, people's beliefs in either right to health care or right to choose should be equally protected by law.

States have rights to implement policies if their citizens agree to use the process to make these public policy. Even that can be contested on Constitutional grounds, the same way this is on a federal level. There is a difference.

And if you do not see a difference, but someone else does by their beliefs in Constitutional laws or states rights, those people have equal rights to their beliefs as you do.

Just because you and I do not believe the same things, does not give us the right to abuse federal govt to impose mandates that violates the beliefs of others we don't share.

that is what is going wrong here, where federal mandates that don't respect such beliefs equally is unconstitutional, and not even recognized because people's beliefs don't agree!

That would be the rightwing Heritage Foundation (the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

So? whats your point?

My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!


For decades now, the Democrats have been saying loud and clear what they would do about healthcare if they were given a chance. And with this knowledge fully in the minds of the GOP, what did the GOP do to fix a broken healthcare system for all Americans when ALL the reins of power were in their hands?


Well. Not exactly nothing. They created a trillion dollar entitlement program for seniors to get votes for 2004, WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT. So all this current bellyaching about budgets is hypocrisy in the extreme.

The GOP completely capitulated on the issue. They left it for the Democrats to solve.

We were sold down the river.

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